Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 122



  • playhardkf2017
    playhardkf2017 Posts: 875 Member
    29 yo female
    5’2” Small frame according to my wrist circumference
    SW 126.2 (April 14th, 2020)
    Highest lifetime weight: 138 lbs. August 2011
    Goal Weight: 110
    Previous rounds: 125.2 -> 122.8 -> 121.6 -> 121.2 -> 119.8-> 119.4 -> 117.8 ->116.6 -> 117.2 ->117.2->114.8
    Goal weight for this round: Somewhere in the lower 114 or 113 range

    About me:
    I love learning about food and everything about it; from the way it acts in the body to learning to cook a new recipe. I went to school for nutrition (got my bachelor's) but I didn’t become an RD because it didn’t feel like the path for me. I guess I wanted to keep it as more of an interest instead of a career. I then went into public health to further my education and I currently help medically complex patients by connecting them with community resources to improve their health and life. I enjoy helping family and friends when they ask for advice related to food and nutrition. Plus, it helps me brush up on what I spent so much time learning!

    I’m here because when I’m not paying attention to what I eat, I start to gain and feel uncomfortable in my body. For me that results in frustration and a lot of other emotions. It has also increased my cholesterol in the past (It’s good now as far as I know thanks to diet and exercise). I have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, and all that fun stuff. So, I want to prevent that for myself by getting a hold of my food habits now.

    I’m always open to conversation about food and nutrition, so feel free to reach out to me!
    Previous days’ entries

    08/05 114.8 Sweet 😊. I went for a really nice but sleep deprived walk this morning around 6 to destress, after waking up at 1:30 this morning to find out my mother in law was heading to the ER (heard abnormal footsteps upstairs and checked on in laws to make sure everything was okay.). She’s stable but weak. Hoping they can get some TPN going to get some nutrition in her.
    On the bright side, it is was a nice afternoon yesterday and I realized how much I’m used the sweetness of fruit versus candy. After having my soft serve ice cream with Reese’s peanut butter cups and cookie dough mixed in, I was only able to get through about 2/3 of the cup before it became sickeningly sweet. I feel like I could live without ice cream for a while after having that yesterday.
    Baking some chicken legs drizzled with a basil chimichurri tonight for dinner with some CSA veggies on the side. Looking forward to it!
    Have a good day everyone!

    08/06 115.0 Had a much better night sleep last night. Went for another great walk this moring and snuck a couple miles of running mixed in. The running made me realize how much my body detests me running on pavement though. I think I’ll stick to the grass for running.
    Last night’s roasted chicken legs came out yummy! The side salad of zucchini ribbons with tomatoes on top was pretty tasty mixed with the basil chimichurri sauce. My husband doesn’t really like summer squashes but when I make them into ribbons, they are tolerable for him. So that worked out well.
    For dinner tonight I think I’ll be making a burger of some sort 😊. Looking forward to it with roasted or grilled eggplant as a side!
    Creeping into another phase of my cycle, so I have a feeling my weight will just be stable or blip up over the next 5ish days. I highly recommend people track their weight with their cycle, it’s been fascinating for me to be able to compare from each month when I blip up and then coast back down. I’m realizing so much more now about how my body reacts to the phases and even certain foods I eat during each phase (sodium mostly).

    08/07 114.6 Sleepy this morning and feeling a bit fatigued from my approaching next phase. We did a slower modified soccer workout this morning because we were both feeling the events of the week as well.
    Plan on eating at maintenance today because I feel like I just need the extra calories at the moment.
    Dinner was good last night. I made burgers on the grill with our csa ground beef which is super lean. I had a bunless one because we only had one roll left and I offered it to my husband. We each had a slice of pepperjack cheese on the burgers. He had fries on the side. I grilled eggplant (he doesn’t care for eggplant) for me and had a small portion of fries. It was a solid dinner because I made the burgers about 8oz.
    For dinner tonight I want to make a peanut sauce and mix it with ground white turkey meat and put it on top of brown rice and shredded zucchini. Then I’ll make a cucumber salad with rice wine vinegar and a touch of the peanut sauce mixed in with it.
    I know this is a long-winded post, but I’m also excited that the clothes shopping I bought online arrived, and they all fit/look nice! I also dropped a dress size in my jeans! Have a good day! 😊
    08/08 115.6 Did not post today.
    08/09 118.2 Oh hey salt, hormones, and water weight. Had salty chicken pot pie for lunch yesterday and then had a spur of the moment French fries and chicken fingers for dinner. Today, I feel the puff in my face and have the desire to drink lots of water and just eat fruit, veggies, and protein today. I have some CSA veggies to eat before tomorrow, so it’ll work out perfectly.

    Yesterday was fun because we started our day with a nice walk through the woods, then I made a new batch of granola and granola bars for us when we go hiking/camping Tuesday to Thursday this week. The granola bars are a concoction of peanut butter, chocolate chips, honey, inulin, plain egg white protein powder, vanilla extract, rolled oats, puffed millet, puffed buckwheat, and a touch of salt. I didn’t follow a recipe and just went for it. They didn’t set up as much as I hoped, so I think I’m going to cook them further today at a low temp to see if that helps. If it doesn’t, they’ll just be a touch gooey but delicious.

    Today I think we are going to explore a couple of trails my husband was reading about last night. Then, I’ll be packing for our adventure and going through some of my baggier clothes to donate. Plus, it’ll give me the incentive to not gain the weight back if I don’t have those clothes anymore.
  • vdecosta86
    vdecosta86 Posts: 132 Member
    08/05 - 202.4
    08/06 - 201.8 - Going in the right direction! I didn't log perfectly and snacked a LOT, but I chose healthier snacks. I told myself that I wasn't going to exercise yesterday, but I got out and walked 4 miles yesterday. The goal for today is to stay on track, drink 100 oz of water, and go for a run.
    08/07 - 201.6 - It's not much, but its something! I had a tough day yesterday and didn't eat as well as I intended. I also took a day off from exercising. I plan on going for a long walk with my dog today and a bike ride this evening. Hopefully, I can stick to my planned food today.
    08/08 - 201 - Happy to see a lower number for another day! I didn't stick to my planned food yesterday, but def tried to balance good and bad choices. I'm going to the beach with a friend today, so it's going to be a lazy day. Hoping to get a bike ride in to make up for some missing movement.
    08/09 - 201.8 - I'm not surprised by this increase. I went to dinner and made some poor food and alcohol choices last night. I considered not weighing today, knowing that it would be up, but I need to own the choices I made yesterday. I'm glad I weighed myself because the increase is small, and it reminded me that it isn't the end of the world.
  • kperk91
    kperk91 Posts: 226 Member
    5' 4"
    SW (Oct 2019): 160.2 lbs
    GW: 120 lbs

    Goal for 10 day challenge: -1.0 lb

    08/05: 132.4 lbs - I've been dead-on with measuring food and getting my workouts in; joined the August running challenge to keep me accountable for getting my runs in.
    08/06: 132.2 lbs - Yesterday was a rest day and my legs are sore from Tuesday lower workout!
    08/07: 131.8 lbs - Made sure to stay on track with accurate food logging. Internet technician and project manager for our new roof were in our home until 7pm so I didn't get my normal workout in. Today will be a thrown together workout and longer run.
    08/08: 131.2 lbs - Florida heat is no joke during runs 🥵 Just need to make sure I keep going down and not fluctuate up!
    08/09: 132 lbs - Fluctuated up! I can definitely say it was dinner.
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 687 Member
    Goal for this round, actually finish the round and lose maybe 2 lbs.
    Goal wt: 250

    08/05 266.7 plan for today cut down on calories in and no in between snacks.
    08/06 266.8 hmmmmmm had a good workout over 8000 steps, lets all kick butt this round.
    08/07 267.9 I eat salt I retain water, simple as that, I need to really monitor my sodium intake.Yesterday I had a bunch.
    08/08 ???
    08/09 267.5
  • marysia2609
    marysia2609 Posts: 38 Member
    5'8" Female
    Start weight: 67kg
    Goal weight: 57kg
    R121: -1.1kg
    R122 goal: 64kg

    Day - Weight - Comment
    08/05 - 65.8kg - Didn't meet eating goals, but did get a lot of work done.
    08/06 - 66.6kg - Binged yesterday and saw the effects on the scale today. Didn't snack at all today though and got a 60-minute workout in!
    08/07 - 66.6kg - Whoops, looks like it got stuck. Worked out outside early in the morning; it made the whole day a thousand times better.
    08/08 - 66.6kg - Not quite sure why it's so high, maybe water retention? Continuing to avoid snacking.
    08/09 - 66.2kg - aha! trending down:) IF back on and going well.
    08/10 -
    08/11 -
    08/12 -
    08/13 -
    08/14 -
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    43 yr old female, 5.5 feet
    starting weight 186.6

    Round 120 up .8
    Rounds 121 down 2.2 lbs

    08/05 184.6 completed workout but ate way too many snacks
    08/06 185.4 I didn’t work out since my knee is. Bugging me. I went out with friends and didn’t prepare so I ended up with too many calories. A little disappointed in myself
    08/07 184.6 knee is still hurting no exercise but tried to make better choices but still need to work or tracking on busy days
    08/08 184.4 tried to be mindful of eating since I am still not working out due to injury first day not hitting 10k steps
    08/09 185.6 walk 18k steps but still hurts to bend my knee so can’t do my regular work outs. Had pizza in the city at a famous pizza place and a frozen hot chocolate. Will be careful today after indulging yesterday
  • MommaGemz
    MommaGemz Posts: 494 Member
    ROUND 122

    I’m a 5’ 8”, 45 yo Mom of 2 young ones. The lockdown had me squeaking toward 200, so I knew I had to start taking better care of myself!

    Original SW: 196.2 lb (6/11/20)
    GOAL Weight: 165 lb
    Total weight loss to date: 12.7 lb

    R121: -3.1 lb✔️

    Round 122 SW: 183.5
    (on 8/04/20)

    8/05 – 183.9– This is not surprising as I just experienced a huge plunge in my weight, so I expect I am rebalancing now. Stationary bike and crunches today!
    8/06 – 183.7 – Great weigh-in day for this week! More cardio on the schedule today
    8/07 – 184.0 – Well, TOM arrived yesterday, along with its bloating and cramping, so I skipped cardio. It’s back on the schedule today
    8/08 – 183.5 – Cardio has definitely helped, and some of my water retention has released – excellent!
    8/09 – 183.0 - Last day of our Staycation today, then it’s back to work and home schooling tomorrow.
    8/10 -
    8/11 -
    8/12 -
    8/13 -
    8/14 -

  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    edited August 2020
    5’4”, 32yrs, F
    SW: 245
    Mini-Goal 1: 235.0 🏆 (July)
    Mini-Goal 2: 220.0
    Mini-Goal 3: 200.0
    Mini-Goal 4: <188 (Previous Low)
    UGW: 150-170lbs

    Round 115 🔻 3.6lbs
    Round 116 🔻 2.8lbs
    Round 117 🔻 2.4lbs
    Round 118 🔺 2.3lbs
    Round 119 🔻 4.3lbs
    Round 120 🔻 2.4lbs
    Round 121 🔻 5.4lbs

    08/05: 226.8
    08/06: 228.8 - Late dinner + dessert; no worries 🍨
    08/07: 229.2 - 🤷🏻‍♀️
    08/08: 226.2 - That’s better ✔️
    08/09: 226.2 - 10th is 7d since 226.0 - maybe a drop? 🤞🏼
  • xxxSheilaxxx
    xxxSheilaxxx Posts: 212 Member
    I fell of track for over a year! I gained back so much, but I'm ready to get back to it! Good luck all 😁

    SW 205.0 lbs
    GW 160 lbs

    8/5: 204.8
    8/6: 204.4
    8/7: 203.0 Happy to see this! This is day 5 of no energy drinks or soda.
    8/8: 203.0 I didnt have much water yesterday. Going to the lake so I probably wont eat all that well, but I should burn a lot.
    8/9: 202.4 I didn't eat as bad as I thought I would yesterday. I was able to stay under my calorie goal 😀 Happy Sunday!
  • veggiepat
    veggiepat Posts: 127 Member

    08/05 Wt: 202 - confident to try something new. Feeling hopeful!

    08/06 Wt: 200 - Woo Hoo! I am starting to get back on track after gaining recently. Didn't binge yesterday! So grateful and so grateful for you all!

    08/07 Wt: 201.4 Binged a little yesterday, but determined and moving forward! We can do it!

    08/08 Wt: 201.4 Made it through last night without binging, but wasn't consistent through the day. But happy I didn't gain! Yay! Controlling my emotions and pushing through. Made it to 10,000 steps yesterday and pushing more for today. We can do it!

    08/09 Wt: 201.8 Did a little too much fun foods but walking my steps. Yay! Only made it to 5000 steps, but ready for more. We can do it!
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,978 Member
    Male: 63
    OSW: 237.8 (Nov. 2016)
    OGW: 199 (just to say I did)

    Goal this round: To lower my ten-day average from previous ten-day average.

    Historical Averages:
    R 94: 210.7 (20191108 = date of the last day of the round)
    R 95: 210.3
    R 96: 210.5
    R 97: 211.3 (20191208)
    R 98: 212.7
    R 99: 212.5* (some ghost vaycay entries)
    R 100: 215.0* (ghost vaycay entries) (20200107)
    R 101: 216.0* (some ghost vaycay entries)
    R 102: 212.6
    R 103: 211.9 (20200206)
    R 104: 210.9
    R 105: 212.5
    R 106: 211.2 (20200307)
    R 107: DNF
    R 115: 215.6 (20200605)
    R 116: 213.7
    R 117: 213.1
    R 118: 212.1 (20200705)
    R 119: 212.4
    R 120: 211.5
    R 121: 207.9 (20200804)

    I like to track averages due to my wild fluctuations. For the same reason, I like to weigh daily so I can see the lows from time to time. It gives me hope.

    Round 122
    Month/Day: Weight / Comment

    08/05: 205.8 / It’s great to kick off a new round. This morning’s weigh-in ties my low for the year 2020. I got below this in 2019 before the holiday season kicked in. All I can say is, it will be a fight from here on if I want to touch 199 this year. Challenge starting tonight! A good friend invited me fishing this evening, followed by a late dinner at one of our favorite greasy spoons. (not sure if all our international friends know what a “greasy spoon” is. Ha! Is it a global term?) Maybe I will set a mini goal of avoiding the French Fries. (chips, crisps)
    08/06: 208 / …yesterday was a glorious festival of poor decisions with a double dash of salt.
    08/07: 208 / Calories yesterday were on budget, but macros were not. My diet yesterday included a couple pieces of candy, a piece of blueberry coffee cake that DW made, a couple drinx and a bag of VERY salty popcorn at the outdoor concert in our town last night.
    08/08: 208.2 / I have been naughty.
    08/09: 208.4 / pizza
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    @kperk91ay I ask where you are in Florida?
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    @MommaGemz What is the app you and others appear to be using for the weight graph?

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    Female 5’0” Age 70 years
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel - no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    OGW 137 (set by WW 2008, WW goal 1985 was 126)
    UGW 125 (HS weight 1968)

    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5
    SW Rnd 10 167.5 AW 165.3 Start Keto
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5 AW 147.3
    SW Rnd 26 148.5 AW 145.4
    SW Rnd 27 146* AW 144.72
    SW Rnd 28 145* AW 145.5
    SW Rnd 29 146.5 AW 145.8
    SW Rnd 30 146 AW 145.65
    SW Rnd 31 146.5 AW 144.45
    SW Rnd 32 144.5 AW 143.3
    SW Rnd 33 141.5 AW 140.6
    SW Rnd 34 140.0 AW 140.75
    SW Rnd 35 139.5 AW 139.25
    SW Rnd 36 138.5 AW 138.85
    SW Rnd 37 139.0 AW 138.2
    SW Rnd 38 139.5* AW 136.9
    SW Rnd 39 137.0* No end/avg weight
    SW Rnd 40 ???.?* 5 day avg 137.6
    SW Rnd 41 137.5 AW 138.2
    SW Rnd 42 my 36 138.0 AW 136.15
    SW Rnd 43 136.5 AW 135.5
    SW Rnd 44 133.5 AW 134.55
    SW Rnd 45 134.0 AW 134.35
    SW Rnd 46* 133.5 AW 133.28 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 47* 133.5 AW 133.0 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 48 133.5 AW 134.05
    SW Rnd 49 134.0 AW 133.85
    SW Rnd 50* 134.5 AW 134.6 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 51* 133.5 No scale on ship
    SW Rnd 52* 134.0 AW 133.42 (6 Days)
    SW Rnd 53 131.5 AW 131.9
    SW Rnd 54 131.0 AW 131.6
    SW Rnd 55* 131.5 AW 129.66
    SW Rnd 56* 128.5 AW 130.7
    SW Rnd 57 131.5 AW 130.85
    SW Rnd 58 131.0 AW 130.6
    SW Rnd 59 132.0 AW 131.3
    SW Rnd 60 131.5 AW 131.85
    SW Rnd 61 130.0 AW 132.4
    SW Rnd 62 132.0 AW 131.6
    SW Rnd 63 132.5 AW 131.55
    SW Rnd 64 131.5 AW 130.65
    SW Rnd 65 129.5 AW 129.2
    SW Rnd 66 129.0 AW 128.75
    SW Rnd 67 128.0 AW 128.65
    SW Rnd 68* 129.0 AW 129.41 (6 days)
    SW Rnd 69* 131.0 (only 1 day left) AW 131.25
    SW Rnd 70 131.5 AW 129.5
    SW Rnd 71 129.0 AW 128.25
    SW Rnd 72 128.0. AW 128.8
    SW Rnd 73 129.5 AW 129.5
    SW Rnd 74 128.5 AW 127.9
    SW Rnd 75 126.5 AW 126.0
    SW Rnd 76* 126.0 AW 123.36(7 days
    SW Rnd 77 125.0 AW 125.7
    SW Rnd 78 125.5 AW 125.1
    SW Rnd 79 125.0 AW 124.0
    SW Rnd 80 124.0 AW 123.3
    SW RND 81 124.0 AW 124.65
    SW Rnd 82 125.5 AW 124.35
    SW Rnd 83 123.0 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 84 121.0 AW 120.95
    SW Rnd 85 120.5 AW 120.5
    SW Rnd 86 120.5 AW 121.15
    SW Rnd 87* 121.0 ended on travel
    SW Rnd 88* 122.0 on 9/1 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 89 120.5 AW 121.21
    SW Rnd 90 122.0 AW 121.35
    SW Rnd 91 121.0 AW 120.2
    SW Rnd 92 121.5 AW 120.9
    SW Rnd 93 120.5 AW 120.45
    SW Rnd 94 119.5 AW 121.45
    SW Rnd 95 123.5 AW 122.4
    SW Rnd 96 122.0 AW 121.6
    SW Rnd 97 121.0 AW 120.22
    SW Rnd **98 119.0 Travel NWIs
    SW Rnd **99(late) 126.5 😮 AW 123.79
    SW Rnd 100 121.0 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 101 121.0 AW 120.95
    SW Rnd 102 120.5 AW 121.05
    SW Rnd 103 121.5 AW 121.05
    SW Rnd 104 120.0 AW 120.9
    Rnd 105 SW 122.5 AW 120.8
    Rnd 106 SW 121.0 AW 120.5
    Rnd 107 SW 122.0. AW 120.6
    Rnd 108 SW 122.0 AW 121.0
    Rnd 109 SW 120.5 AW 120.4
    Rnd 110 SW 121.0 AW 120.3
    Rnd 111 SW 120.5 AW 120.6
    Rnd 112 SW 120.0 AW 119.2
    Rnd 113 SW 119.5 AW 120.2
    Rnd 114 SW 119.0 AW 118.3
    Rnd 115 SW 117.5 AW 118.25
    Rnd 116 SW 118.0 AW 117.55
    Rnd 117 SW 116 AW 118.11
    Rnd 118 SW 121 AW 118.3
    Rnd 119 SW 119.0 AW 116.75
    Rnd 120 SW 117 AW 117.2
    Rnd 121 SW 116 AW 117.3

    We ALL have good rounds and bad but that is part of life. Don’t stay away, stay accountable. We don’t judge, we support.-Jpv,2/13/19

    What we need to succeed is a sustainable way of eating, not a DIET we go on and off.

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    Rnd 122 SW 118.0
    8/5 117
    8/6 117
    8/7 116.5 I ordered a small batch ice cream freezer last night. It makes 1 pint. I have been desiring ice cream this summer but keto ice creams are outrageously priced and I haven’t seen one that everyone loves. Besides, our regular ice cream freezer makes 6 quarts-way too much for 2 people!
    8/8 116.5
    8/9 117.0 Great Greek yesterday, gain expected. YUM

    Have a blessed Sunday everyone!
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    Height: 5’0” / SW: 190 / GW: 130 / CW: 139.8

    R115: -2.5 lbs
    R116: -0.9 lbs
    R117: -1.4 lbs
    R118: -3.2 lbs
    R119: -1.2 lbs
    R120: -1.9 lbs
    R121: -0.7 lbs

    08/05 - 139.6
    08/06 - 139.1
    08/07 - 138.8
    08/08 - 138.5
    08/09 - 138.8

    Bumped back up a bit. Probably because I did a long run yesterday and had take-out which is always higher sodium. Weight loss this month has felt particularly slow though.