Riding the struggle bus

Hi! I started May 3rd of this year, I’m 24years old, a female, and 5’10. SW 345 CW 308 GW 170ish.

These last few days have just been a STRUGGLE. All I e wanted to do is eat food. Any food. All of the food. I caved today and ate... a lot. I’ve come to realize through this process that my main challenges are emotional eating and binging.

Always looking for new friends and motivation, because I find it helps me stay accountable. It also motivates me to see other people succeeding!


  • annecantfindausername
    I binged a bit yesterday too, I like to think optimistically that it can...almost be a metabolism reset? So at least there's some upside. Back to being good today. Hopefully you will feel better, and full of energy tomorrow, after giving your body a break today.

    You've lost almost 40lb in just under 4 months, that's *awesome*, basically the fastest possible safe rate. You aren't riding the struggle bus, you're doing amazing
  • LuBooLu
    LuBooLu Posts: 12 Member
    Honestly I'm with you. I just moved into my schools dorms for the first time two weeks ago and have been struggling with cafeteria food. Having no kitchen or microwave and dieting is rough. I finally figured out how to hold myself back in the cafeteria but still ate a pack of cookies in one sitting last night. To get myself back on track I've been signing up for some simple challenges and I'm thinking about getting a knock off fitbit. Just little things to get myself excited again. Hopefully it helps to know you're not the only one struggling right now.
  • Melly045
    Melly045 Posts: 65 Member
    I’m an emotional eater and once i start eating i literally can’t stop. I have no magic answer for you as some days I’m literally driving the struggle bus. All we can do is try to make better choices take it one meal one snack on decision at a time and keep pushing forward. I know i can do it because I’ve done it before but i am currently struggling to get off this bus.
    But if i can support you in anyway I’m more than happy to i completely understand the struggle/