I always self sabotage 😑

I don't know why. My mind is so messed up. If I'm eating bad I feel like I don't want anyone to see me! So lately I've really not gone in anywhere, I send my husband in. I'm being vulnerable and just being open about my struggles😭
I also do really good and then I end up going in the wrong direction again, maybe because I've stopped and started trying to lose weights hundreds of times. Lost 70lbs in my teens and now that I am 34 I'm just exhausted of trying😓 IDK, just venting. Add me as a friend if you want to help support my wild journey lol


  • Melly045
    Melly045 Posts: 65 Member
    I’m a self sabotager as well. No idea why. All we can do is take it one day at a time. When I’m on track i can be laser focused but when I’m off I’m out of control. All we can do is take it one day at a time and try to make better choices. Most of all be kind to yourself.
  • sarahstappard
    sarahstappard Posts: 4 Member
    I find that I have this little voice in my head that says one chocolate biscuit won't hurt - but who can stop at one!! Then I feel crap and tell myself I will start again tomorrow or Monday. The pain is real! I have been going strong since 1 August and I have started to really look at why I eat when lets be honest I am not hungry! I feel it is boredom - I have signed up to Les Mills on demand and for the 1st time I am enjoying exercise 🤔. The body combat is really empowering and after 3 weeks I feel fitter and much happier. I still enjoy chocolate but I have started to buy one bar rather than a pack which call to me from the cupboard. Small changes are making all the difference - I have lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks and 7 inches from my body. I feel this is my time and at 37 I think it is about time! Sorry to ramble on but there is light at the end of the tunnel x