Probiotics: Yay or nay?

I wasn't sure what forum this question would fit best in, so I just picked this one. Anyway, I just want to know what your feelings are on probiotics. How many of you take them, and what prompted you to start? Have you had GI symptoms(gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation) that were relieved by using probiotics, or have you used them with little to no results? I started taking Phillips colon health about a week ago, and boy what a difference I have seen already. I think they're great. Just wanna know how everyone else feels, and I figure that this topic sort of relates to diet and exercise, considering that very often when you eat less, you go less, and also fruits and especially some veggies can cause a lot of gas. So, what's up?


  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! They make a huge difference in digestion. You can get the same effect from a really (as in exceptionally) high quality fresh yogurt, or some of that live culture cheese (I'm not sure if they still make it - my store quit carrying it.)

    I don't even remember why I first tried taking a probiotic supplement, but I know why I keep coming back to it.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    They can't hurt, so give it a whirl. I also hear it's great for your vajaejae... Seriously.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i'm a vegetarian. i dont do probiotics. but i used to have severe IBS type symptoms. it interfered with my life..i made the moral choice to become a vegetarian and ever since then, i have no had one IBS flare up.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    My boyfriend had a mystery pain for a long time (something like 11 months). He went through a colonoscopy, as well as a contrast CT (I think?) and the doctors found nothing wrong with him at all. They first suspected kidney stone, ruled that out and figured it was Crohns, wasn't that. He had ended up on Metamucil (which really helped ME feel good *I eat what he eats kinda thing* ) then they swapped him to the Phillips colon health and he didn't notice any change at all.

    I personally think that eating high fiber diet should do the same thing as those pills. It takes quite a while for my body to get used to the fiber (I try for 25g a day, usually hitting 30+ ). There is much gas and a little discomfort now and then, but many days I am feeling good.

    I'd like to mention that he has stopped taking the metamucil and the phillips colon health, and his mystery pain has also stopped. we still have no idea what caused it and I doubt it is related to the colon health at all :)

    Those pills are rather costly (30 bucks for 30 pills or something like that?) so i never bought a new pack.
  • andison
    andison Posts: 22 Member

    Have been taking one each night for 3 months. It has definitely changed the way my stomach feels, which is good.
    I buy the brand from Costco, called trunature . 100 capsules for $17 approx.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Probiotics, yay!

    During my last pregnancy (that kiddo is now 2) I had massive digestive and stomach upset. This went well beyond nausea... my symptoms mirrored gall bladder attacks perfectly, actually. After the birth I felt much better, but about once every two weeks or so I'd have a bout again -- massive stomach cramping (felt like my guts were being put through a meat grinder), retched belching that was so awful it would make me want to puke...and then vomiting to follow that would last hours. I'd spend the entire night curled up in a ball on the floor in front of the toilet. Nice!!

    I also had had some issues with IBS type things - which both my parents suffer from aswell. At some point during my googling of IBS stuff I read about probiotics helping. At that time commercials for Align were playing so I looked that up... and started reading all the reviews for Align on Amazon. Well. One review really peaked my interest - it was written by a guy who was saying his wife had had all these issues and the things he was writing completely mirrored my issues that began during that last pregnancy. He then went on to say that his theory was that his wife who was GBS+ (group B strep positive) during the pregnancy had to have the required mega antibiotics during the birth and he hypothesized that all her good bacteria was killed off from that treatment leading her intestinal and digestive systems to go haywire. Well it just so happens that for the first time I had been GBS+ too (this had been my fourth baby)... I also had all those mega antibiotics at this birth... and to add insult to injury, at six weeks postpartum I came down with a hunka hunka kidney infection that took multiple rounds of antibiotics and antibiotic shots to get past. I sincerely doubt there was a single cell of healthy bacteria left in my entire body after all that!!

    Anyway, I ordered the Align and have been talking it for two years now and I feel great. My horrible digestive ailments subsided about three weeks into taking it. Sometimes I slack off on taking the pills, but I can feel a difference after a couple weeks being off them. I function much better when I'm taking them!

    Sorry for the novel!! :smile: LOL
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    i'm a vegetarian. i dont do probiotics. but i used to have severe IBS type symptoms. it interfered with my life..i made the moral choice to become a vegetarian and ever since then, i have no had one IBS flare up.

    This is interesting. Someone I know with IBS (or maybe it's Crohns) says that raw vegetables/fruits flare up her symptoms. Guess it all depends on the person.

    I buy probiotics all the time - for my DOG, lol. I never actually thought about taking them myself, perhaps I'll start.