
Would it be worth it in the weight loss department not to do the keto diet for instance but to have a keto approved breakfast and lunch and then a pretty healthy dinner that isnt keto?

I cannot stick to the keto diet...but just wondering if it would pay off at all to do this.


  • LunaTheFatCat
    LunaTheFatCat Posts: 237 Member
    edited August 2020
    As long as you keep within your allocated daily calories you can pretty much eat whatever you want. If that brekkie and lunch are tasty, go for it.

    But if your aim is to get into ketosis, then you'd have to commit for all meals as far as I know. I'm no expert on Keto though.
    AAAMMMYYYNNNNNN Posts: 2 Member
    As long as you keep within your allocated daily calories you can pretty much eat whatever you want. If that brekkie and lunch are tasty, go for it.

    But if your aim is to get into ketosis, then you'd have to commit for all meals as far as I know. I'm no expert on Keto though.

    The reason why i ask is because overnite obviously id be asleep....and then my day up until about 530/6 when i eat supper, i would be in ketosis?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    Eat whatever you like. Just stay in a calorie deficit. I'm assuming your goal is weight loss. Literally all you need to lose weight in a calorie deficit. Everything else is personal preference.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I consider not being able to stick to a keto diet (or just not wanting to do it) to be an excellent reason not to do it. You can lose weight without ever being in ketosis, what you need is a calorie deficit.

    If eating a "keto-style" breakfast and lunch make it easier for you to hit your calorie goals for the day, then this may be a good strategy for you. But there would be no inherent benefit to it other than that.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    As far as losing weight, your way will work as long as you stay within your needed calories. If you like to eat that way, by all means continue. I'm a "sometimes" vegetarian. Some days I don't eat any meat. Some days I eat really low carb. I don't have a name for it, but I've maintained my weight loss for many years.

    I didn't read all the replies so far, but knowing this forum and its sensible users I'm sure it's been pointed out that Keto isn't magic and being in ketosis also isn't magic, it's all about the calories. Full stop.