Can I still lose weight on the same rate with high sugar?



  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited August 2020
    Sugar, especially refined white sugar is high in calories but low in nutrients. Therefore, added sugar adds calories without adding other nutrients. For example, a tablespoon of sugar and a peach have about the same number of calories yet the peach provides other nutrients and fiber the sugar doesn't have, so a peach is "better for you" than a spoonful of sugar.

    A fundamental flaw in the MFP numbers calculated for sugar is that it is based on the percentages recommended for added sugars yet the database (and many food labels) do not make those distinctions. If you log a peach, it will show up in your sugar numbers as if it were "added sugar." There are, at present, no recommendations on how much natural sugar to consume. You may, if you have type II diabetes or other carbohydrate sensitivity limit those and that will automatically limit your consumption of natural sugars.

    I generally ignore the MFP sugar percentage and numbers because of its computations are fatally flawed. I watch my carbs and usually avoid foods with any added sugars among the ingredients. MFP automatically sets your carb percentage to 50% of calories. With type II diabetes, I have mine set to 40% which makes my endocrinologist happy. Those in keto may use different numbers.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Speaking of fruit, it's national watermelon day!

    Who likes watermelon? Who doesn't like watermelon? Who likes watermelon flavored gum and candy? Who can eat a whole watermelon and still need to eat something else because can it really fill you up? And if you eat that whole watermelon, are you inadvertantly eating "added" sugar because who needs to eat a whole, big *kitten* watermelon, anyway?

    (Sorry, OP :) )

    <----only fruit I eat these days are bananas (most likely because they're probably the highest sugared fruit)
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Dear posters,

    Please keep the threads in the help boards focused on the question presented by the OP. If you would like to further debate calories vs sugar intake there are plenty of debate threads on the topic.


    MFP volunteer moderator

    This type of message ^^^^^^

    In the future please know it is worth following these types of hints. If you would like to start a debate there is a debate section for that. Otherwise, hi-jacking help threads and turning them into you own personal debate is against guideline 3.
  • janetdebeer90
    janetdebeer90 Posts: 10 Member
    Whole fruit comes bundled with heaps of nutrients, and the sugars are slowly released thanks to the fibre!

    I am eating about the same sugar as you - 40-50g per day mainly from 2-3 pieces of fruit, milk in tea/coffee and some yoghurt every day. For the last 12 weeks I have consistently lost 700g per week on about 1300cal/day. (5ft6 54yr old female now 76kg). Maybe I would lose faster with less sugars, but I am happy with my eating patterns and rate of weight loss.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    You could lose weight while getting 80% of your calories from table sugar and 20% mostly from protein.

    For me, it would mean drinking the equivalent of 6.6 cans of caffeine-free Coke plus 13oz of steamed Atlantic Cod. One of the cans of Coke could be cooked with the cod to make a sauce. All while lounging on the couch watching Netflix. You keep the calories at TDEE - 500kcals and lose a pound a week. What could go wrong?

    As with a lot of things that you could do, it doesn't mean you should.

    It's probably nearly as bad for you as trying to make up your calories with alcohol. It gives your liver a big workout and keeps your blood sugars high. You insulin levels would have to be high much of the time, and you insulin resistance might start to increase. In general, you probably wouldn't feel very well, which is why most people wouldn't naturally do it. Still, you could.

    It seems like there are a lot of things in life like this.
  • KrissDotCom
    KrissDotCom Posts: 217 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    he got to use red font lol

    You could use the red color tag, it doesn't mean you should use it.

    🤣 I love you right now
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,547 Member
    The one issue with sugar which can affect weight loss (if you’re within your calorie limit) is whether you find you get blood sugar spikes and crashes. The crashes can make you feel really hungry (I get hangry) and I know that’s the time I could eat everything in sight. But you can mitigate by eating protein at the same time to stabilise your blood sugar (Greek yoghurt with fruit, for instance). That helps me to stop feeling soooo hungry and over eating.
  • meharmahshahid
    meharmahshahid Posts: 107 Member
    he got to use red font lol

    lolll gurl
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    They're on to me!