Carbs are my new friends



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    You will burn through the carbs that you have then start to burn Muscle and sometimes Bone tissue which is very unhealthy...

    I'm sorry but this is just plain misleading. Do a little research into Ketosis and you may find your eyes opened.

    There is nothing wrong with a low-carb diet for active people....but it depends on your level of intensity. I have been on a super low-carb Paleo eating plan for the past month (20G of carbs a day).....I heavy lift 3 days a week.....and mountain bike 1-2 time a week. All of my lifts have gone up in weight and my stamina on saturday for a 2-1/2 mountain bike ride in the river valley was the best it has ever been.

    Please explain to me how I would be able to do this, feel better than I ever have, and look better than I have in 8 years if my body was eating itself alive?

    Your dietitian gave you some false info. Do a little reading and inform yourself rather than trust a "professional"

    Well said.....

    I am posting less and less on this site because I see that most people have been brainwashed along with the professionals that believe in the USDA, FDA and all these other organizations such as the AHA, ADA, and AMA for starters.

    The fact is when someone is low carbing they have the advantage of burning FAT, no muscle or bone tissue. Someone that is consuming mountains of carbs is going to burn carbs and never get to their fat.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You'll probably notice you can think more clearly, too. Carbs are the only nutrient that feeds your brain cells.

    I'm so glad you posted that........because I was just looking for those. Nice!

    You're welcome. The brain runs on glucose - not carbs. And the body can make glucose from protein and fat. To put that simply. My brain actually runs much better now.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    You will burn through the carbs that you have then start to burn Muscle and sometimes Bone tissue which is very unhealthy...

    I'm sorry but this is just plain misleading. Do a little research into Ketosis and you may find your eyes opened.

    There is nothing wrong with a low-carb diet for active people....but it depends on your level of intensity. I have been on a super low-carb Paleo eating plan for the past month (20G of carbs a day).....I heavy lift 3 days a week.....and mountain bike 1-2 time a week. All of my lifts have gone up in weight and my stamina on saturday for a 2-1/2 mountain bike ride in the river valley was the best it has ever been.

    Please explain to me how I would be able to do this, feel better than I ever have, and look better than I have in 8 years if my body was eating itself alive?

    Your dietitian gave you some false info. Do a little reading and inform yourself rather than trust a "professional"

    Wow, taking things a little personally here I see. You attack her for simply passing along the information a presumably trained professional told her. Then you spout off about your experience which in no way disproves the information her dietician provided and demand that she explain some perceived discrepancy?! Seriously, chill out.

    I find it amazing how upset people get on here when they perceive that someone is offering information that might conflict with their preferred diet plan.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Hmm...I guess MFP ignored my suggestion to PM me whenever a pissing contest was going down.

    No one is starting a pissing match........but there is a LOT of misinformation being posted in this thread which bothers me.

    The misinformation on this site about carbs no longer suprises me. Remember, ignorance is bliss. I happen to find it easier to just walk away from it =) Besides, Grokette usually comes by these threads and balances things out anyway =)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Have you ever noticed the way that people that eat really low carbs look?? Like they died and forgot to lay down. There is a guy on the food network that cooks low carbs....and he looks really bad...

    Wow, I guess this woman looks like death warmed over.............. where is the rolly eyes when you need it.

    I find people that are low calorie and low fat to look far worse than those that are low carbing............The difference is the fat that is eaten by those low carbing is keeping their skin supple and helps to bounce back without having sagginess that I hear a lot of calorie counters on this site complain about.

    I work with a woman that eats low fat and low calorie and is loosing weight but is not looking any smaller at all. She asked me why I look so much smaller than her and I weigh a considerable amount more than her............ She looks awful, complains of dry, itchy skin and dandruff problems.

    I have no dryness anywhere on my body as I make sure it is well moisturized and lubricated from the inside out with high fat intake.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Wow, taking things a little personally here I see. You attack her for simply passing along the information a presumably trained professional told her. Then you spout off about your experience which in no way disproves the information her dietician provided and demand that she explain some perceived discrepancy?! Seriously, chill out.

    I find it amazing how upset people get on here when they perceive that someone is offering information that might conflict with their preferred diet plan.

    I'm not taking anything personally. I don't care what you guys find works for you.

    All i was doing was stating that the information she was given was misleading, and that I was suggesting she find out the facts on her own instead of taking it as gospel and then spreading the information to everyone else like it was the absolute truth.

    It was not an attack. It was a warning.

    I may not eat a lot of carbs....and that's fine........but that doesn't change the fact that your body will not eat itself alive if it doesn't get enough carbs. If you're not getting enough protein in your diet.......this maaaaaaaaay happen.

    I really don't see how correcting incorrect information is taking things personally. Chemical reactions and equations are not myths.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I'm trying to figure out how oatmeal is slow-digesting. I used to have a big bowl with an apple and I would be shaking like a leaf less than 2 hours later. The fiber thing is so bogus.

    Now I have 3 cage-free eggs and 4 pieces of natural uncured bacon and I'm full all day.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My "goal" carbs are 158, I rarely get that high but upped to to accomodate more sugar for my fruit AND ice cream. I average around 100. When I was low carb I was so low functioning, I just couldn't think straight.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    You'll probably notice you can think more clearly, too. Carbs are the only nutrient that feeds your brain cells.
    Omega 3, 6, and 9 are excellent for your brain. Found in healthy oils such as olive oil and flax seed oil. I'm not a low carb person, just sayin....
    I'm trying to figure out how oatmeal is slow-digesting. I used to have a big bowl with an apple and I would be shaking like a leaf less than 2 hours later. The fiber thing is so bogus.

    Now I have 3 cage-free eggs and 4 pieces of natural uncured bacon and I'm full all day.
    Was the oatmeal rolled oats? I have it often for breakfast... one of the healthiest things you can get w/ a very well balanced nutritional profile (even the carbs). I've always found it pretty filling, but I also eat well over 2000 cals a day so....
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm trying to figure out how oatmeal is slow-digesting. I used to have a big bowl with an apple and I would be shaking like a leaf less than 2 hours later. The fiber thing is so bogus.

    Now I have 3 cage-free eggs and 4 pieces of natural uncured bacon and I'm full all day.

    I have something similar to all of the above before noon. But I still eat again 2-3 hours later :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm trying to figure out how oatmeal is slow-digesting. I used to have a big bowl with an apple and I would be shaking like a leaf less than 2 hours later. The fiber thing is so bogus.

    Now I have 3 cage-free eggs and 4 pieces of natural uncured bacon and I'm full all day.

    I have something similar to all of the above before noon. But I still eat again 2-3 hours later :)
    Yeah, it doesn't matter what I eat for breakfast, I have to eat every 2 - 3 hours regardless. I do find, however, that steel cut oats fill me much longer than old fashioned rolled oats, which fill me longer than quick oats, which fill me longer than instant (which don't fill me at all). I blame it on the processing. I also must add fruit.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I was just posting i found the information interesting. The Dietician did tell me that this might not work for me. That everyone is different and that maybe the low carb diet was working. But At this moment I've been on a plateau for 3 months. So this is what she told me. And that I could try it for 3 weeks to see how it worked for me.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm trying to figure out how oatmeal is slow-digesting. I used to have a big bowl with an apple and I would be shaking like a leaf less than 2 hours later. The fiber thing is so bogus.

    Now I have 3 cage-free eggs and 4 pieces of natural uncured bacon and I'm full all day.

    Same! I had the EXACT same breakfast nearly every day (yes steel cut! 400+ calories-worth, no less) and was RAVENOUS just two hours later (sometimes less!). Now whole eggs fried in animal fat lasts me until noon or 1pm. Today I just had coffee with whole cream because I wasn't hungry and didn't even think about eating until noon.

    Granted, I think that a bowl of oatmeal full of fiber is probably more filling than a bowl of Rice Krispies or something, but more filling than good fat and protein? Not for me, that's for sure!
  • delcatty
    delcatty Posts: 23 Member

    They're what made me fat.

    I miss them.
  • whatwentwrong
    hmm, my doctor recommended a low-carb diet for me. from reading articles, i've seen doctors have COMPLETELY differing opinions over low-carb and the effect of ketosis, just as users on this site do.
    I was just posting i found the information interesting. The Dietician did tell me that this might not work for me. That everyone is different and that maybe the low carb diet was working. But At this moment I've been on a plateau for 3 months. So this is what she told me. And that I could try it for 3 weeks to see how it worked for me.

    sounds good! low-carb isn't for everyone, just as high-carb isn't. do what works for you :)

    not directed at OP: i've been on low-carb for over 2 weeks now, and i'm losing weight and feeling better than i've felt since i was in my teens. not saying this is everyone's response, but i'm a little annoyed by the people who think i must be a zombie because i don't eat bread :/
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    I was just posting i found the information interesting. The Dietician did tell me that this might not work for me. That everyone is different and that maybe the low carb diet was working. But At this moment I've been on a plateau for 3 months. So this is what she told me. And that I could try it for 3 weeks to see how it worked for me.

    If you were plateauing on a low-carb diet, you should throw in a couple of consecutive high-carb/low-fat days to give your system something new to work with....and then go back to low-carb. Sticking with a specific eating plan for too long will lead to your body getting used to it and adjusting. Just like sticking with the same workout will see diminishing results.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Just be careful, my MIL got this same suggestion from her doctor's dietian 15 years ago and still uses it as her excuse to gorge herself on wonder bread and what ever other simple carb she can get her hands on, and doesn't understand why she has issues with weight and belly pain when she eats more complex and whole foods. It's all about the complex carbs, just keep telling yourself, (and enhanced flours only need enhanced because all the nutrients have been stripped from them in the processing).\

    enriched, the word is enriched not enhanced . . .
  • katemanning3
    katemanning3 Posts: 42 Member
    10 carbs a day is way to low. When you work out and you have so little carbs in your body you will start to smell a very foul smell on your breath and your sweat. that means that you are now in to acid ketosis (mispell) but it's bad. You need anywhere between 30 and 50 carbs a day depending on your activity level.

    So now that you can eat carbs dont go too crazy with it. They can get out of control. I would say that if you are working out, you may just want to calorie count instead but also dont deprive your body of calories, when you work out you need to add extra calories back into your diet. The tracker on here does that for you if you add in all of your food and exercise. it will automatically add back the calories you need.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    10 carbs a day is way to low. When you work out and you have so little carbs in your body you will start to smell a very foul smell on your breath and your sweat. that means that you are now in to acid ketosis (mispell) but it's bad. You need anywhere between 30 and 50 carbs a day depending on your activity level.

    Could you please explain why ketosis is "bad" ?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    10 carbs a day is way to low. When you work out and you have so little carbs in your body you will start to smell a very foul smell on your breath and your sweat. that means that you are now in to acid ketosis (mispell) but it's bad. You need anywhere between 30 and 50 carbs a day depending on your activity level.

    Could you please explain why ketosis is "bad" ?

    Its not bad.....................

    More misinformation.