Lost 32lbs...but waist measurement has not changed!? Is tha

Hey guys... I have a concern.

So I've lost 32 lbs since January...though my weight loss has stalled the past 3 months regardless of being on plan and exercising. I went from 195 to 163 and I'm 26 years old(female) and 5'7"...so that puts me at borderline normal weight range, right?

My concern is that my waist measurement has not changed in 32 lbs! My tummy has always been my problem area. I have never, since being maybe 6 years old, not had at least a "little" belly on me. I had thought it was just my body build. Even now, I have perfectly slim and proportionate arms and legs but a "belly" that could rival a 6 month pregnancy(I've never been pregnant).

What is up with that?!? How am I 4 lbs from being " in a normal range" with a gigantic stomach? How have I not lost even an inch there? I have a 42 inch waist, btw, at the largest point.

Is this normal?


  • bearsfan2334
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Its genetic. Keep it up and you will reach your goal.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I wouldn't say it's "not normal" but if it's causing you concern, go see a doctor about it. I would have thought your belly would become smaller with a 32 lbs loss but I'm not an expert on weight loss.
  • rrrbecca11
    What kind of exercise are you doing? No, I wouldn't think that is normal. Have you had a physical checkup lately?
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Sometimes we see ourselves as bigger than we really are, but if the measurements haven't changed, then it seems that something might be going on. I thought maybe an ovarian cyst? Any other female issues going on?
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    coming from someone with a similar issues but mine has shrank finally, what is your workout routine like? Though some will disagree with me strength training ALL OVER is a huge aspect in losing fat (not just ab excercises, weights all over) also your diary isnt public, what is your diet like? what is your sodium intake like? and you could very well lose most of your tummy in that last 14 lbs, the first place to gain is typically the last place to lose. See my ticker though, in 69 lbs Ive gone from an 18/20 to a 14/16 some women are shaped differently. And if you have before and after pictures (well before and during) those are helpful to see too, sometimes others see what we dont see ourselves. Is it possible you arent measuring the same spots? do you have PCOS? have you talked to your doctor about the concern? there could be an underlying issue
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I don't think it's cause for worry. I've lost 22 pounds and gone down 2.5 sizes in pants but barely anything in shirt size. I think we're just all different.
  • syrcaid
    syrcaid Posts: 31 Member
    I don't have health insurance, so no, I haven't had a check up in...years. Which is bad, I know. I haven't really had a need, I've been pretty healthy. I am getting married next year though, and then I will go on fiance's insurance I will definitely get up to date on all that stuff then though.

    For exercise, I jog for 30 min, usually twice per day(first thing in the AM and in the evening around 6pm). I also go on brisk walks(about 4.0 mph) and use free weights. I have an active job that requires me on my feet for 8+, walking around also.
  • Bellyroll
    Have you lost inches anywhere? like your legs or arms? I know that there are some people that have a hard time losing weight in certain areas. For me its my butt. I lose weight quickly in my tummy but it takes for ever to lose it from my butt.
  • syrcaid
    syrcaid Posts: 31 Member
    Umm, female issues... Well, probably not related, but I was diagnosed with HPV, the type that causes cervical cancer 2 years ago and treated that... I had an ovarian cyst when I was like 13, but that wasn't a huge deal and problem solved itself. I've always had an extremely long cycle 33-34 days is the norm, usually only lasts for 2-3 days max. I also do not grow body hair under my arms, while everyone else in my family does--I've always been curious if that could indicate a hormone imbalance or maybe it's just me. Sorry if that's all TMI.
  • dragonflybird
    I have to agree with the other to see a physician. I don't want to scare you, but this is a reason why it is better to see a physician. My friend always had a really big belly on her and small arms and legs. Everybody was telling her she had too much air or too much salt intake. When she turned 40 she went in for a regular check up and the doctor sent her for special testing. Turns out she had tumours. Thankfully they were benign. She had them removed and now she looks to be the size she should have looked.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Everyone has a different area of their body that is the first to gain fat and the last to lose it. For me, it's my thighs. Since I started with MFP in March, I've lost nearly 4 inches from my waist but only 1/2" from my thighs. I also haven't really lost any up top and I know a lot of women complain they lose it there first. It sounds like you are just an apple shape and your belly fat is going to be the last to go. You might try doing some core work to try to tone the muscles up so that when the fat does start to disappear from there, you'll have some nice muscles waiting underneath.

    P.S. My mom doesn't grow hair under her arms, either. Actually, she doesn't have much on her arms or legs. It's a genetic thing due to some American Indian ancestry.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Gosh and golly, I am always amazed that Americans wait to be on their death beds before they see a doctor! How much can seeing one cost that you have to wait a year before doing so?
  • ksgran
    ksgran Posts: 9 Member
    I'm with everyone who is urging you to have a checkup ASAP. Too many things in our midsections that can cause problems. Once you've gotten the all clear by your doc, try Zumba for a little while. If you don't have access to inexpensive classes you can try it out by viewing videos of Zumba classes on YouTube. Here's why I'm suggesting it: I've only lost 1.4 lbs. in the 2 weeks since I started Zumba (at home, bought the videos on Amazon), but I've already lost 1.5 inches around my waist! It's the ONLY thing that has caused a drop in waist size for me. But get checked out first!!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I also do not grow body hair under my arms,

    Sorry, I know this is not helpful but I can't be the only jealous person about this!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Gosh and golly, I am always amazed that Americans wait to be on their death beds before they see a doctor! How much can seeing one cost that you have to wait a year before doing so?

    Depends on what needs to be done. I was having abdominal pains and got sent for an ultrasound and MRI. I don't remember how much the U/S was but the MRI was almost $2000. That's not including the doctor visit.
  • poseidon9447
    You could also have a cyst in your liver like me. Mine is fine, not any type of medical issue so nothing needs to be done about it, but it causes fat in the midsection in people. I am hoping I can get my stomach down to an acceptable level for myself.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Gosh and golly, I am always amazed that Americans wait to be on their death beds before they see a doctor! How much can seeing one cost that you have to wait a year before doing so?
  • akmm
    akmm Posts: 1
    Could it be bloating? Is your stomach sometimes smaller in the morning and larger in the evening? Do you have other bowel related issues (gas, cramps, strange bowel movements etc?)
    I'm a healthy weight but my stomach is the place I store fat, and it makes it worse that I have food intolerances/IBS that causes constant bloating. I can give you some advice if you think this might be a factor?
  • syrcaid
    syrcaid Posts: 31 Member
    Unfortunately, it's been this way for 20 years. So I don't think it's bloating. Men in my family seem to have big bellies on one side, but I had yet to see women. Just lucky genes I guess. Ugh.