Looking for accountability buddies!

Hi! 👋 I'm a 30 year old mom with 3 kids. I would like to lose about 75 pounds as of right now. Unfortunately I just had to make the switch from keto to low fat due to having my gallbladder out. (I tried to continue but the pain and vomiting just isn't worth it)

Anywho, anyone looking for friends or accountability buddies because I could use all the support I can get!

Tell me about yourself down below or add me! 😃


  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,089 Member
    Give a team approach a try! There is a lot of power in working together with the same people week after week - encouraging each other, getting through the times when you would give up if they weren't there, becoming more and more committed and accountable. And having fun!

    Have a look at the Fat2Fit group - it is a challenge and support group with six teams. Yes, there is competition to see who loses the most, but there are lots of other elements that help every team member who gets in there and makes it work. Take a look! If you want to give it a try, sign up for August, and hopefully you'll like it so much you'll stay.

    The sign-up thread is https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10804912/registration-for-new-members-august-2020#latest
  • Thearchybunker78
    Thearchybunker78 Posts: 317 Member
    same boat!
  • jesscox2003
    jesscox2003 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi there! I am a mom to 3 kiddos as well. Ages 17, 14, 10. since covid 19 started in 2020, I have moved across the country, changed jobs, had a few teeth pulled and gained back all of the weight i had previously lost. I am trying to start over again. If you think we might be good accountability partners, you can add me. Times are rough and it will be nice to have someone else that understands
  • Kaken21
    Kaken21 Posts: 78 Member
    Hey! I'm a 31 year old single mom of a 3 year old boy. I lost 80 pounds years ago but put about 55 back on with my pregnancy etc. I just started my journey to lose the weight again. Add me if you would like. Remember to have fun with this and dont be too hard on yourself!
  • Lhenderson923
    Lhenderson923 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi! I’m a new mom of a nine week old boy. I gained 50lbs in pregnancy and I have about 12lbs to go to get back to prepregnancy weight, but then I’d like to lose another 30lbs on top of that. I lost 60lbs using MFP in 2018 and kept most of it off (until I got pregnant), so I know I can do it! Only this time I’m looking to add support friends as well, which I didn’t do the first time around. Feel free to add me!