Any vegetarians out there???

Where are my vegetarian or mostly meat free people?

I'd like some friends who can maybe inspire me with their recipes and food diaries. I know I sometimes struggle to get my protein in so any support is great.

Feel free to add me!


  • wabisabigio
    wabisabigio Posts: 15 Member
    Hello!! Here I am! Yes, I know exactley what you mean, I never get the full load of protein I'd like... Let's help each other out!
  • prehistoricmoongoddess
    prehistoricmoongoddess Posts: 1,002 Member
    I've been a life long vegetarian and I still struggle with eating enough protein, however I now eat Skyr yoghourt most days to up my protein intake.

    Seitan is also a good source of protein made from wheat gluten.

    Would like to share ideas.

  • pinaycoco
    pinaycoco Posts: 59 Member
    Hello - I'm vegan. 🌱 I just returned after four months off as I was coping with a thyroid disease. I put on 5kg. 🙈 I try and log my meals - I don't usually have problems with my protein goal. ☺
  • BlackKetoHero
    BlackKetoHero Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys, I’m new to the community as well and I’d also like to experiment with vegetarian food options. I’ll add you @ Myjenayayer!
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I am not a vegetarian, but most of my meals are meat free. Today, for example, I don't plan to have any meat at all, nor did I have any yesterday. Two days ago the only meat I had was a little chicken stock, easily replaced with vegetable stock.
  • smv42
    smv42 Posts: 5 Member
    I eat mostly vegetarian I’m a pescatarian i guess? Some days I do not eat fish though, need help for sure. Need more friends! I will definitely add you.
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    I try to aim for 80% plant based. Some days works better than others 😂
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,687 Member
    edited September 2020
    I've been ovo-lacto vegetarian for 46+ years, thin to obese and back again. Now, in year 4+ of weight maintenance, I'm targeting a minimum of 100g protein daily, often exceeding it (it was lower, say 80-90g-ish while losing weight).

    Truth in advertising: I'm a cr*p friend on the MFP friend-feed side, don't interact lots there unless someone asks questions on my page, but if you want to see what I eat, send me a friend request. My diary is open to friends. Usually, it's just a long list of ingredients - I cook from scratch, usually without recipes - but I'm happy to answer questions about how things were cooked/combined.

    Either way, welcome to MFP, and I wish you much success!

    ETA: I don't use protein powders, protein bars, most commercial meat substitute products. There's nothing wrong with those at all, I just don't personally find them as tasty/satisfying as some other alternatives. Just mentioning this in case it matters to you. I do eat dairy regularly, eggs only occasionally.