What is the best way to distribute my calorie intake?



  • fictionreader91
    fictionreader91 Posts: 26 Member
    oliverwnc wrote: »
    What everybody said about doing what works for you. This may take some experimentation. Listen to what your body is telling you. If the "Special K breakfast" makes you want to eat six Whoppers for lunch, you need to change how you are eating. Your diet should both keep you healthy and satisfied.

    I'm happiest for the rest of the day if my breakfast has about 450 calories with some protein and fat included. This morning, for example, was oatmeal with guacamole and swiss cheese. I also try to make sure to be able to end the eating day with some mixed nuts. I figured these things out by trial and error. Do what works for you.

    I agree with you but I must find out more about this oatmeal recipe. With guacamole & Swiss cheese?! I'm astonished. Is that a good combination?!

    You beat me to it - I was about to ask the same thing. Sounds really interesting :smiley:
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    It is up to you calories in calories out make healthish choices while not completly depriving yourself watch your macros high carb high fat with no protein could stall weight loss. Exercise is super important too! Find something you enjoy and push you can do it 💪
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited August 2020
    @oliverwnc and @fictionreader91 Yup, I think it's delicious. I like to buy the singles packs of guac so it doesn't turn brown. I've found two brands in the grocery store, Sabra and Wholly Guacamole. I just stir a container of guac and an ounce or so of cheese into the hot oatmeal. The cheese melts and the guac turns the oatmeal green. Hubby thinks I'm nuts but I like savory oatmeal. :p
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited August 2020
    @oliverwnc and @fictionreader91 Yup, I think it's delicious. I like to buy the singles packs of guac so it doesn't turn brown. I've found two brands in the grocery store, Sabra and Wholly Guacamole. I just stir a container of guac and an ounce or so of cheese into the hot oatmeal. The cheese melts and the guac turns the oatmeal green. Hubby thinks I'm nuts but I like savory oatmeal. :p

    If you're nuts, you're not the only one. I love savory oatmeal - my current favorite is nut butter (when it melts into the oatmeal, a little bit can go a long way) and hot sauce. I've never tried guacamole, but now I'm going to have to -- it sounds delicious.
  • oliverwnc
    oliverwnc Posts: 69 Member
    The sustainability & environment activist in me says that we should try to avoid those single packs... but I'm not going to question the taste - I haven't tried it! Maybe I should...

    Nut butter, of course, is a good addition. That addition of hot sauce... I'll think about it!
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Personally: I prelog my meals, and some snacks for the day. Then I eat the snacks between meals when I'm hungry. There is not a one-size fits all.

    My weekdays for example are different from my weekends. Weekdays, my breakfast tends to be a little of something around 9 and a little something more around 10:30 and a snack before lunch. Lunch around 1 or 1:30 which is leftover from a dinner meal, and I will have a snack around 4 or 4:30 because if not I'm bound to be hungry before having dinner around 6:30-7:30. I kind of graze. But on Saturday, my breakfast is a greater quantity of food (2 scrambled eggs, a couple of pieces of bacon and some tomato slices for example) in one sitting. Then I'm not hungry until lunch, so no morning snack. And depending on the weekend happenings, I may just eat 3 meals and not feel a need to snack at all.

    Some trial & error will help you figure out what makes you feel full longer, and whether or not you'd rather spend more calories on a bigger meal or on smaller meals + snacks. I have very recently learned that cooking meals at home (chili, for example) will keep me full with a decent size portion for very reasonable calories. Comparing that to a frozen Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones meal: I stay fuller longer for similar calories.
    HI all,

    Strange question - how should I distribute my calorie intake? Should I be aiming for more calories in the morning? Should I aim to have an equal number of calories per meal? Does it matter?

    Appreciate any advice



  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    More on the topic of trying to lose weight too fast...

    With 70+ pounds to lose, if you were to successfully lose at 2 pounds per week: you would be in this 'race' for a minimum of 35 weeks. I say minimum because in reality the loss rate would lessen as your weight came down. (A smaller body uses less energy.) So to be more realistic, you are looking at a year or more. How long it takes does not really matter, because the bigger picture is that you want to improve the rest of your life. So you want to be healthier, better off in a month/a year/10 years than you are now. So is it terribly important if it takes you 59 weeks or 82 weeks to reach 'goal'? Or is it important you build new habits so that you can perpetually improve your health & well being over time? This really is not a race that will ever end. I don't mean to upset you, and I don't mean that as a bad thing. Being able to live a long, healthy, active life: is a GREAT goal.

    Can you honestly see yourself eating 1220 calories per day for a year or more? Is that sustainable for you? For many it would not work. For me it would not work. I may happen to have a 'low' day from time to time, but those are the exception. If you adjust to a weight loss goal of 1.5 or even 1 pounds per week, your goal calories should update to be 1470 or 1720. Try the 1.5/1470 for a couple of weeks (eating back some of your exercise calories) and see what you think.
  • oliverwnc
    oliverwnc Posts: 69 Member
    Great response, @nanastaci2020. Hard to add anything to that. Hats off!