Help?! 1000-1200 cal. A day plus 1 hr exercise and not loosing an ounce....



  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    Another thing to watch is sodium!! If you are eating lots of bread pasta rice fries and not paying attention to the sodium you will bloat very quickly I can eat 500 calories and go over on my sodium and feel like poo 💩
  • Give it the month. Your body is probably just shocked at the changes
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 443 Member
    Also could you consider weighing daily for a bit - just so you can see daily fluctuations. In the last week my weight range has been within a 2kg band (which is unusual for me). If I'd weighed myself once a week, but on the day where I got the +2kg I'd have been really confused as to wth is going on - as that was my typical weight in July!
  • whitej1234
    whitej1234 Posts: 263 Member
    The scale might have a memory function. Meaning when you get on it if the previous reading is within 100-200gr of previous measure it will show the previous measure.

    Try getting on it holding something heavy (a big water bottle) so it shows a higher number and then again without the bottle. You might find that ounce.

    On a general note, as others mentioned you are restricting yourself too much. On top of being unhealthy and unsustainable in the long run it will also be rather inconsistent on the scale which will be discouraging. Take it easy on your body. Just do better then before and you will see results.

    Good luck
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Starting off can be pretty frustrating. A couple things come to mind when considering your situation...
    1. 1 Week is not enough time to determine what is and is not working
    2. Increased exercise will result in increased water retention
    3. You can lose 1 pound of fat and gain 2 pounds of water, frustrating the matter. But this is fine.
    4. If you have a digital scale, they can sometimes automatically state your previous weight if it is within a certain range. Use something to weigh on the scale to reset it so it doesn't do that perhaps (I managed to lose 0.8 pounds one time in 10 minutes by having a coffee according to the scale because of this)

    Anndd... you're not eating enough. At all.Barring some sort of medical issue, everyone no matter their weight/height/age will lose fat at 1200 calories a day. If you're comfortable at 1000-1200, you could consider some calories banked for a weekend.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited September 2020
    A generic TDEE calculator puts your current daily energy need at ~2000 calories before exercise (sedentary other than intentional exercise). As your weight goes down, so does your daily energy need. But for now, 1500 calories/day will give you about 1 lb/week loss. More exercise will give you more calories at that rate of loss, which is a really good rate of loss.

    FWIW, I'm your height but weigh 100 lb less (ETA: and 20 years older) than you and I lose weight consistently on 1500 calories/day (0.5 lb/wk). The easiest thing to address is logging accuracy, and it's also the most likely thing that's amiss. I would focus on that first. Good luck, OP!
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,138 Member
    whitej1234 wrote: »
    The scale might have a memory function. Meaning when you get on it if the previous reading is within 100-200gr of previous measure it will show the previous measure.

    Try getting on it holding something heavy (a big water bottle) so it shows a higher number and then again without the bottle. You might find that ounce.

    On a general note, as others mentioned you are restricting yourself too much. On top of being unhealthy and unsustainable in the long run it will also be rather inconsistent on the scale which will be discouraging. Take it easy on your body. Just do better then before and you will see results.

    Good luck

    I was going to post this as well. My scale has a memory function that will give me the same reading for days and days. "Oh Hi! You again? Here's the number I gave you last time. Ok see you tomorrow!" So I will just pop out the batteries from time to time to reset it and get a new reading.

    But, I think based upon a lot of the posts above you are probably consuming more calories than you think. It's a lot of work to really accurately measure and track every damn gram of food that goes in your mouth, but once you go through the exercises and start measuring you'll find that you start creating recipes for yourself in the database and eating the same foods consistently so it gets easier and easier. But yeah, it is work. But if it takes maybe 10 minutes all day to measure and log foods in order to drop the weight, in my book its worth it.

    MFP is a great tool, but if you are just throwing up figures for the sake of putting in figures its not really helping you. Your body is keeping perfect track of what you are eating, trust me!

    We've all been there and had to fine tune our approach. You'll get it just stay with it! Good luck!
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    Well poop I didn't know that about digital scales 😲
  • gazpainter
    gazpainter Posts: 22 Member
    edited September 2020
    My other half is female, 40 and overweight. She was like 12 stone 3 and in 8 weeks gone to 11 stone 1 by having protein meal replacement shake which one scoop with water for breakfast and lunch (200 calories a times) then a normal meal and some crackers in the evening and weekends we have bread for lunch etc. We have a takeaway ever 2 weeks as a treat too!

    Workout les Mills 6 times a week 1 hr mixture of attack and pump. Works a treat.

    Walking will do nothing. Exercise and control of food is key.

    Get your heart rate up to 170/180 for a decent burn, get burpess and press ups and mountain climbers in...

    Diet and walking will take years... Exercise and diet massively accelerates the process... At least an hour a day 6 days a week and 1500 calories a day works a treat!
  • gazpainter
    gazpainter Posts: 22 Member
    edited September 2020
    Walking 15 to 20 mins total a mile burns around 80 calories

    Exercise like hiit for 20 mins burns about 250 to 350.

    Its all down to how quickly you want results.

    You walk a mile a day 7 days a week, you burn 760 a week on top of daily burn.

    Hiit 5 times a week for 20 mins (which is no time at all) will burn 1500.

    So less exercise days but same amount of time and double the burn... Double the calories burned... Simple as that...

    If you have more than 20lbs to lose... Trust me from experience, walking and diet will take over a year easily... And how long can you stay at a big calorie reduction without falling off the wagon?