Scale wont budge....

The scale has not budged in two frustrating!! I stay with in my calories and I am active everyday. I cant figure this one out?!?!


  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Stop using it. Weight is just a number. You're likely replacing fat pounds with muscle pounds at an equal rate. Try doing body measurements instead. That's the real progress that matters.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    Just keep at it... My body was in transition with the extra workouts I was doing and I think getting used to my new weight that I stayed in the same spot weight wise for 3 weeks... but lost 2 pant sizes in that time period... Don't Give UP~~

    It's a slow steady process... Give yourself some time but keep plugging away! :)
    Hugs and Good Job!
  • mccgivens
    YA...what he said! Scale is the enemy...for me anyway.
  • How is your sodium intake? I had this same problem in July before realizing my sodium intake was off the chart. I've lost 5 pounds since adding sodium to my daily chart.
  • shreyaj
    shreyaj Posts: 196
    Stop using it. Weight is just a number. You're likely replacing fat pounds with muscle pounds at an equal rate. Try doing body measurements instead. That's the real progress that matters.

  • trilikeagirl
    huck said scale out on the lawn, make it stay in the rain for two nights. Give it a good kick when you walk past it, and invite your friends to throw their empty beer cans at it. Adjust calories up or down, drink more water, stay away from salt, be patient.
  • barbiedollgirl
    barbiedollgirl Posts: 57 Member
    I will be of no help since I am the same way almost!! I get so mad. So I stepped up my exercising hoping the will work. We will see. And they say alot that you may be loseing inches. So check that also.
  • eli1172
    Don't lose heart! I'll bet your clothes are fitting better and you have been losing inches without realizing it. I've been on this 3 weeks now and pound-wise have not dropped much (Compared to my husband who loses without trying!), but I can see a difference in my body and how my clothes fit. Pants I could barely get into comfortably now have room to spare.

    Apparently this happens a lot to people...keep up the healthy habits, I'm sure you'll get to your goal! Good luck! :smile:
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Let guess... you have your goal at 1200 and you don't always eat that much --- and you set your weightloss goal at 2lb a week and you only have about 20 to lose?

    If that sounds familiar --- you are eating too little. Change your goals to 1/2lb or 1lb a week and see what happens.
  • trilikeagirl
    Just keep at it... My body was in transition with the extra workouts I was doing and I think getting used to my new weight that I stayed in the same spot weight wise for 3 weeks... but lost 2 pant sizes in that time period...

    Hey that happened to me too, this last three weeks!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    well weight loss is 80% diet the experts really exam it. Are you eating too much or most likely too little. I don't know what your calorie goal is but MFP seems to set 1200 for almost everyone in the beginning especially if you elect 2 pounds per week.

    Also, how are you measuring your foods? Best to get a food scale as we are in general terrible at estimates.

    Are you eating healthy natural foods instead of out at restaurants, fast foods, processed stuff?

    How are you logging your exercise calories.....this database is very general and likely incorrect for you. Get a heart rate monitor with a chest strap to improve this accuracy.

    And, are you eating back your exercise calories??, you must for this system to work.

    Just some basics to think about. Research some of the sticky note posts for more information. Everyone has to do quite a bit a tweaking to make this work for them. Best of Luck!
  • musicmint
    The reason: 2 weeks. Dang be patient ...might as well get used to it...exercising is a lifestyle.
  • aecmagn
    aecmagn Posts: 30 Member
    couple of things:
    have you gone back and changed your "goal" to refelect your new weight? Calorie requirements go down as your weight goes down (boo hoo).
    salt. there could be changes in your system and you are retaining salt. water helps that, too.
    too much artificial sweetner.
    maybe you are doing what I call "tipping," or turning fat into muscle.
    When you just lose fat, the scale goes down down down.
    But when you exercise while on a diet--especially enough to increase muscle mass, your weight drop will not be as pronounced. Your heart pumps more blood, and you have more blood in your body. you are literally pumping up. I find that in a week or two, I get a "whoosh!" of weight loss.
    If your clothes are getting progressively looser, this is what is happening.
  • aecmagn
    aecmagn Posts: 30 Member
    good luck and stick with it!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Don't worry, I'm going through the same thing... It's frustrating but it takes times... At least that's what I'm telling myself. :)
  • LaraRN
    LaraRN Posts: 128 Member
    I really DO know how you feel! I was (and still am) doing so well with my diet intake and exercise, and it wouldn't budge for about two weeks, i was getting so discouraged that I decided "screw the scale".... I kept on going, and didn't weigh myself for at least a week. Then I decide to "just check" the scale to make sure i'm at least maintaining - POW! Down three pounds??? Not sure how/why, but just keep on doing what you've been doing and stay away from the scale for a lil bit..

    Good luck!
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    I would not focus too much on the scale... but I would suggest looking at your sugar intake... natural sugar or refined.... sugar keeps belly fat on.Tosca Reno has a whole section in her Eat Clean Diet books about how too much sugar, even natural sugar can hinder weight loss.
  • tdc7591
    tdc7591 Posts: 37 Member
    huck said scale out on the lawn, make it stay in the rain for two nights. Give it a good kick when you walk past it, and invite your friends to throw their empty beer cans at it. Adjust calories up or down, drink more water, stay away from salt, be patient.

    Love this! lol :laugh:
  • TiffanyA2008
    The scale has not budged in two frustrating!! I stay with in my calories and I am active everyday. I cant figure this one out?!?!

    Honey, my scale hasn't budged in a month, AN ENTIRE MONTH. Talk about frustrated?? I stayed within my calorie limit and worked out 5 to 6 days a week. I always eat lean meats, my fruits and veggies, and take in lots of water! I asked for some advice and the advice I got shocked me! I WAS WORKING OUT TOO MUCH! Yes, I couldn't believe it. I have been kicking my tail end so hard and although I did lose inches during that month, I didn't drop any pounds. Not even ONE. I did, however, start noticing awesome definition in my thighs, calves, and arms!! WHOO HOO!! So I have obviously been building muscle instead of dropping pounds. But ya know, I want to drop the pounds FIRST and then work on getting toned and more defined. So here is what I've come up with.....

    -Stop working out so much so I won't be building so much muscle and instead focus on losing the weight (I'm taking it down to 3 days per week)
    -Stop consuming the same amount of calories everyday. Yes, I am going to start the Zig-Zag. Switching up my daily calories to help keep my body confused.
    -Make sure I'm keeping my body hydrated.

    I found a zig-zag calculator (just googled it) and it gives you a weekly plan of calorie goals. To give you the calculations it takes into consideration your age, gender, height, current weight, and how much you workout. Also, came across a water calculator (yes, I love to for water calculator for weight loss) It will ask you how active you are and such and such and give you the amount of water you should be consuming daily.

    Hope that this helps you! Good luck :)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Let guess... you have your goal at 1200 and you don't always eat that much --- and you set your weightloss goal at 2lb a week and you only have about 20 to lose?

    If that sounds familiar --- you are eating too little. Change your goals to 1/2lb or 1lb a week and see what happens.

    ^^^^^This^^^^^ I looked at a week or two and you rarely eat your exercise calories.....try it, just for one week and see what happens!!!!