Water or Tea??

I was curious, because i am addicted to herbal teas... Do uncaffeinated herbal teas count towards the 8 glasses of water daily? Because i drink a lot of tea, and only about 3 cups of water... should that count or not?

Thanks guys!! Keep up the awesome work!
Tiarna Jade X


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I drink decaf tea and count it. I've heard as long as it's not full of sugar or caffeine, it's ok to log as water.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I have heard a doctor say that tea counts as hydration (your 8 cups of h2o) because it has no bad stuff in it. It doesn't matter if its caffeinated, caffeine actually boosts your metabolism
  • KijuanaC
    KijuanaC Posts: 8 Member
    I've counted my herbal teas. I've balanced it with more water.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I am trying to drink a lot more water and cut my tea down to one or two glasses a day.
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    you can count teas as your water intake, so long as you don't add sweeteners.
  • NIK25
    NIK25 Posts: 10
    tea is herbs and water, so why not.
  • NIK25
    NIK25 Posts: 10
    Ok, sometimes more than just herbs. ;) hehe
    But yes, it's brewed in water and still counts as hydration!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Yes they definitely count, even if they're sweetened.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Yup it's water!!! No Cafeine, No Carbonation, No Sugar = Water.

  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    you need 8 glasses of hydration a day, but it doesn't all have to come from water... it is in food (especially veggies) and other drinks... now you got me wanting a nice cup of herbal healing tea... mmmm
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I usually drink 16 oz of tea a day, and i count it as water!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    you need 8 glasses of hydration a day, but it doesn't all have to come from water... it is in food (especially veggies) and other drinks...

    This. Its not 8 cups of water a day. Its 8 cups of fluid. So many people think they HAVE to drink tons of actual pure water, when its simply not true!
  • tiarnajade23
    Thanks everyone! I will count them then :)
    I dont put sugar or milk in my teas- its mainly green tea anyhow...

    Makes life easier! hahaha
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I drink pretty much nothing but decaffeinated green tea every day all day and I count it as my water (although I usually forget to log it).
  • cervenec
    I count my tea! Generally I drink a ton of tea at home, but when I'm out I keep water in my stainless steel bottle that I drink from a lot.
  • xunsungxherox
    I drink a lot of decaffienated green tea, and i have always counted it. I see it as water with a few leaves in it.