How can I eat less naturally?


Hi guys!! Sailor Moon is so relatable lol, it’s been very hard so far but I just have to keep on going!!

My calorie goal is currently at 1450, but I am finding it SO hard not to go over... especially because yesterday my roomies made me cake for my birthday and I went over, and today I ate dinner but my roomie shared his Korean food with me and I went over again. >.> Is there a way I can naturally suppress my appetite so I can eat less and feel full? I feel like I’m always hungry. Thank you!


  • lilharumaki
    lilharumaki Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you so much!! Great advice :)
  • lilharumaki
    lilharumaki Posts: 112 Member
    ALZ14 wrote: »
    Are you exercising at all? If you aren’t you should start something simple, then eat your exercise calories back.

    Also, special occasions are hard so you can go a smidge over and forgive yourself. The problem is when you are going over more days than not for “reasons”.

    Thank you!! Yes, I train in martial arts or cross train about 3-4x per week. I’m on my feet a lot too because I’m a med student doing my clinicals!!
  • lilharumaki
    lilharumaki Posts: 112 Member
    ALZ14 wrote: »
    Are you exercising at all? If you aren’t you should start something simple, then eat your exercise calories back.

    Also, special occasions are hard so you can go a smidge over and forgive yourself. The problem is when you are going over more days than not for “reasons”.

    Thank you!! Yes, I train in martial arts or cross train about 3-4x per week. I’m on my feet a lot too because I’m a med student doing my clinicals!!

    What is your height, weight, and age? For most people with a job on their doing regular vigorous exercise, 1450 is far too little.

    I am short, 5’1, and ~158. I am 25!
  • lilharumaki
    lilharumaki Posts: 112 Member
    Sounds like you're not eating back those exercise calories. Consider eating back at least half of them, unless you've marked your activity as 'very active.'

    Thank you!! I’ll keep this in mind!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Veggies help you feel full and protein helps you feel satiated.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,238 Member
    1450 NET sounds about right to me.
    I don't think it is too low.

    I am 3 in taller than OP, And was same starting weight.
    Admittedly older but that wouldn't change the equation by that much.
    And MFP had me on 1460 to lose 1/2 lb per week as lightly active.

    I found this did equate to the weight loss rate predicted.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    I don’t think anyone else can tell you how to do it. We can tell you how we do it, and you can try what you think will work for you. It comes down to how much you really want it. For me, it’s not letting one overindulgence become a daily issue. Most people will have lapses, and that’s ok. We just have to try to limit the bumps.
    BTW, hope you had a happy birthday 🎂
  • siyeonsimpp
    siyeonsimpp Posts: 211 Member
    If your'e trying to shrink how much you eat in a meal, I'd recommend eating slower, and setting down the fork every once in a while to take a sip of water, it really helps to allow your body to actually digest the food and let you know when you've eaten enough. Like the other people in this conversation said, it's better to eat foods like fruits and vegetables since they have low calories but will still fill you up.

    I'm also addicted to eating ice too so that's what I do when I get hungry.
  • lilharumaki
    lilharumaki Posts: 112 Member
    If your'e trying to shrink how much you eat in a meal, I'd recommend eating slower, and setting down the fork every once in a while to take a sip of water, it really helps to allow your body to actually digest the food and let you know when you've eaten enough. Like the other people in this conversation said, it's better to eat foods like fruits and vegetables since they have low calories but will still fill you up.

    I'm also addicted to eating ice too so that's what I do when I get hungry.

    Omg I also love eating ice, I always have since I was a kid 😂
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    A belated Happy Birthday!

    If you can, try using smaller plates. It's psychological, but helps.

    As alluded to above, it may be worth re-looking at your Guided Set Up under Goals.
    Is your activity level accurate for your day-to-day activity?
    Are you logging your deliberate exercise on top of that? (you should be, and you should also be eating a fair percentage of those calories too, which is why they get added on to your goal numbers per day)
    What rate of loss do you have set? If it's 2lb a week, perhaps consider reducing the rate of loss to something more manageable that will give you a little more to eat each day.

    You're far more likely to stick to the weight loss, long term, if it's sustainable.

    Something else that may also help is looking at the weekly average figures via the app. One or two days, a little over your daily goal, may actually not be such a big impact when spread over the week. Many of us use this as an indicator of how we're doing. Although I try to eat to my goals each day, some will be under and some will be over - but my weekly average is usually pretty close to where I want it to be.