Looking for other diabetics for support and suggestions



  • Hi Everyone, I have really enjoyed everyone sharing there experiences and history with diabetes. I got the result of my A1C and it was 8.7, higher than 3 months ago. With all the doctors on board and involved in my care and all I continue to log my food and activity and am confident we will collectively figure it out. I have other health issues I am dealing with as well and trying most importantly not to stress.

    It's a comfort to know I am not alone. That the weight loss will come, and so will the answers I am in search of. I admire so many of you for your sharing and the inspiration and encouragement that is in your posting. Continue to share because it is helpful and so uplifting.

    Thank you all and have a blessed day.
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
  • Thanks for this info, just joined after spending two weeks in hospital, horrible time. Been diabetic last 5 years but just taking meds that whole time. As result of emergency situation, I was given steroids which drove my bg to over 400, Dr had to inject insulin all day every day and sent me home with insulin pens. Fortunatly for me, I responded so well,bg was going below 70 after meals, he just took me off insulin and back on Metformin. I don't want to go back to that ever again, I am finding this site to be very helpful and I am tracking everything, I think the iPhone app is just fantastic, could not be easier.