Diet sodas and insulin resistance and weight loss?

fat2thingirl Posts: 41 Member
edited August 2020 in Food and Nutrition
Hi, so I've been reading up on the health effects of diet sodas and weight loss, and I've seen conflicting opinions and studies about it so I dont know if it's actually bad for weight loss. I have insulin resistance and I dont know if that changes things.

What do you guys think about diet soda and it's effect on weight? Have any of you had good results with weight loss while at the same time drinking a lot of diet sodas? also have any of you drank it while you had insulin resistance, and still lost weight?

Thank you for any replies! :)


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    I never drank or ate diet anything. I loathed the taste and enjoyed the sugar buzz (until I started getting exhausted after it had passed, and having to reload to get buzzed again).

    I have begun using sugar free syrups and pudding mixes, and have still lost a considerable amount of weight and don’t suffer the exhausting highs and lows.

    I did have to stop eating protein bars with a certain kind of sugar substitute. After I ate a few boxes over the course of a month or two I started having stomach pain and constipation. My dietician was the one who suggested the substitute in them was the source of my problem, because it troubled many of her clients. She was right.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I had good results with weight loss, and now weight maintenance, drinking diet soda.
    Not sure how much you would call a lot - I drink on average equivalent of 2 or 3 cans per week.

    It has next to no calories so it certainly won't adversely affect weight loss.
    If you replace regular sodas with diet, you will obviously reduce your calories.
  • RockingWithLJ
    RockingWithLJ Posts: 243 Member
    Ew; stick with water, coffee or tea.
  • ALZ14
    ALZ14 Posts: 202 Member
    I drink diet soda daily and in losing weight (18 pounds and counting in 2 months).

    I’ve had gestational diabetes 3 times and drank diet soda and my numbers were fine.

    You may have a different experience, but you should be fine.
  • southernskeeter
    southernskeeter Posts: 26 Member
    I am a type 2 diabetic and up until a month ago, I drank a lot of diet Pepsi, almost a 2 liter in 24 hrs., every day. I had to stop cold turkey due to heart problems and now cant have caffeine at all. When i was drinking it i did not gain weight but didnt really lose any either. I did find that I was always thirsty and my blood sugars were always slightly elevated. Now that I have cut it and only drink water, im not as thirsty and sugars are lower. im sure each person is affected differently by the artificial sweetners. My doctor always told me the artificial sweetners are not good for diabetics that they can still affect blood sugar. I would ask your dr.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    I'm a diet soda supporter. The studies out on them pretty much all say the same thing. Used in moderation, it's fine to have daily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited August 2020
    I was a Diet Coke junkie but gave it up. I found the sweet flavor of diet soda just makes me hungry. It doesn't do that for everyone but I find it much easier to control what I eat by drinking unsweetened seltzers. Quitting it also made my dental hygienist happy. Yes, it was easier to clean my teeth and she noticed.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I lost 40+ pounds while drinking diet soda regularly. In the four plus years since then, I've continued to drink it off and on (mostly on, with periods of a few months where I wouldn't have much or any at all). My weight always behaved as I would have expected due to the calories I was consuming, I have never seen any evidence that diet soda contributes to weight gain or keeps me from losing weight in a calorie deficit.

    This next part is very individual - I know some people do report that diet soda seems to increase their appetite. For me, it seems to work as an appetite suppressant. I usually have one right after lunch and when I don't have one, I do seem to get hungrier in the late afternoon than when I don't. It's totally possible that this is just a psychological thing, but I do notice it. Sometimes if I don't have it right after lunch, I'll have one in the afternoon if I start to feel hungry and that often acts to help curb my appetite for a few hours.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Hi, so I've been reading up on the health effects of diet sodas and weight loss, and I've seen conflicting opinions and studies about it so I dont know if it's actually bad for weight loss. I have insulin resistance and I dont know if that changes things.

    What do you guys think about diet soda and it's effect on weight? Have any of you had good results with weight loss while at the same time drinking a lot of diet sodas? also have any of you drank it while you had insulin resistance, and still lost weight?

    Thank you for any replies! :)

    Can't find a label to check right now, but isn't it zero sugar and zero calories? So I'd expect zero effect on anything.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    TonyB0588 wrote: »
    Hi, so I've been reading up on the health effects of diet sodas and weight loss, and I've seen conflicting opinions and studies about it so I dont know if it's actually bad for weight loss. I have insulin resistance and I dont know if that changes things.

    What do you guys think about diet soda and it's effect on weight? Have any of you had good results with weight loss while at the same time drinking a lot of diet sodas? also have any of you drank it while you had insulin resistance, and still lost weight?

    Thank you for any replies! :)

    Can't find a label to check right now, but isn't it zero sugar and zero calories? So I'd expect zero effect on anything.

    Zero sugar and almost zero calories.

    about 4 calories per can, I think
  • ecmorgan101
    ecmorgan101 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a diet soda drinker. I tend to drink a can with my lunch, and MAYBE a second can sometime in the day. It's never impacted my weight loss.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member

    This next part is very individual - I know some people do report that diet soda seems to increase their appetite. For me, it seems to work as an appetite suppressant. I usually have one right after lunch and when I don't have one, I do seem to get hungrier in the late afternoon than when I don't. It's totally possible that this is just a psychological thing, but I do notice it. Sometimes if I don't have it right after lunch, I'll have one in the afternoon if I start to feel hungry and that often acts to help curb my appetite for a few hours.

    This has been my experience as well, particularly with lemon-lime drinks. A diet Sprite, 7up, or Ginger Ale can keep my appetite suppressed for an hour or so. For some reason, diet colas make me want chocolate. I've no idea why. :lol: