so disappointed

just saw a video of myself from only 2 years ago but i gained 30 pounds since then. i think that was the realization i needed. but it hurt so bad. i just wish i had more support in my life and self-control. i feel like i let myself down COMPLETELY this is the absolute worse feeling ever. has anyone ever felt this way too, and how did you get enough confidence to accept that you had a problem that needed to be fixed....if that makes since.


  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Don't be too disappointed, just use that video as motivation to get back to the size you used to be! :-)
  • Well the good thing about you being on this site is that we all understand you. We've been there, hell I've been there. My pictures from christmas 2009 I was 325 lbs and I can't believe what i looked like. All I can do now is work hard each day and know that i will never be there again. You just keep working hard and you'll be fine.
  • I understand how you're feeling. I used to be like that before when I reached my HW & felt like a complete crap. But like the above post, just use that video to motivate you. As long as there is determination & a back up plan, you will eventually get there like you were on the video. Losign weight is never easy but will all the right attitude, determination & discipline, you will make it.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    It does totally make sense to me - I got down to the same weight 3 times and regained at least 30 lbs 3 times - using the excuse of pregnancy. When I came back here it wasn't meant to be a permanent thing, but the longer I am here the more I am thinking I need to be accountable to someone or something for what I eat or I will just gain it back yet again, and I'm just no willing to. Whatever it takes this time.

    Go easy on yourself, loads of people do regain the weight and we all know it, make this time the last time x
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    Yes! I have been there. I'm still there. I had always cropped my pics and thought I didn't look as bad as what the scale would show. Then this past 4th of July, my future sister in law had posted a pic on FB. It was uncropped and unflattering. She wasn't trying to be mean or hurtful, it was a group pic. Still. It was a slap in the face.
  • turn that disapointment into motivation :)
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    Oh need supporters, girl! There are so many supporters here and most of them would love to help you along the way, you only need to ask. I have great friends that cheer me on every single day here and when....and I say when.... I have bad days, all of them let me know that it .......IS O.K......!!! Positive attitude is key........ I am having a blast losing these extra pounds that I have put on JUST IN THE LAST YEAR!! 33 POUNDS TO BE EXACT. I quit smoking and packed the pounds on! I am determined to be at my weight on December 3rd of 2011 that I was December 3rd 2010........160lbs. ( The day I quit smoking ) Actually, I want to be somewhat lower ,but that is a secret goal in my own head if I don't meet my open goals. If I don't make it.... I will continue to forge on and not beat myself up. I do know that you are in the right place to not be disappointed in yourself. Just think of how the journey is going to teach you such great things and the workouts.... wow! I have learned that I want to keep exercising in my life as long as I am able. I feel so much better after!! My food choices are all together different and I feel great about that!!! Find those things... and more I am sure... and you won't be so disappointed in the end.:smooched:
  • rubytuesday
    rubytuesday Posts: 20 Member
    It does make sense... I think most of us here will have felt that way at one time or another. In my case, I'd had friends and family commenting for a long time about my weight gain, but I'd managed to deny it and put it down to being 'big boned' or 'curvy.' It was when we went away with some friends who used to be about the same size as me and I saw photos of myself that I had to face upt to the fact that actually, I was just ... overweight. And it really was an awful feeling. BUT it was also what made me realise that I had to do something about it, and I couldn't just deny it any more. I joined here, and have lost 2.2 kg so far. I't's normal to feel bad when you realise you really have gained weight, but you also need to feel good that you have made a step towards doing something about it... you'll find lots of support here from people who've been in the same place as you and know how hard it is.
  • TexasRose423
    TexasRose423 Posts: 15 Member
    wow, this has really helped. i rreally want to thank all of you guys for your stories and encouragement. thank you so much guys.:heart: