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Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge



  • jennyod2
    jennyod2 Posts: 2 Member
    I just have to say that your an amazing person to set these challenges up and help others that you have never even met. Your a huge factor in our weight loss success! Cheers to you!
  • julzmamabear
    julzmamabear Posts: 55 Member
    1. I always drink more then 8 glasses of water a day, so that's an easy one for me.
    2. I am going to start jogging, I'm hoping to do the C25K
    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    Well, I have 6 kids with 4 of them being born in the past 4 years(I had babies in March 2007, Jan 2008, July 2009 & July 2010). So once I got close to losing my pregnancy weight I wound up pregnant again. In 2008 I lost my 2 month 9 day old daughter to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), with the depression alone I gained a good 40 lbs, we were trying to get pregnant again and it just wasn't happening so that added to my depression, then I finally landed up pregnant 7 months after she died. I used food as my comfort I tried to fill my emptiness with food. I went on to have a baby boy in July of 2009 after 4 months of modified bed rest, then 3 months later I was pregnant again, and landed up on bedrest due to preeclampsia & preterm labor, I was in a hospital room away from my family and all i had to look forward to was breakfast, lunch & dinner. Even when they finally let me go home I was still on strict bed rest and in and out of the hospital until I delivered in July of 2010 (my boys are 1 year and 1 day apart). Since then I had been up & down with my weight loss and this is the biggest I have ever been, excpet for pregnancy, I would gain a few lose a few, but nothing consistent. I found myself not only being depressed and missing my sweet baby girl, but becoming more depressed about the way I looked and I knew I needed to make a change to better myself. I want to be happy and feel better because I'm healthy, I wanted to do all of these things for my kids. So here I am, working for a better ME!!!
  • Kassie37
    Kassie37 Posts: 16 Member
    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated??

    ---Yea, not doing so hot on this, never do. I like caffeine! On that note...I will go fill up my water bottle immediately! ...done!

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    ---Well, I haven't tried anything specifically new...I did go out dancing saturday, which isn't new just haven't done it in awhile, so I'm a smidge sore. :P I haven't been going to the gym, b/c it's been crazy nice. I used to go 3 times a week or so and weight lift along with cardio. I plan on working that back in this week.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    ---I'm not sure that I have a specific answer for this. I think I first started gaining weight when I started drinking on a regular basis, so college. Then I moved out of my parents house and that seemed to impact it too. It was gradual weight gain and to be honest I had been thin and borderline under weight my entire life, so I liked the extra pounds. It gave me some curves for once! Soooo, at the time I wasn't too concerned. Then mid way to the end of my college years I ended my engagement and sort of just crapped out in college. I partied a lot and didn't go to classes, etc etc. Basically I hit an all time low and I definitely wasn't taking care of myself in any way. I'd see pictures of myself and just think...who is this person?! argh, it was disgusting really. After I graduated, I couldn't find a job so I just took one at an ice cream joint I used to work at...not a good idea! Basically, as I got older I just kept eating like I did in hig hschool...b/c then I could eat whatever I wanted and I never gained a pound...ridiculous. Anyway, after about 3 months I got the job I have now and moved across the state. I was feeling depressed and lonely...and like many people turned to food for comfort and out of boredom [which I still do the latter I think]. My highest weight [that I know of] was around 167 or so. [Too put it into perspective, I'm only 5'4" - on a good day, lol] Then one day it just snapped or something idk, I figured if I'm bored - instead of eating maybe I should work out or something. I joined WW online and that helped me drop 15 lbs in about 9 months. This was probably 2.5 years ago...so I definitely haven't come as far as I'd like, but I'm refocused and am currently at my lowest weight in years. I'm more aware of what I eat and I'm actually active...before I was the definition of a couch potato [or computer desk potato, lol]. I still have a little ways to go, but I'm feeling good about it all!
    One nugget of advice I have is too get support. Get people who will acknowledge your little successes and encourage you...and who may even say something when you go for that 2nd or 3rd serving and tell you NO! lol Having some people in your corner makes a huge difference!!

    Good luck everyone!
  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member

    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts.

    (1.A) I usually drink between half a gallon and a gallon of water each day. (64-128 oz) It's easier for me to keep track of how much I drink this way. :)

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time.

    (2.A) Does walking/being dragged down the street for an hour by two huge dogs count?? XD lol jk I'm actually starting up kickboxing again this week. :) Looking forward to it.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations?

    (3.A) I was always super shy in school. By no means was I fat, but being from a middle eastern background I was chubbier and had thicker hair than all the other girls in tiny town Oregon. So This was means for teasing ground I suppose. The teasing started when I was in 2nd grade and continued and worsened through junior high. Since I didn't make many friends I never had excuses to go out... I remember one summer when I was in the 4th grade, I was so depressed I sat inside everyday just watching TV and eating half a bag of chips. I eventually refused to go out of the house out of fear that people would stare at me because I was fat (I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder) The more depressed I got, the more I'd eat. Until I eventually hit my highest weight at just 12 years old, 220 lbs. By this time I had started skipping school just so I wouldn't have to deal with the torment, and had become depressed and even suicidal at points. After lots of begging my mom finally pulled me out of public school and I began home-school from 8th grade on. At this point I'm sure you'd think I ballooned even more, however this was finally my turning point. I finally didn't have to hear those nasty remarks at school, I could become a new me. I was tired of being depressed and hating what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I was sick of not being able to find clothes especially cute ones (vain yes but I was a teenage girl after all) XD So I started dieting, using the apartments gym, and forcing myself to get out more. First with grocery stores, then malls. and for my 13th birthday and my biggest challenge with SAD, Disneyland. I passed with flying colors, not once did I even think about the people around me. My weight loss continued for a few years, but then old habits snuck up and I fluctuated between 190 and 220 until I turned 19. Since then it's been slowly going down. Until college, well to be more specific, finals week in my first semester in college. XD After getting down to 174 I gained back 10lbs over the course of 3 weeks. Junk food and super late night snacks to get me through studying totally messed with my body. But thank to MFP I'm finally at 175! After my first experience with college exams on my back now, I realize I just have to chew gum and drink water instead of reaching for that bag of pretzels (cause boy can I mow through those without realizing. haha. XD) And I know now slip ups are okay, one day wont ruin my progress, but I need to get on track the next day and exercise more on the days I do over-eat. Before I'd just figure, " well hey I hate myself already for ruining today by eating those 3 slices of pizza, might as well really go for it and have a huge bowl of ice cream and chocolate etc etc." Now I know that I don't have to deprive myself, I just have to be careful, log EVERYHTHING I eat, and if I mess up do better tomorrow. I no longer have issues with SAD, am still shy but hey, that's just my personality. XD I still don't like what I see in the mirror but I no longer hate everything. And now I know how to change it and have the tools and means to do so. As for home school, well I'm a straight A student in college now, so that was probably one of the best decisions in my life. :)
  • sharishar
    sharishar Posts: 44 Member
    can I join again I am slightly behind.
  • srob636
    srob636 Posts: 79 Member
    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - I'm great at this on the weekdays while I sit at my desk. I know I don't get enough on the weekends though so that will be my goal for this Saturday & Sunday.
    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do- I just got my Wii Zumba so my goal is to do that three times this week.
    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. - a whole lot of chocolate and ice cream got me here, and the life mantra that "I'll start tomorrow." Well, tomorrow has come and gone for about 15 years and while I've gained and lost, I haven't hit a weight I am happy with since prior to my first child's birth, and he's 13! What really motivated me to start with MFP was my grandfather's death in March at the age of 90. He had a heart attack and stroke and they found that he only had 11% bloodflow function in his heart. But they thought he had been living with diminished bloodflow for years. He was in such great cardiovascular shape that it had not slowed him down at all (he poured a new sidewalk in November!) I think it was a great lesson for me that an active lifestyle and healthy eating choices can not only extend your life but the quality of your life and I want to get a piece of that for me and my family.
  • 1. Last week I can actually started drinking 64oz of water. I FINALLY found something that will help me to drink that much water in one day. I got a souvenir cup from Wild Adventures which is 32 oz. So if I just drink TWO full cups of that and that just do me!!! :) I feel great about it because I actually lost a lb. last week doing that.
    2. I gotta find me something to do diff. Hubby bought me some 5lbs weights so I guess I could do a lil something with those at night.
    3. What made me get here is: I just hate being out in public and ppl ask me am I preg. Yes I had a baby last yr but I am tired of using that as my excuse for why my stomach look like I am preg again. When I am out with my hubby ppl actually have the nerve to ask "YOU ABOUT TO HAVE ANOTHER ONE" And I just want to cuss them out but I cant because its something I gotta work on. Also just trying on things that I really like and seeing it dont fit as good on me due to my stomach. And another thing I am TIRED Of saying Imma workout and get slim and dont take ACTION so now its time to do it forreal!! I been saying I am going to loose weight since last Nov. What stops me is MY MOTIVATION I always look for ppl to workout with me and we start strong for 2 wks then fall back. I know thats a pore excuse and I have in my head now that ONLY I can motivate myself and push myself to workout and meet my goal. No one is responsible for helping me loose weight but ME!!!
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Quoted from tnmarie:

    "It doesn't need to set the trend for the week. If you missed your mark today, tomorrow is a new day. One of the reasons I gained 50lbs instead of 20lbs is I just figured I am off track, might as well stay off track. Lots of water and a fresh new start tomorrow. We can do it together :)

    I wish they had a LIKE button. You're response is great.
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY -

    I drink this anyway so this won’t be a challenge

    2. Try a new exercise:

    I’ve done so many different things that this could be a challenge for me. I currently am trying exercises from a site called rockbody.tv.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations?

    What got me over weight? Simple I stopped moving as much as I did in High School and I started eating the wrong foods (junk food, pop, etc.) I did lose weight from my high (191 lb.) when I took a more physically demanding position at work I lost 20 lbs. and stopped around 172-175 lbs. but I was stuck there for 3 years. I then got married and in the first 3 months got myself back up to 181 lbs.
    The real wakeup call came in two forms: I put the weight back on and I had higher colesteral then my mother who had over 100 lbs. on me. It runs on my dad’s side and was a deciding factor in my grandfather’s death. After that I started trying to get into shape and the actual weight-loss and toning have been the biggest motivators for me to push for more. I’ve done what I even thought I couldn’t do so why not try for more?
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Quick check in. I have posted #3, had no problem with #2, but drinking the water is where I am struggling. I am horribly addicted to diet dr. pepper. I have quit many times, but always fall back. I have been running on empty the past few months, so I went back to it as my "pick me up". I don't drink coffee or tea, but I think gotta go cold turkey (AGAIN!). My aim is for this Saturday, I will be out of town camping in the north woods - hard to find a soda and my dh promised not to pack any. Prayers and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Quick check in. I have posted #3, had no problem with #2, but drinking the water is where I am struggling. I am horribly addicted to diet dr. pepper. I have quit many times, but always fall back. I have been running on empty the past few months, so I went back to it as my "pick me up". I don't drink coffee or tea, but I think gotta go cold turkey (AGAIN!). My aim is for this Saturday, I will be out of town camping in the north woods - hard to find a soda and my dh promised not to pack any. Prayers and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Would it help at all if I told you that diet pop is actually worse for you than regular pop? Because it's sweetened with artificial sweeteners your body is expecting calories that it's not getting and therefore hoards calories that it does get which causes you to retain weight.
  • Inge039
    Inge039 Posts: 7 Member
    #1 No problem on the water
    #2 Found a web site called hundredpushups.com. It is a six week program that helps you build up your upper body strength by doing 4-5 sets of pushups three days a week, based upon how you initially test, so it could be 4-5 sets of 3 pushups on day 1, etc.
    #3 As far as how I got here.. I have been struggling with weight for 20 years since having kids, sedentary job, running kids here and there and eating on the fly. Now 53 and struggling to get it off. of course, I have a snacking problem too!

    Thanks to jrdoty8986 for putting the spreadsheet together and coordinating the challenge.

    <a href="http://www.hundredpushups.com">one hundred push ups</a>
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Quick check in. I have posted #3, had no problem with #2, but drinking the water is where I am struggling. I am horribly addicted to diet dr. pepper. I have quit many times, but always fall back. I have been running on empty the past few months, so I went back to it as my "pick me up". I don't drink coffee or tea, but I think gotta go cold turkey (AGAIN!). My aim is for this Saturday, I will be out of town camping in the north woods - hard to find a soda and my dh promised not to pack any. Prayers and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Would it help at all if I told you that diet pop is actually worse for you than regular pop? Because it's sweetened with artificial sweeteners your body is expecting calories that it's not getting and therefore hoards calories that it does get which causes you to retain weight.

    Thanks! I know this in my head, but my addiction and lack of willpower overrides common sense. I WILL QUIT AGAIN!!!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Quick check in. I have posted #3, had no problem with #2, but drinking the water is where I am struggling. I am horribly addicted to diet dr. pepper. I have quit many times, but always fall back. I have been running on empty the past few months, so I went back to it as my "pick me up". I don't drink coffee or tea, but I think gotta go cold turkey (AGAIN!). My aim is for this Saturday, I will be out of town camping in the north woods - hard to find a soda and my dh promised not to pack any. Prayers and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I like diet dr pepper too! I know diet soda (caffeinated or otherwise) isn't good for my body, so I'm trying not to have it. I'm down to 1-2/week which I can live with. :) I do drink coffee most mornings - but just one cup which I sort of sip for a couple of hours hehehe. I don't count anything with caffeine as "water", but when I make herbal iced teas, I do count that.

    I find that when I'm drinking coffee or soda, I'm not thirsty for water and forget to drink. So my new trick is to drink a glass or two of water before my coffee - then I'm not behind for the day. I also find when I'm drinking enough water, I don't miss the soda much. At least, that seems to be what works for my body.

    You'll find something that works for you! :)
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    #2 Found a web site called hundredpushups.com. It is a six week program that helps you build up your upper body strength by doing 4-5 sets of pushups three days a week, based upon how you initially test, so it could be 4-5 sets of 3 pushups on day 1, etc.

    <a href="http://www.hundredpushups.com">one hundred push ups</a>

    Thanks for the site! It sounds neat - I'll check it out. :)
  • LighterJen
    LighterJen Posts: 15 Member
    I'm going to try that 100 pushup challenge - thanks!
  • mahjohweeee
    mahjohweeee Posts: 58 Member
    This week's mini-challenge will involve all three aspects:

    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated??

    This challenge will not be that difficult to me. I already have been drinking at least 8 glasses. But I need to get rid of the diet coke as well.

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    I don't think I will necessarily need to start a new exercise, I just need to ACTUALLY START EXERCISING again. I know that it worked last time, I just need to get off of this 3 month no exercise cycle.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    I wanted to do a quick check-in with my replies more for me and to hold myself accountable (it's written down now! lol)

    Challenge 1: Drink 64oz of water.
    - I just bought an 18.5oz bottle so I can further keep track of my water intake. This means I have to drink 3-4 bottles a day. I find if I set day markers for when I want to finish drinking 1 bottle's worth it makes it easier for me. So far, I've been able to drink 1 bottle's worth of water during my drive into work, then another bottle's worth by mid-afternoon, then lastly, 1 bottle's worth at the gym. It helps to chug water at the gym because I can usually drink about 2 bottle's worth by the time I'm done. I hope I can use this method to keep up with drinking water. I find now that if I don't have enough water, I don't feel the same. My body is getting used to being hydrated!

    Challenge 2: Try a new exercise.
    - I'm going to try using my zumba game for the kinect. I've had it for months, but have been putting it off.

    Challenge 3: How did you get in this situation?
    - I got in this situation by not working out and eating badly. In 2004, I was weighed at my heaviest of 198 lbs. I then started working out in the AM and PM and I took up swimming exercises. I also joined LA Weightloss and that helped with my diet. By 2006, I was at my lowest weight of 135 lbs. I'm 5'1 in height. It was so hard for me to lose any further. I believe that then I got into the mindset that I wasn't able to lose anymore and also that I wouldn't gain the weight back. I don't know when it started, but I believe stresses and dramas in my life at the time got the better of me. I started eating more emotionally and slacking on working out. In the past, I used stress to motivate me to work out, but for some reason I just started making excuse after excuse. In the end, I wasn't making the right choices in dealing with stress and my diet and motivation were affected by it. I told myself I would never be at my heaviest again.. but now I'm at the point that I'm even heavier. When I hit the 200 mark and even went past that to weigh at my heaviest of 210lb, I realized that I have to stop this and get back on track. It was so hard to admit to myself I had fallen so far from where I was. My diet counselor had mentioned that while it was great that I realized I need to turn my life around, that it seems that I hold a lot of anger and resentment about it. He said that in addition to telling myself to change I need to also FORGIVE myself for the mistakes I have made and move on. He said holding onto that guilt will only weigh me down more. That is something that I continue to remind myself. I was so close to reaching my goal weight back then and so I need to keep motivating myself by saying that if I did it once... I can do it again. I need to not fall into that hole of depression and self -wallow and instead deal with life issues with change and action.
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    OKAY! I AM BACK IN BUSINESS! Here is why I am so excited today!!!

    1.) I have a hard time getting water in anymore (I used to drink it like it was going out of style but not lately! I DRANK 64oz today!

    2.) Jumped on the scale this morning--- 150.2! That is the weight that I was when I fell off track after the cruise! This means I
    0.2 pounds to lose to get to my 25 pond mark!!!:love::love: :love: :love:

    3.) Getting on that elliptical machine today for 30 minutes! Let's make this count and lets shed off that 0.2 pounds and on to
    my next journey

    4.) When I lose this 0.2 pounds, I will be at my 15 pounds to go to reach my first goal weight!!!!!!!!! Let's do this!
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member

    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY
    I need to keep better track of how much I am drinking but all I drink is water or soda and I drink all day while teacheing because I talk soooo much!

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time.
    I have to take my runs inside this time of year and don't like being on the treadmill long. I think I'll get my step out of the basement and use it a couple times a week across from Jillian and treadmill intervals.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today.
    I LOVE FOOD! I've been running for years. I've always been overweight. I love food!
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    OKAY! I AM BACK IN BUSINESS! Here is why I am so excited today!!!

    1.) I have a hard time getting water in anymore (I used to drink it like it was going out of style but not lately! I DRANK 64oz today!

    2.) Jumped on the scale this morning--- 150.2! That is the weight that I was when I fell off track after the cruise! This means I
    0.2 pounds to lose to get to my 25 pond mark!!!:love::love: :love: :love:

    3.) Getting on that elliptical machine today for 30 minutes! Let's make this count and lets shed off that 0.2 pounds and on to
    my next journey

    4.) When I lose this 0.2 pounds, I will be at my 15 pounds to go to reach my first goal weight!!!!!!!!! Let's do this!

    That's awesome!