I need advice and help please, and friends....

:noway: Well, Ive been here before but w a different name, so Im seeking friends who will encourage and need encouraging.....I want to loose 45lbs but I tend to go up 5 and back down, I do train 2 times a wk and work out at the gym, the trainer says to eat lots and lots of protien, and certain carbs and vegetables.... ugh, any other advice anyone can give so I can eat normal but healthy, and still loose weight... Struggling.... help..


  • No processed foods. If it comes from a box, don't eat it.
  • Hi and welcome back...I also have a lot of the same problems...feel free to add me and I will do my best to give support and motivation.
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Welcome back :-) . Keep on keepin on is the advic
    e I give you. I would love to be a motivator in your journey.
  • Add me! I could use all the support I can get as well. It's damn hard being married to a chef who doesn't consider the struggles of those who are overweight. Not his fault, but it's hard for me to say no.
  • codypedler
    codypedler Posts: 9 Member
    as far as burning fat. its very simple. cals burned>cal intake=fat loss.

    I dont subscribe to the low carb diet fad, but it does work. my ratio of calories, 40-50% Carbs, 25-35% protein, 20-30% fat. now those carbs come in the form of whole grains like oats or quinoa, rather than simple sugars and fruit juice, but as long as your calorie intake is less than the calories you burn per day, your body will burn its energy storage, simple to keep the system going.

    on days i do my heavy lifting, which is 3 days a week, i may up my protein %.
  • Welcome back ! You can friend me if you would like !!
  • Welcome back! We all need support and avenues for advice which is why we are here! Feel free to add me as a friend and I will do my best to keep you motivated and feelin' the luv! You can do this!!!!!!
  • I just joined this site today but I have always done well with Eat fresh food nothing frozen or in a box. And the big one portion size !! :smile:
  • MaryIM
    MaryIM Posts: 159 Member
    I commend you for not giving up and starting over, with a new identity. I'm relatively new to MFP and I find that it definitely helps with my motivation by reading the message boards. Logon daily and enter you food intake daily. Monitor yourself daily and be vigilant.

    I don't have any friends yet ... will you be my friend?
  • I have found peanutbutter to be a go-to for protien. It goes great with everything; fruits, veggies and toast. At first I was eating the protien bars after workouts and only gained weight. Then I switched to the shakes and I just maintained weight, never losing. But peanunt butter and carrots with a glass of milk after a workout gives me protien and allows me to lose weight at the same time.
    Everyone is different so what works for me may/may not work for you.
    I hope all goes well. Good Luck!
  • mmp0001
    mmp0001 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey there! Thanks for posting this! I feel where you are coming from. I have been dealing with the same last 10-15 pounds for the last year. Like you I gain 5 lose them. Lose them again and down to the last 10 only to gain 3 lose them and so on. I am frustrated!

    I lost 40 pounds just can't seem to lose the last 10 to make it 50 :( boo.
    But here is what helped me.

    I started with by just focusing on my diet...since at the time exercise was a chore!
    I should say I also did HCG which helped me kick off the first few pounds but mainly helped me stick to my diet.
    But after like 2 months of nothing but dieting I added walks then finally a gym membership and then finally a trainer who helped me get the hang of machines and free weights till I was on my own.

    My diet consisted of complex carbs and protein.
    Nothng white...no potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, ect.
    To simplify it :
    Breakfast: an apple or scramble egg (sometimes added onions and cheese)
    Lunch: Salad (no dressing if you can handle it...all if not most of you cals come from the dressing) grilled chicken.
    Snack: Berries, tangerine, orange, grapefruit or apples
    Dinner: steak and broc, chicken and broc/green beans/ cauli, ect. & side salad.

    Kept frozen twice baked potatoes or rice in the freezer for the hubby.

    I eat out alot too! So feel free to ask!

    Work outs:

    Started with just cardio...30 min grew to 40 grew to 45 (fill up your ipod)
    Added weights, twice to three a week
    I discovered I love Pilates hate step class!

    Here is the thing...it takes time and dedication! Don't you feel your worth it?
    So what if we have to get up an hour earlier...
    So what if your family has to eat a sandwich or two while you make your step or Pilates class ONCE a week!
    You are worth it! You can do it!