
poseidon9447 Posts: 104
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
I am two weeks into my journey, so far all I have been doing is 70 minutes a day on the treadmill. I think I have got myself to the point that starting to lift some weights may be a good idea. after running 70 minutes I am to tired to lift weights so my thought was to split my running up. I was thinking about doing 35 minutes on the treadmill, do some weight training then go back on the treadmill again. My fear is that splitting the cardio up will not give me as good of a calorie burn. Does anyone have any input on working out this way?


  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Back before I let myself go, I used to do:

    Day 1 45 Cardio+crunches+Push-ups
    Day 2 15 Cardio+Upper Body Lifting+crunches+Push-ups
    Day 3 45 Cardio+crunches+Push-ups
    Day 415 Cardio+Lower Body Lifting+crunches+Push-ups
    Day 5 45 Cardio+crunches+Push-ups
    Take 2 days off then continue cycle.

    That was good for maintaining and defining, and if I wanted to bulk up, I'd increase my weights.
    After going over everything with a good friend who is a personal trainer specializing in XBootCamps he said to do 30-60 Cardio+30-60 minutes of Weights 5-6 Days a week. Primarily for the intense body burn it can bring. Being a Single dad, this is going to be tough for time...but as we all know, no time spent gets you no where.
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    Here is my routine currently. Sometimes I change it up if I am training for something specific (I.e. Spartan Race). But for the most part this is what I do. I change the weights around so that my body doesn't get bored.

    Sunday: 6-13 Mile run (or 30-50 miles outdoor bicycle at average 15mph)
    Monday: 2-2.5 mile run then 90 minutes Chest and Triceps finish with 10 minutes on stairs
    Tuesday: 2-2.5 mile run then 90 minutes Back and Biceps finish with 10 minutes on stairs
    Wednesday: No cardio 90 Minutes legs and shoulders finish
    Thursday: 3-5 mile run 45-60minutes Abs
    Friday: 2-5 mile run 90 minutes full body (light weights high reps)
    Saturday: Rest day or swap with Friday
  • I used to run on a treadmill......I started running a difference...the park near me has stations to...push up..dips...squats...I do 30 miles a week and I lost 76 pounds..and I was so bored on a treadmill!and 70 minutes is more than impressive! I am a girl so I don't want bulk....
  • 8rules
    8rules Posts: 169
    Lifting weights will become an incredibly demanding thing over time as your nervous system adjusts (6 to 10 weeks) and you really start to recruit more muscle fiber each rep. During this time you will not gain muscle mass, but will make large gains in strength.

    By the end of that you will find your weight training to be very demanding you are now using most of your muscle each lift, instead of just part of it. You will use a lot more oxygen per rep and set. You will put a bigger strain on your body. It will be harder to maintain proper form. You will become exhausted faster between sets. If you are doing full body lifts, which you should be at this point, you will be WORKING. Squats, dead lifts, bench presses, even for women.

    (Incidentally, women who does these do not get bulky, they get shapely. To get bulky you have to eat huge and work out all day. For a woman to get bulky with muscles, you almost have to devote your life to it, or be incredibly genetically gifted mutant. I say that because every time I advise a lady to lift heavy, I get told they do not wish to get bulky. It won't happen in a million years unless you go nuts and live for it.)

    For this reason I would recommend getting in the habit of a good solid 10 minute cardio warm-up, then weights, then any cardio you wish to do. So yes, weights definitely first.

    Doing a weight lifting session after an hour of cardio is not going to leave you sufficient energy to get intense. In weight lifting, intensity matters most. Do not be one of those people that go through a certain number of sets and reps and barely sweat and call it a day, making NO gains. You are wasting time and may as well just do more cardio.

    Lifting properly takes LOTS of energy, and there always seems to be enough energy for cardio. Not true for lifting at your potential.

    Lift heavy, be breaking a good hard sweat, then go running. Life will be GREAT! I promise!

    Just my 2 cents and rant on the subject ;)

    EDIT, btw not implying you are a woman with my post, just stressing the advice applies equally to both sexes imho.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Lift first then cardio or you can catabolize lean muscle tissue doing it the other way around.
  • As far as worrying about not getting a good caloric burn from breaking up the cardio...that's bass-ackwards. The best trick I've learned is to break it up - do 10 minutes of cardio...go do something else for a few...come back and do 10 more...repeat. It fools your metabolism into kicking in three times instead of one.

    Also...that was good advice about lifting before cardio - I never thought of it that way.
  • I am just reading many of the replies now thank you.

    What I did today was 35 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5 mph/ did my arm work out/ then back on the treadmill for another 35 minutes. I still got in my 70 minutes of running that equals 500 calories for me and added in some weight training for toning and shaping. I liked doing it this way I never felt worn out like when I do 70 minutes straight on the treadmill. Tomorrow I will do a similar plan just working out another muscle group in between. I may adjust the times of the cardio also to make the first run more of a warm up of 20 minutes and then do 50 minutes at the end.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    are you running on the treadmill or walking?

    my PT told me i need to be doing interval training as much as possible. so when i go on the treadmill, i do fast running, as fast as i can handle, for 1 minute, then stop for 30 seconds (feet on the side, leave the treadmill running) . rather than consistent pace, it makes your heart rate go up and down. i would never be able to do 70 minutes on one machine, i'd get bored so i usually do 10-15 minutes per machine

    cross trainer / elliptical
    stair machine
    and some weights as well.
  • I would say the speed I go would be a fast walk, but I do do intervals to raise my heart rate. I will go as fast as I can for as long as I can about every 15 minutes then I put it back to the regular speed. I don't get board going that long, I put on my headphones and tune out the world and next thing I know I am done. I have even run over a few times because I dont really pay attention to time, I just glance down every now and then. I tried watching movies on netflix and reading but they just seem to make time go slow for me.
  • I like to lift weights first then do cardio! I heard you can burn more cals that way.. not sure if i'm correct but sometimes when I do cardio first, I do get a bit tired to do weights.. so try switching it up with weights first then cardio! :)
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