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why cant some people realise that to lose weight i i have to be in a calorie deficit??



  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    If eating less and moving more was that simple and worked, no one training for a marathon would be overweight, and ive seen plenty of overweight runners. I was one, living on calorie deficit, running, working out, doing ultrathons. Its not sustainable. You'll lose weight in the beginning, but you'll gain it back unless you luve your life in a calorie deficit. Many people actually under eat. CICO works, but yiu need to have a healthy metabolism and no underlying health issues for it to work properly. I've undereaten for the last couple years and have consistently gained weight. Now I'm with a trainer that has me on a reverse diet, adding in 500 calories a day.

    i think you under-estimate just how quickly runger can make you wolf down a few thousand calories of extremely-calorie-dense pub food..and many, many group runs end at pubs. (You also don't know how long they've been running for - it takes years for weight to come off at a reasonable rate).
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2020
    When I lost most of my weight from tracking years ago (I lost like 30 through exercise over two years but didn't track and then lost 50 more after tracking), a lot of my family was like, "how did you do that???". When I said just by tracking and moving more, it was like "nah, won't work for me. No way!".

    Alrighty then. Whatever you want to believe.

    Regarding running (or any serious endurance cardio), I started running years ago and ran for like 6 years and moved to rowing when my knee couldn't take it any more. I'm always stunned, to this day, at just how much I can gain while burning 600 to 900 calories a day. That's two large PB&J toasts and I'm net even on the day. And I can eat some PB&J with the best of them!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    trulyhealy wrote: »
    Things I don't discuss with acquaintances:





    Gun Control

    Weight loss and everything that goes along with it

    she’s not an acquaintance we talk about weight loss a lot and i thought she would understand the facts since she’s lost weight

    Most people who do named diets don't really know or understand what a calorie deficit really is...and even if they do have some kind of understanding, they confuse CICO with calorie counting rather than an actual process the body goes through regardless of whether they are aware of that process or not.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    I suppose those of you who disagree know much better than my medical advisers.........................................

    well we dont actually know what your medical advisors said -we only have a second hand version of that via you.

    My long experience of working in medical care has shown me that many patients misunderstand what they are told

    Just today somebody said their doctor had told them to stop taking all their medication - there was no record in the patients notes of this and the doctor confirmed he had said no such thing.

    This is very true. There are many times I clearly advise a patient of something and even put it in writing, for example, “follow up with your primary doctor within a week”, only to have them claim later that I never told them that or said something entirely different.
  • MsBehaving_since_the_70s
    I don't argue with people. I don't argue because I have gotten so much science that's 50+ years old thrown at me as if it were STILL relevant. 21st century science is strongly supporting a hormonal theory to weight loss, not a calorie deficit theory. Intermittent fasting plays strongly into the hormonal theory because the goal of it is to allow your insulin to go down and glucagon to increase. We need glucagon to start the fat loss process (lipolysis)...if you're spiking your insulin 3-6x/day and have a 14-16 hour eating window, then you don't lose weight. The goal of intermittent fasting is not to reduce calories, per say, that's just a secondary effect. There's also the "starvation diet" thing to contend with as well. For most of the 20th century, 'starvation diet' was 1200-1500 calories per/day. Let that sink in a minute. Isn't that the GOAL for most of us??? Why?

    A calorie is a calorie is a calorie----because physics, that's why. A calorie is the unit of heat needed to heat 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius. Period. It's not anything else. Our bodies NEED to maintain a certain temperature...in fact, it's tightly regulated. The life giving chemical processes keeping us alive and healthy depend on it. These processes also depend on the pH of the blood to be between 7.35-7.45 and, thus, it is also tightly regulated. The human body's chemical processes that regulate these can use 2 energy sources: glucose and ketone bodies (hereafter: ketones). These energy sources are used in the Krebs's cycle which produces ATP.....which the cells use to do work (not glucose, not ketones). The aforementioned hormones, insulin and glucagon, are antagonistic hormones---meaning they have the opposite effects. The problem with glucose is that too much of it destroys tissue (blood), thus insulin. Insulin gets it out of our blood, usually by storing it as fat or putting it in cells for use in the Krebs cycle. When cells don't take in glucose, tissue damage happens or we get fatter. The A1C blood test detects the level of blood that's been 'glycated'....saturated with glucose. If this number is above 6.5, it indicates Diabetes type 2. 5.6-6.4 indicates tissue damage is occurring but not technically diabetic, yet...it's called insulin resistance/pre-diabetes. While insulin is in the blood, glucagon is not. Meaning, no fat loss is possible----calorie deficit or not. Now let's talk about glucagon.....

    Glucagon is absolutely needed for your body to access the fat stores in your body. Increasing this hormone by fasting (regularly or not) is how fat loss happens. If you don't eat, your body still needs to maintain it's temperature and ATP still is needed by cells of all types. Enter Ketones......they come in at a different point in the Krebs cycle to produce ATP. In fact, they produce more ATP than glucose. So the issue with ketone bodies is 2-fold: raising body temperature excessively and acidifying the blood. In normal people, once the blood pH hits 7.35, insulin is called into action to stop the production of glucagon. The blood pH normalizes and the process occurs again, assuming you don't eat. This also stops fat loss by making the liver produce glucose from it's stores of glycogen or from a process called gluconeogenesis---the making of glucose. It's a medical and physiological fact that the human body does not need to consume any carbohydrate to produce glucose....the liver is fully capable of producing 100% of the glucose needed by the body....even your brain's needs can be met without consuming carbs. Ketones can supply up to 85% of your brain's energy needs....your liver's glucose, the other 15%.

    Sorry for my long response...but I need you to understand that the lady in the gym was probably worried about her hormones to lose fat and get fit.....which is 21st century science with a few Nobel prizes backing it up.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,365 Member
    ....which is 21st century science with a few Nobel prizes backing it up.

    Who has gotten these Nobel prizes that you think are backing up your incorrect 'science'?