I always knew I was weird..

- What is something sweet that will kick a craving & not do any damage to the scale? For me, a small chocolate Frosty from Wendy’s does the trick!
- How does eating before going to bed (even if it’s just a little cup of grapes & when I still have plenty of calories to consume that day) effect my weight loss efforts? Negatively! Try to eat all your calories 3-5 hours before bed Ms. McShane! - and..
- Alcohol; is it true you can’t drink AT ALL while trying to lose weight? Nope. Not for this Irish gal! Drinking always helps me lose. Not that I’m going out every night trying to tip the scale!! But I’ve had a drink or two the night before weigh in & it always helps me. My boyfriend says that’s only b/c I’m dehydrated the next morning.. but every time I’ve had a drink before weigh in day, & it moved the scale, I never bounced back up within the next few days - so I have to disagree with him.

What have you learned about yourself that is either something that you’d NEVER see in a weight loss instruction manual or something that probably wouldn’t work for anyone else, but it works for you?


  • shabydonner
    shabydonner Posts: 69 Member
    Eating bad one day of the week can actually have a positive effect on the scale for me.

    Have a sweet treat once a day is completely ok, as long as I have the calories left for it, and is the reason I'm not so tempted to throw in the towel this time around.

    Red grapes are my best friend. I have just found them to be a favorite food that actually leave me feeling full when nothing else will.

    I love to cook. I always knew I liked cooking but having found wonderful sites like SkinnyTaste.com and realizing that eating healthy can taste really good has reminded me that cooking can be a lot of fun, not to mention on those meals where I really work up a sweat getting them ready I count it as cardio and earn some extra calories to enjoy that dinner with :)