do protein shakes for breakfast work?

I've been looking around at a few reviews and I can't decide whether or not to try them.

At the moment I eat either an apple or a banana for breakfast, as I don't usually have time to stop and eat in the mornings. This doesn't fill me up for long and I actually think it makes me hungrier throughout the morning which makes it difficult to avoid snacking.

I've heard that some shakes fill you up quite a bit, but I have no idea what type/brand etc to try.

Any recommendations?


  • MereRae
    Yoplait Smoothie Mix. Put in blender with a scoop or two of Vanilla protein. YUMMY!
  • psychmz3
    psychmz3 Posts: 55 Member
    A shake isn't going to fill you up by itself. Try making some scrambled egg whites on a piece of toast with the shake.
  • LoriFleming
    LoriFleming Posts: 14 Member
    I usually have a GNC Lean Muscle Meal shake for breakfast. High in protein!
  • hikerchick9
    I drink EAS Advantage drinks. I usually add just as much water to make it last longer.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I've used protein shakes in the morning, but they don't satisfy me for long and they make me bloated. I eat a Nutrigrain Leggo waffle toasted with a tablespoon of peanut butter a lot of mornings. It has lots of fiber and protein so I do feel fuller longer. Plus its not a lot of calories and I can have a mid morning snack. also Dunkin Donuts has a bacon egg and cheese wrap that is only about 200 calories that fills me up and keeps me full and it's about $1.25.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Yes they can, just protein not so much, I have 2 scoops of this and 2 scoops of this Its basically porridge with protein in a drink, proper fills me up and it good for you!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    A shake isn't going to fill you up by itself. Try making some scrambled egg whites on a piece of toast with the shake.

    the problem is i haven't got time to make food.. which is why the idea of shakes appealed as all I need to do is mix it up.
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    once or twice a week I will have a Zoic Nutrition drink 1 can(Belgian chocolate) is 90 calories, 1 fat, 6 carbs, 5 fiber 15 protein. gluten free, no sugar added, 99% lactose free and preservative free. They tend to tide me over (with my 50 oz water) until lunch. so.. roughly 4 hours?
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Protein is really the key to staying full- you can try to add some PB to your fruit.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    i always have 8 oz of soy milk with a scoop of protein powder. usually i also have a container of greek yogurt, or half an english muffin with some peanut butter. ends up around 30g of protein, which keeps me full until mid-morning. (i eat breakfast at 6am, then snack at 9ish and lunch at noon.)
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I eat a snickers marathon protein bar for breakfast. It has 21 g of protein and it fills me up until lunch, at it is yummy.
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    A shake isn't going to fill you up by itself. Try making some scrambled egg whites on a piece of toast with the shake.

    the problem is i haven't got time to make food.. which is why the idea of shakes appealed as all I need to do is mix it up.

    Cook it the night before. Wrap it up put in fridge. Throw in microwave for 40 secs and enjoy. Or boil eggs ahead of time and have that with your banana. Precooked waffle just take long enough to heat up. Or make time for yourself in the morning. Where there's a will theres a way. You can do it! I don't do protein shakes so can't help ya there.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Everyone's body is different. It depends on your metabolism, and also on the kind of shake you choose. Pay attention to how much protein and how many carbs are in it.

    Probably, the reason a piece of fruit isn't working for you is because the energy you get from fruit is from sugary carbs, which are burned by the body very quickly. That's why people load up on carbs before workouts: they're instant energy. But what you want, to start your day, are calories that will provide steady, slow-burning energy to fuel you until your morning snack or lunch time. So what you need for that is protein.

    Personally, I drink a no-carb protein shake every morning, and then I might eat something with a little fat & protein in it, too, like an egg or a piece of sausage or a cheese wedge. Works great for me.

    Hope you find what works for you!
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Wake up 10 minutes earlier and MAKE time to make breakfast. Do you make time to exercise? It's not impossible to make time to cook and eat. Just saying.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I use :

    1 heaping scoop of Optimum Nutirtion whey protein powder
    one cup of unsweetened almond milk
    one cup of raw spinach (you can't taste it blended)
    one teaspoon of hot cocoa mix
    one medium banana
    8-10 ice cubes

    blenddddd! Its just as fast as measuring out a bowl of cereal and I can walk around my apt while I drink.

    about 260-290 calories and 28 grams of protein. All carbs are from the banana! Its great and holds me over until about 10am. Probably around 4 hours before I start to get hungry.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I use :

    1 heaping scoop of Optimum Nutirtion whey protein powder
    one cup of unsweetened almond milk
    one cup of raw spinach (you can't taste it blended)
    one teaspoon of hot cocoa mix
    one medium banana
    8-10 ice cubes

    blenddddd! Its just as fast as measuring out a bowl of cereal and I can walk around my apt while I drink.

    about 260-290 calories and 28 grams of protein. All carbs are from the banana! Its great and holds me over until about 10am. Probably around 4 hours before I start to get hungry.

    that sounds good, does it taste just as good if you make it the night before?
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I use EAS Advantedge soy protein powder every morning (I am allergic to most artificial sweeteners so this doesn't have anything that bothers me) ... They come in chocolate and vanilla flavors. I drink my shake and then follow up with a glass or two of water (usually a pint-sized bottle) This keeps me full until my designated snack time or even lunch depending on my activity level.

    I make mine with coffee (kept in the fridge from whenever I made the last pot) instead of water or milk, so it is like having a nice cold mocha or vanilla latte. A dash of cinnamon 'makes it'.

    I mix mine up before I start my morning workout and put it in the freezer so it is ice cold when I am done, put it in a travel mug and sip it through a straw.
  • kfitz10103
    I like the Atkins chocolate. It has 15g protein and only 160 calories. I usually have a snack about 3 hours later because it won't keep me full until lunch though.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Do you have time to make your own? If so, add in a cup of yogurt and some peanut butter to give it a little more substance. Plus, the fat, protein and little bit of fiber in the peanut butter will slow digestion so you're not hungry right away.

    If you don't have time, then look for one with a little fat it in. The fat isn't so great for weight loss (but if you keep a low fat diet anyways, it shouldn't be a big deal). It think the pre-made Myoplex and Muscle Milk shakes are pretty good.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I snack a a protein shake is good for me in the morning. (Not protein bars though especially before a run...those upset my stomach.) I make mine with non fat milk and a frozen banana. If I am going running that is the perfect thing. I'll eat after my apple or protein bar or string cheese. If I'm not running, I'll snack mid morning too...again an apple or string cheese or something like that.