Elliptical trainer and pain

I've noticed since I've increased my cardio on the elliptical trainer, my heels have been hurting. I guess you can say the pain is like plantar fascitiis. I've toned down my cardio from 45 minutes on the elliptical to 30 and try to do different workouts with 10 minute elliptical, 10 min bike and 10 min stair stepper.

I really enjoy the elliptical, but have a feeling I'm going to have to stop using it. Any advise to help me with my situation?

I have to mention, when I first tried the elliptical, I was a complete mess. I couldn't tolerate 2 minutes without thinking I was going to DIE. I enjoy the cardio and feeling I get from using it. The ARC trainer is a second close favorite.


  • exercisechic927
    exercisechic927 Posts: 64 Member
    Stretch your calves really good! Make sure to hold each stretch at least 30-60 seconds
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I would talk to a doc about that. My feet go numb on it, but I've never had heel pain. It's so low-impact, I can't imagine what would cause that.

    You could also try a different one with a different stride and see if that helps. Some of them hurt my knees and others don't.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I've never had any problem with my heels but my feet go to sleep. Does it hurt your heel no matter what program you use? I will ask around at the gym I work at, never heard of that....
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    Also make sure you are wearing the correct shoes, I ended up with knee problems due to incorrect shoes. Best way to find out what shoes are right for you are to visit specialty stores or go to roadrunnersports.com. I hope this helps.
  • Cinnamonie
    What worked for me was changing my shoe. I had horrible pain in my heel that sidelined me for 2 weeks (!) It was scary, but it went away. I figure now that it was a combination with going backwards on it (more heel pressure) and these Nike shock absorber type sneakers I was wearing (they elevate your heel a bit, any sort of sneakers that look like springs on the heel). I went to a sneaker specialty store (like Run, or Jackrabbit) who said to Throw Them Out, that they were terrible for your heels! If you have those, that may be a clue....hope this helps!
  • SheWei
    SheWei Posts: 57 Member
    I didn't think about it being my shoes. That is a good point. I have started using heel gel inserts to help. I have noticed mild pain on my knees to. Is there a proper way to "stride" on the elliptical?
  • SheWei
    SheWei Posts: 57 Member
    I do use Nike Shox.
  • Cinnamonie
    I do use Nike Shox.

    Yeah, I think that could be it! I also tried first with heel gel Dr Scholls type things, but when I threw out the Nike Shox (I could barely walk, esp in the mornings, cause of the pain in my heel) and switched to normal, flat shoes (I got Brooks something or other, what the guys at the store recommended but I also have some cheaper puma shoes with a flat heel) I haven't gotten the pain since....!
  • SheWei
    SheWei Posts: 57 Member
    ohhhhh...that might be the culprit! It hurts to get out of bed first thing in the morning.
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    I've worn orthotics in my sneakers for 20 years. ( always been in standing jobs ) The last few years I was getting cortisone shots in my foot for the pain.
    The podiatrist said when I use the treadmill or elliptical........not to use it on the incline. Keep it flat or at a moderate incline. Since February when I started working out, I've had no foot pain at all.... no more shots. Yea. So maybe in addition to stretching your foot/ heel, try keeping the machine flat. Hope it helps.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I've never had any problem with my heels but my feet go to sleep. Does it hurt your heel no matter what program you use? I will ask around at the gym I work at, never heard of that....
    I don't use an elliptical but I've heard others on here mention that either wearing larger shoes or loosening the laces will help with the feet falling asleep problem. More than likely your feet are swelling a bit so the circulation is getting cut off.
  • Kambriasgranny
    I use my elliptical everyday and haven't had heal pain. I had my feet go to sleep, but remedied that my wearing my FitFlops when I am on that machine. They let my feet breate while giving support and cushion. It could be where your feet are planted on the foot pad too. I know that if I have my feet too far back, I can really feel it in my low back the next day. I also to part of my workout using the bals of my feet to work my calves. Good Luck
  • SheWei
    SheWei Posts: 57 Member
    That's another complaint of mine on the elliptical or arc trainer....feet falling asleep. I usually try to reposition my feet, but no luck. I like the fit flops idea. I have some New Balance ones that I absolutely love. I will see if our gym will let me try it out.
  • jonbobfrog
    I'm just glad to know that I'm not the only one who's had their feet fall asleep . . . my friends think I'm crazy!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i have platofaciitis (spelling) quite bad. i have orthotics, but the eliptial is the one machine that really is good for it for me.

    i've found since i've lost weight, the pain is alot less bad than it was, and there is nothing that i can't do really now with regards to my feet (my knees are another issue altogether though).

    i find i run or walk on a steep incline on the treadmill, and that felt better on my feet.