"everything in moderation"



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I used to be a major over eater .. and if I don't watch myself, I still do it. But, I'm not about to give up pizza or beer for the rest of my life, so I had to find a way to work around it. So, I practice self control. Note I said 'practice'... I still struggle, and I still have days where I pack in eight beers and a large pizza, but those days are getting fewer and farther between. I practice moderation so that I can enjoy things I love while getting fit. AND, I don't have to foreverandeveramen give up on any single thing that makes my mouth and my heart happy.

    So, I mean, maybe instead of saying, "I can't do moderation", you give yourself a little credit, try to be positive, and say, "I'm going to try to be better at moderation" and see how it goes.

    Nope, I've tried that and it doesn't work. I give myself tons of credit for losing what I've lost and keeping with it. I've tried moderation, and I **** up my whole day. I'm not talking about all food that is bad for me, or you...just trigger foods, the ones that trigger a compulsive overeater like myself to want to keep eating. The ones that make the voices in my head start yelling at me "just start over tomorrow, you deserve this, it's ok, just have a little" ... and then when I'm done, I wish I never touched the food in the first place, so now I just don't.

    I think for the most part we all have those trigger foods and you're right, the key is to avoid them. You may not have to avoid them forever, but you have to keep them out of your diet for as long as it's necessary. I am generally quick to say that one day doesn't matter, or that indulging isn't a big deal. And usually, it isn't. But I do know that there are some people that can't handle that and for those people, being strict is the best tool the have. Chances are good that you may be able to eat those "trigger foods" some day. But until then avoiding them is what you have to do. You know what works for you, other people don't.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Nope, I've tried that and it doesn't work. I give myself tons of credit for losing what I've lost and keeping with it. I've tried moderation, and I **** up my whole day. I'm not talking about all food that is bad for me, or you...just trigger foods, the ones that trigger a compulsive overeater like myself to want to keep eating. The ones that make the voices in my head start yelling at me "just start over tomorrow, you deserve this, it's ok, just have a little" ... and then when I'm done, I wish I never touched the food in the first place, so now I just don't, or try really hard not to.

    At least you get voices telling you it is ok. I just all of a sudden realize that I have stuffed my face full of food and sometimes I don't even know what it is I have eaten (other than it was high calorie crap).
  • jnettiedotson
    Nope, I've tried that and it doesn't work. I give myself tons of credit for losing what I've lost and keeping with it. I've tried moderation, and I **** up my whole day. I'm not talking about all food that is bad for me, or you...just trigger foods, the ones that trigger a compulsive overeater like myself to want to keep eating. The ones that make the voices in my head start yelling at me "just start over tomorrow, you deserve this, it's ok, just have a little" ... and then when I'm done, I wish I never touched the food in the first place, so now I just don't, or try really hard not to.

    At least you get voices telling you it is ok. I just all of a sudden realize that I have stuffed my face full of food and sometimes I don't even know what it is I have eaten (other than it was high calorie crap).

    LOL, the voices are NOT a good thing! They're lying to me girl! It's not ok, I won't start over tomorrow or just have a little. It's addiction, it's the "crazies".
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Might I suggest - if you are truly dealing with a food addiction, that you see a counselor or maybe read some self help books on the topic? Because for those of use that overeat here and there, and are learning better habits, "everything in moderation" does work. If it upsets you to hear people give that advice, then it might be best to remember that you are way different than the average poster on MFP, your needs are different, and you're unique and different. It's not going to stop me from telling everyone that everything in moderation works for me, and I support others giving it a try.
  • jnettiedotson
    Might I suggest - if you are truly dealing with a food addiction, that you see a counselor or maybe read some self help books on the topic? Because for those of use that overeat here and there, and are learning better habits, "everything in moderation" does work. If it upsets you to hear people give that advice, then it might be best to remember that you are way different than the average poster on MFP, your needs are different, and you're unique and different. It's not going to stop me from telling everyone that everything in moderation works for me, and I support others giving it a try.

    I do have a book, that was given to me by my sponsor at Overeaters Anonymous. Yes, moderation works for those of you who overeat "here and there", and that's fine. I only get upset when those people ASSUME that those rules to live by work for everyone, as I stated in my original post. I don't think I'm WAY different than the average poster, and I never told you to stop telling anyone anything. My only issue is that people assume it's easy and that anyone can do it, when it clearly is not, as supported by other posters on this thread as well. I never knew how many there were like me, and I think there are way more than are willing to admit....
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    We obviously all have different methods to lose weight... you have to find what works for you. I tout moderation in all things because it is what works for me (and yes, I'm an emotional eater/food addict as well... you don't get to 530 pounds without being one), but I find if I tell myself a certain food is restricted or that I can never eat it, I go crazy and eat 800 times more than a normal sized serving.

    I've lost 228 pounds using the moderation thing and sure I make mistakes up the wahooza... but this is a lifestyle change... not a diet. Good luck with finding what works for you! You got this!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I believe in this, but my self-control makes it hard to just take one cookie, etc. That's why when I buy sweets, I buy prepackaged portions. Example, indivdually wrapped ice cream treats, one bag of Pretzel MandMs...
  • jnettiedotson
    I believe in this, but my self-control makes it hard to just take one cookie, etc. That's why when I buy sweets, I buy prepackaged portions. Example, indivdually wrapped ice cream treats, one bag of Pretzel MandMs...

    I've tried that too, but I only ending up eating more than one package. I find myself buying sweets for my kids that I hate, like chewy cookies or fig newtons. You couldn't pay me to eat that stuff, but Oreo's.....overdose, that's all I'm saying, LOL!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I agree somewhat. I just shake my head when I read "everything in moderation" and then something about eating <insert unhealthy non-food here> daily in small portions or weekly in large portions. People are going to do what they want, but I would not consider that moderation.

    I also can't (won't) eat only one slice of pizza. So I only eat pizza that I don't make (i.e. unhealthy pizza from pizza shop) in moderation, as in once every 2 or 3 months.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I would say do what works for you. I too restrict myself from certain foods. When i do have them its like once every couple of months. If we all were great at using self control when it comes to our weight this website wouldn't be here. In time these battles will be won but work the plan that's best for you.
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    Am I the only one who reads this and wants to throw my keyboard? I don't blame anyone, it's just that some of us don't have the "moderation" alarm that goes off in our brain. Some of us are compulsive (over)eaters, and once we start it's over with! I can't have just one piece of pizza and be ok with that, or cookie, or chip, or fry, or brownie, or scoop of icecream. I hear all the time "never make anything off limits, or you're depriving yourself". I have to deprive myself, there's no other way. I know that I'm not the only one like this...

    You're NOT the only one. I HATE that phrase. I think that "everything in moderation" CAN apply if you're in the maintenance phase of your health/fitness journey. But if you are trying to lose weight that mantra is not the most helpful. Being overweight is like being in debt...you have to restrict (budget) until you lose the weight (or get out of debt). For some people even that isn't enough and it's best for them to stay away from unhealthy foods, period.
  • rbloedow
    rbloedow Posts: 47 Member
    I hate the phrase too - but you know what?.....it's the god honest truth. If you get in the mindset that it's all or nothing when it comes to food, you are setting yourself up for a situation where you will fail. We all have small failures, even the best of us. The first time you fall off the boat, you're going ot hate yourself for it - you will also be more likely to have all out binge sessions.

    The vast majority of people who are naturally thin, and those successful at maintaining their weight over the span of many years...they give themselves some slack, and moderate what kinds of food they eat.