Went from Strict Keto OMAD to Low Carb Diet. Advice?

I dropped about 40lbs the last 5 months and just started on my cutting and body building journey and was just looking for some direction and advice. My current weight is about 235lbs and i am 5' 9" and have an Endomorph body type. My current goal weight is about 210lbs. I have a bit of a back ground with fitness but mostly centered around weigh loss. I took steps to find a 4 day work out routine that would work for body building. My main goal now is to gain muscle and get more cut and defined. I have calculated my BMR and determined what my daily macro intake should be. I know i have to lower my carb intake which i have but i would like some advice specifically on what i should be eating and the kinds of workout routines i should be looking out for as well. How essential is cardio on this journey? Are rest days necessary and if so what should i be eating and doing on my rest days.


  • BadNew54u
    BadNew54u Posts: 8 Member
    I was 250 and fasted down to 154 with various fasting durations all while only eating Keto and keeping an eye on my ketone levels with testing strips. I did a few week long+ fasts (snake diet), but mostly 3-4 day fasting. Also did about a month of OMAD but that one to be honest was the least healthy feeling. Out of all the fasting I did only 1 meal a day gave me chest pain. Switched back to normal fasting schedule and chest pain disappeared, so I really don't suggest OMAD. Just my experience though.

    It sounds like you need to keep cutting down your weight if you are 235 at 5'9. I'm 5'11 and cut down to skin and bones 7% body fat @ 150 pounds, then worked my way back up to my current 191. I would say you should keep cutting till you are down to about 25% body fat, which likely for you is more around the 180-190 weight range, then start adding mass. Take it from me, adding mass on a keto type diet don't work. I learned early on that carbs are essential in delivering glycogen to your muscles. Without this, building new mass is about impossible. I currently do 30% protein/30% fat/40% carb intake on a 16/8 IF schedule. I'm a endo/meso hybrid body so for you as a pure endo you will want to reduce your fat and increase your protein/carbs, but not lower then 20% fat, you need fat. You will also want to have less rest between your workouts/sets because endos work much better when they are well warmed up. Cooling down is the bain of the endomorph, so keep that heart rate up!

    As for a weight lifting routine, I suggest starting with Starting Strength or Greyskull LP. Both are solid beginner programs, each offering different strengths and weaknesses. Greyskull will get you results faster but not as good for the long haul as SS. SS builds your core really well and lets you shift into intermediate lifting with ease. I only lift weights 3 days week, but I did start on a 6 day PPL reddit routine which was ok, but I quickly learned it wasn't right for me and I needed more rest for growth. I was overworking. Works for many tho so maybe PPL 6 days will work for you.