This should be fun!

Hello & thanks for allowing me to become part of your community. I have tried (sometimes really hard, other times not so hard) several times to lose weight over the past 14 years. Some programs worked for awhile, but often times I fell into a mundane routine that ultimately did not work for me. Counting calories, exercising seems to make sense (why didn't I think of it before?). Hopefully I will find that I have a bit more freedom & much more success! I am a wonderful mother of 4, a loving wife of 1, a writer, a book club enthusiast, a weight-loss veteran & I'm not afraid of working out.


  • trilikeagirl
    yay for the "math-not-magic" approach and friends who "get it!"
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    I agree with trilikeagirl, calorie science is both time-tested and effective.
  • Welcome! This is a great program. I just recently started and dare i say, I log on to MFP now more than I do Facebook. Facebook never made me thin - MFP will help!

    Good luck!