How can I eat less naturally?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,787 Member
    edited September 2020
    Preheat your oven to 200 degrees celsius / 400 degrees F.

    1/2 tsp ground black pepper
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp dried chilli flakes
    1 tsp turmeric
    2 tbsp tomato puree (my MFP recipe shows I used 62g so that was probably 2 tbsp)
    1 cauliflower (when I last made this recipe I had 630g)
    1 large red onion (or a brown onion - approx 200g), chopped

    Chop the cauli into small florets / pieces.
    Chop the onion - I cut it in half, cut each half crossways to give slices, then cut those slices in half.

    Mix everything together.

    Add to an oven dish and bake for about half an hour. I usually stir it all half way through baking.

    For me, this makes 6 servings so I bag 5 portions up and freeze them.

    Thank you!!! Screenshotted! 📸 Definitely going to give this a try, thank you for sharing! I’ll let you know how my first cooking escapade goes haha.

    Except I did this from memory and I now have the recipe in front of me. I've missed a step and an ingredient.

    Chop the cauli and the onions.
    Boil a large pan of water. Add the cauli and cook for 3-4 mins. Drain it.
    Mix the seasoning ingredients mentioned before AND 2tbsp oil in a bowl (or do it straight in your oven dish if you want less to wash up). The recipe says sunflower oil, I use vegetable oil.
    Also, according to the recipe, it's 4tbsp tomato paste not 2tbsp (which makes sense as 1tbsp is probably 15g)
    Add the cauli to your oven dish. Add the onions.
    Add the paste to the veg (if you mixed the seasoning in a separate bowl).
    Stir, to coat the veg with the tomato/spicy seasoning.
    Roast for 30-40 mins until golden. Check it after 20mins and give it a stir.

    The recipe says it serves 4 but, as I said, for me it's 6 portions. I use it as a side, either with a meat curry dish and a small amount of rice or with some grilled chicken breast but you could have it in a wrap or on a bigger bed of rice for a main course.

    Sounds like a dinner for me! 😹
    Even with the oil, you're well under 800 Cal, right?