Newbie working with myfitnesspal

Hello everyone! I'm Sheryl, a fellow dieter who aims to lose a reasonable amount of weight :blushing:

I'm glad I found this site, it helps me a lot to monitor my food intake and I'm learning a lot of new things about being healthy. Before, i'm confident about what I eat. I always assume that my food portions are still within controllable levels of nutrients. But through this site I found out that my assumptions are wrong! I'm not doing a balanced-diet and found out how hard to balance it :laugh: . The site is also easy to use and I love the tools they're cool!

I've been a health procrastinator. But now I begin to become health conscious. Yeah there will be some cheat days or what I call "my glutton days" :love: but I will work hard to reach my goals and hoping I could stick to it. I'm tired of being unhealthy. I want to be friends with "Mr. Discipline" but it seems it will be a big challenge for me :smile:

All the best :smile:


  • chelsealiz8
    Hi Sheryl,

    I'm fairly new here too! Good luck with your weight loss journey!!
  • deisha
    deisha Posts: 122 Member
    hello and welcome to My Fitness Pal.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Deisha x
  • avsingleton
    avsingleton Posts: 98 Member
    welcome to mfp! u've made the right decision, now all u have to do is just stay focused and keep ur eye on the prize! :wink:


    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    welcome...pick and choose your friends wisely as they will be the ones who pick you up when you need it...
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    welcome, and best of luck..please feel free to add me ( everyone else can too, but if you arent the poster of this topic, please let me know you saw the invite here ) good luck to everyone
  • afigueroa_pr
    Welcome! I hope you enjoy it!
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
  • shaunteria
    Hi Newbie,
    I'm new to MFP too and I want to wish you all the mental discipline so that you can stay focused on your new journey!!!

  • trishl2011
    trishl2011 Posts: 138 Member
    welcome to mfp, I'm fairly new here too! Good luck with your weight loss!
  • happyladi_55
    I feel much better posting a welcome to someone else new than starting a whole thread by myself. There's lots of posts just this hour. Perhaps getting a horribly hot summer nearly in back of us has got us geared up to get moving and eating better,
    Well, waves to all you other new ones. And may the fat just roll off our bodies.
  • RaceTo48Kg
    RaceTo48Kg Posts: 31 Member
    thanks everyone! let's reach our goals by helping one another. If a learn some good fitness tips i'll share them to you.

    Goodluck to all of us!