Newbie to Fitness Pal & Already Injured!

:grumble: Hi All!

Ok, so my niece told me about this site and how much she LOVES it! Well, so far, I do too. However, I'm disappointed because the first I get on here, I nearly broke my toe and have been in "the shoe"... for 2 days now. I know that I will eventually get back on track, but I'm just disappointed that I'm out of commission - somewhat, for at least this week.

Let me start by saying I started dieting mid-May and have lost a solid 25 pounds. I'm 52 years old and have put on 20+ pounds from quitting smoking, then another 20+ pounds from menopause. I had lost 27-28, but it's been fluctuating lately, due to some festivities I have been attending! LOL. My goal is to get off another 15 pounds before Christmas.

I started out just cutting out the junk food and sugary foods. Then, started walking around my neighborhood. First with a mile, then 2, then 3 and now I have been going between 4-5 miles on average, about 4 times a week.. sometimes 5. So as you can see, having my foot in this shoe, puts a damper on that as well!

I'm trying to get used to using the meals and exercise logs.. but I find that trying to log in the meals is not so easy when you cook all your own food. I typically eat oatmeal or multi-grain cheerios everyday.. and I cook either chicken, turkey, steak or a burger throughout the week for dinner. Hopefully logging will get easier. I find that it's fun and I wish I had the "data" application on my phone, but I can't afford another $30/month for that right now.

So, I'm new and now laid up for a week... but I'm going to try and figure out a way to get some exercising in!! Exercise TV has some great programs that are all free - so I guess I will be on there looking for something I can do without hurting my toe in the process... :frown:


  • Cindynguyen
    I'm really sorry to hear the bad news. Please recuperate well and then start your work out again. I hate having injuries, it puts a stop to everything but if you push yourself, it'll be a much longer break. Take time and you'll be up on your feet again! Take care!!!
  • KristysLosing
    Good evening! I hope you'll be feeling better soon! I hear you on having a tougher time homemade foods. Check out the recipes option under food. Huge help! Good luck with your weight loss!
  • Benpatient
    Sorry about your foot! My wife has an Android phone that we got (from Kroger, of all places) for 40 dollars a month with 1000 minutes, free text and 500mb of 3G internet. She only uses about 1/2 the data plan each month, but most of the minutes!

    It's completely contract-free from the get-go. We had to buy the actual phone (Optimus S is their best phone, by far, runs Android 2.2) for $130, but our ATT numbers ported over with no trouble about an hour after I signed up for the service, and we've had zero problems. If you can use Sprint's network where you live and get good service, don't let your cell phone provider lock you into a situation that doesn't make sense. We are going to save enough in monthly payments to pay for the cost of the phones we bought in 3 months, and we didn't even have an internet package on our ATT phones. It's not even competitive.

    I used an iPhone for quite a while in the past, and between you and me, Android on a good phone is better than Apple's system. It's just not as trendy (and it's $50 a month cheaper for us per line!)

    Sorry, that wasn't really what you were talking about, I know, but just wanted to let you know that the myfitnesspal mobile app is really excellent for keeping up with things, especially when you're out of the house a lot, and I know that I wouldn't even be using this site if it wasn't for the mobile app.

    The website and the app are a good pair that can kind of always be "there" for you. Good luck!
  • Lastlove
    I'm new around here too! Sorry to hear about your toe :( but at least it's only a week! Your health and healing is important so that you can get back on track! Hope it heals soon for you! While your healing and outta commission exercise wise just try to eat as healthy as healthy as you can and you will feel better knowing that you did all you could. At least that's what I tried to do after my surgery a few weeks back. I still ended up gaining weight but I still felt good cuz I know I did what I could. Plus it was mostly my body hanging on to the water I think. I ended up losing it all right away! So I hope this next week for you goes good :)
    As for the data plan to have the app, it depends on the phone but I have an iPhone and honestly I only use the app to track. For some reason I can't access the message boards from the app so I end up going on the computer anyways so I can lurk around l.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    OUCH! I hope that toe heals quickly for you. I know you don't want to hear the whole long story, but I will tell you that I gained close to 70 pounds after a back injury and listening to a doctor tell me you can't do this or that. A diabetes educator and a nutritionist used to stop in to see me once a week to teach me different exercises and how to cook lighter etc. Anyway, I was exercising sitting in a chair just moving my arms and legs. Ok, like moving my arms as if I were doing jumping jacks, holding them straight out to the sides and rotating in small circles, out front lifting up and down, marching my legs up and down while sitting, lifting one at a time straight out and back down slowly. There are also exercises you can do while laying down. Sometimes when I'm watching tv I use small dumb bells and exercise my arms every way I can think of. I bet you can find some exercises online that you can use while you are out of commission. Keep yourself strong and don't give up!

    I have the Android Optimus and MFP is free on it. I do my logging on the computer, but it's nice to know it's on the phone if I need it. I'm fairly new here, but I found the quick add calories feature helpful. I don't use a cookbook, but I figure out how many calories are in what I cook according to the ingredients I use, divide by the number of servings and add them using the quick add feature.

    Good luck to you on your journey! Add me if you like.