September Challenge: Foxy for Fall (closed - sorry!)



  • ski3r4life
    @ chedeco... Wow... those social situations can totally be tricky! Props to ya on that! It's been awhile since I successfully navigated a healthy lifestyle/being out with friends. I'm pretty sure it will come up sometime soon for me... I can do it! Oh and btw I am 21 about to be 22 in November.
  • Katefab26
    Hey everyone! I guess this is my first check-in here. I was sick for a couple days and then moving just took all of my time and energy. Didn't really have a lot of time to log everything. I did manage to stay pretty good with my food goals, so at least it wasn't a crazy time of horrible eating :-)

    Btw, my name is Kate, I'm 26 (27 next week lol) and I live in New Hampshire!

    How is everyone doing?
  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 7: Cook/try something new this week. Choose the recipe today :)
  • I love the idea of making something new! I was just complaining yesterday that I always eat the same things :)
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    This week is not turning out quite as I had hoped. I have learned that good intentions are wonderful but that ACTING on these good intentions is what produces results. It is not enough to BUY Jillian's 30-Day Shred; I also have to actually DO the workout. Also, just because a food has a lower fat/calorie content does not give me the license to eat enough of it to equal up to the amount of fat/calories I would have absorbed had I eaten the potato chips I really wanted instead of the 100-Calorie Snack Packs. And I cannot physically understand why it is so hard for me to drink enough water. I like water in general. I crave it when I'm thirsty. We have both tap and bottled water in the house at all times. I have no excuse. But I am having so much trouble with it. I have lots of goals and I still feel motivated but I also feel like it's starting to wane a little. I liked those bigger numbers I had on the scale last week. I really do think I'm going to have to start weighing in once a week, on Thursdays when we do our check-in. Also, it's time: I have to phase out the Coke. My mom said that, if I'm worried about the caffeine withdrawal (a major issue with my migraines), I could drink caffeinated tea, wean myself off of the soda, and then eventually wean myself off of caffeine. So that is my high priority right now: less soda, more tea, more water. I am rarely over my calories/fat goals but I consistently go over my sugar goals and somewhat frequently go over my carb goals. Does anyone else have this problem and/or a solution or suggestions for it? I need to turn this stuff, NOW. Sorry this was such a long vent. I'll check in again later after the big weigh-in (although, I'll tell you straight up, I'm not optimistic) but if the scale doesn't move or moves in the wrong direction, I am just going to use that as motivation to kick my own *kitten* for the rest of the month! How are the rest of you fabulous MFPeeps doing this week? P.S. I can't wait to try and make something new! Let's all post pictures after we do it! Best of luck to everyone for the weigh-in! :flowerforyou:
  • Katefab26
    Hey everyone!! I weighed myself this morning and am down to 221.4!! Woot! Guess I've lost about 8 pounds since I started. My big problem I guess is that now I've started this health journey I just want the weight to fall off and let my inner skinny girl out!!! I guess 8 pounds in about a month is a good start, but I'm going to kick it up a couple notches so I can get 8 more pounds off by the end of September!

    Goals for this week:

    1) Make that new recipe!! It's gotta involve chicken, green beans and goat cheese, because that's about all I have in the house!
    2) Incorporate more strength training into my workouts -- I'm becoming a bit of a cardio junkie.
    3) Start putting together the outfit I'm going to buy when I get under 200!!
    4) Financial: get a working budget going now that I'm paying more in rent (not exciting, but necessary).

    @chedeco -- I totally understand how you feel!! The way I get my water in is by filling up two of the 32 oz. Nalgene bottles and making myself finish both. I don't let myself drink anything else (ok, except coffee lol) until I'm done with those. Maybe that will help? Also, did you say you were from MA? I'm from NH, so hey fellow New Englander!!!

    <3 you all!! Hope you are all having days as lovely as yourselves!!!
  • ski3r4life
    Day 8 Challenge: Push your work-out just a little further. A few extra minutes, a few extra push-ups, whatever inspires you!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    As I'd feared, I tipped the scales in the wrong direction today. I weighed in on Thursday last week at 183 lbs and this week I am 183.25 lbs. Not a huge gain, but enough to bum me out. But I have to make peace with the fact that I did not try my best this past week and that, starting today, I'm giving it all I've got. That way, at next Thursday's weigh-in, I'll be able to see what a week of my best work results (although I should be getting my period soon, which makes things all wonky.) Okay, goals for the week:

    1.) Water, water, everywhere, and every drop to drink! (64 oz a day)
    2.) 30ds-EVERY DAY for 30 consecutive days
    3.) Cut out as much Coke as possible, adding in caffeinated tea. Hopefully, by next Thursday, I'll be soda-free!
    4.) Get to the gym more regularly.
    5.) Start planning lunches for when I go back to work (Sept. 28).
    BONUS) Start planning an outfit or outfits I'd like to wear when I get closer to my goal weight.

    Hiya, Kate from New Hampshire, I am indeed from MA! Hope everyone else is doing well also!
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    Hey Ladys finally have internet back....I have been working off my phone which means no message boards Boo. Im down to 182.2 which puts me down .8lb not really my weekly goal but a lost is a loss and honestly its taking me ahile to get back in the swing of things. Plus we are moving my job to a new building as well as wedding planning ohhh the stress. Sometimes I forget to eat.
  • How is everyone doing today?

    My goals for this week (until next Thursday):

    1. Drink my minimum of 10 glasses of water a day
    2. Take my dogs out for a jog at least 3 times
    3. Do the 30ds at least 2 times
    4. Start Zumba---This is a major maybe..
    5. Avoid tempations!

    This weekend I will be faced with avoiding cake! Ahhh....I haven't had cake in forever, so maybe just one tiny piece :)
  • ski3r4life
    Day 9 Challenge: Try a new activity you haven't done in awhile or maybe something completely new!
  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 10: Incorporate something into you routine that increases your self-esteem... wear make-up... do your hair... or just take a minute to breathe and relax :)

    I took the time today to feel feminine today... hair... make-up... The past couple of months have been pretty stressful and I noticed I stop taking the time to feel pretty. Having my feminine routine for me is just one more piece of the healthy lifestyle that I love so much. What's one of your missing pieces that you haven't made time for lately?
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Having been heavy throughout my whole relationship with my boyfriend, I used to make more of an effort. Now that it's been almost 5 years, I've noticed I've let the little things go by the wayside so before he got here this weekend I washed my hair and blew it dry and straightened it. I put on a skirt and a nice shirt and the necklace that he bought me and just a touch of lip gloss. It made me feel beautiful before he even got there and he confirmed it when he saw me. Nice challenge!
  • How did everyone do over the weekend? I didnt' get a chance to workout (we had 20 family friends here Thursday-Sunday!!), but it was a great weekend. Today the weather is creeping back close to the nineties, so maybe a treadmill run will be in order tonight.

    Have fun this week!
  • ski3r4life
    Day 12 Daily Challenge. Quit a bad habit. If only for one day. Me and a friend are having a contest to see who will give in first - he gave up cigs I gave up diet drinks. 48 hours in, I am crashing hard with super withdrawals! Hopefully I can just wait it out and it will get easier!

    My weekend was awesome! It was a scorcher. Now back to the seventies/sixties. I even started my day off with a morning run :)
  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 13: What is something you have been procrastinating on? That job application? Getting student loans? What's the next step? Do it! You'll be amazed at how you feel afterwards. This is your time to move forward with YOUR life. :)

    I've lost some weight, I'm drinking lots of water, I've quit diet coke (day 3!), I'm exercising, feeling more feminine, I sent out job applications last night and re-did my resume... Things are headed in the right direction ever so slowly!
  • ski3r4life
    Things to improve: tracking food consumption! I would lose more if I were more consistent about tracking calories :)
  • ski3r4life
    Having been heavy throughout my whole relationship with my boyfriend, I used to make more of an effort. Now that it's been almost 5 years, I've noticed I've let the little things go by the wayside so before he got here this weekend I washed my hair and blew it dry and straightened it. I put on a skirt and a nice shirt and the necklace that he bought me and just a touch of lip gloss. It made me feel beautiful before he even got there and he confirmed it when he saw me. Nice challenge!

    Chedeco - that's awesome! Keep it up. How you dress and what clothes you where affects your entire outlook on yourself.
  • ski3r4life
    Hey everyone!! I weighed myself this morning and am down to 221.4!! Woot! Guess I've lost about 8 pounds since I started. My big problem I guess is that now I've started this health journey I just want the weight to fall off and let my inner skinny girl out!!! I guess 8 pounds in about a month is a good start, but I'm going to kick it up a couple notches so I can get 8 more pounds off by the end of September!

    Goals for this week:

    1) Make that new recipe!! It's gotta involve chicken, green beans and goat cheese, because that's about all I have in the house!
    2) Incorporate more strength training into my workouts -- I'm becoming a bit of a cardio junkie.
    3) Start putting together the outfit I'm going to buy when I get under 200!!
    4) Financial: get a working budget going now that I'm paying more in rent (not exciting, but necessary).

    @chedeco -- I totally understand how you feel!! The way I get my water in is by filling up two of the 32 oz. Nalgene bottles and making myself finish both. I don't let myself drink anything else (ok, except coffee lol) until I'm done with those. Maybe that will help? Also, did you say you were from MA? I'm from NH, so hey fellow New Englander!!!

    <3 you all!! Hope you are all having days as lovely as yourselves!!!

    Congrats on the weight loss that is fabulous! How has your week been going? Your goals? It's motivating to be near weight barriers. I'm stoked to get back into the 140's by golly being overweight is not fun.
  • ski3r4life
    Daily Challenge Day 14: Exercise any extra calories you consume today!