Starting Monday!

Hello Everyone! I'm so excited to be starting an exercise and diet program. It is long overdue. Hope to meet some of you here for support, stories, or just a laugh or two.


  • RockingWithLJ
    RockingWithLJ Posts: 243 Member
    edited August 2020
    So, yesterday? Or youre waiting 6 more days? If youre waiting, id suggest you log what you eat without caring about your caloric intake just to see where youre at so it's easier to adapt to the better choices. At least then you will have a baseline of what amount of carbs proteins and fats you were taking in originally. That and it'll get you used to log in your food.
    I'm really excited you decided to make this choice for yourself. What goals do you have for your health and wellness journey? If you don't have any besides a scale goal I would strongly suggest you create more goals for yourself so it keeps you going.
    I'd love to have you as a friend if you're looking for some! My diary is open and I post daily :)
  • luvtodream2
    luvtodream2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello LJ. Nice to hear from you! Just finding my way around this app. I'm starting Monday, 8/17. Just had my fitness and nutrition consultation. I started my food log today as per their instructions. I am just writing down everything I eat without trying to change my normal diet yet.
  • RockingWithLJ
    RockingWithLJ Posts: 243 Member
    Love it!
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    Hey Luvy! Welcome! That feeling of excitement is crucial for continued success. An important thing to remember.... this isn't some much a program as it is a lifestyle.. you have to find what will work for you long term. A have fun and get it off and keep it off lifestyle.

    Great advice from LJ. I'd love to have both of you as friends!