One day at a time, but I WILL do it

This is only my second post even though I've been using MFP for quite some time. Although I'm working with my mother to lose weight, I need a little more motivation and accountability. I'm 39 years old and on disability for bipolar disorder. It's difficult to get up and going. I also have migraines. I have to be really careful with what I eat, although I am a glutton for punishment (pun intended). I love fast food and carbs. Caffeine is a vice even though it's a migraine trigger for me.

Working on gaining my endurance. Starting out small on the recumbent bike. Started out at 15 min and now up to 20. Still have a ways to go. Am trying to get up the courage to try yoga. But when you weigh 222 and most of the people in the class weigh less than half that amount it's a little intimidating.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. :flowerforyou:


  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    You could try a beginning yoga dvd!
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    Were we separated at birth?! :) I'm not bipolar (although it runs in my family,) but I struggled with migraines that made life really suck. I was also a Diet Coke addict. The first thing I did was cut out caffeine and switch to water. Now, I have the occasional Diet Coke but no where near as bad as I used to be. I actually prefer water now! My doctor prescribed a few pain pills to help me deal with the splitting headaches, but after a week and a half I beat the addiction. My skin feels better, and I'll never go back to where I was! I seriously NEVER get migraines now. As far as the fast food, I love that stuff too. However, instead of a Big Mac meal large sized, I have a hamburger and small fry. It's still really filling and helps me get my fix.

    It's all about small changes that really add up. I love yoga. Try some DVDs, I love Body by Bethenny ... it's a little less intimidating when it's just you and you're not in front of a class of others. Feel free to add me if you need more support!

    Best wishes!
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    I too struggle with bipolar expressiveness as a friend calls it. Days off are the worst for me. Mainly because I looooove sleep and tend to nap...a lot. Then I feel as though I'm lazy. And then I start to get down on myself. Then I crave junk food. And the spiral continues. Wish I had some advice but I don't. Just know you aren't alone!
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    Good for you...keep it up and everything will come. As far as the class being intimidating...I really understand. I was really intimidated walking into my first Body Pump class-I was by far one of the largest women there...including being compared to the guys in the class...that was about 6 months I love the class and I walk in there with my head held high...and no one has judged fact they are really supportive. The instructor is the best...she is very encouraging and I have lost 55 pounds since then. I would say talk to the instructor and get a feel for their teaching style...if she is half as supportive as my Body Pump instructor, you will have a great experience. Good luck! :happy:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    First of all, I admire your courage & determination despite your condition. Do not be intimidated by your classmates. They would be too busy concentrating on the workout so they won't be having the time to even look at you & of course there will always be overweight people in the gym so don't worry. Second, as what Katbaran say, start with the beginner version of yoga then you can do more advance classes later on.
    Take it easy there.
  • cfloyd72
    cfloyd72 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the support.