what’s more effective? the gym or home workouts



  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Dogmom1978 wrote: »
    it depends on your goals, your equipment vs the local gym's equipment, etc. our local gyms didn't have the stuff i'd really like to use, so over time, we started building our home gym in our little condo.

    we have what we need for very effective workouts including one of these
    which is basically a tiny functional trainer and you can raise or lower the cables to 16 positions so it's great for pullovers, ab workouts and low rows, not to mention lat pulldowns, tricep pulldowns and kickbacks, lower back and ab work, bicep curls and chest. we have all sorts of weight plates next to it.

    i also have dumbbell, barbells and toys like this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OZ0HECI/ (i use this for hip adductions) and a bullworker (go figure) as well as a recumbent exercise bike. i'm working on a better set of dumbbells and considering if i can make room for a set of fixed or should stay with adjustable ones.

    In a condo, I would stick with the adjustable ones personally and utilize the space for something else that doesn’t have a compact option, but that’s just me 😊

    yeah, that's what i should do. i just love the convenience of grabbing a dumbbell and getting to the next move rather than fumbling and messing with it.

    how noisy are the power blocks? others i've tried rattle madly... i'm currently using spinlocks.

    The powerblocks are quiet and easy to change out weights. You just put them back into the base and move the pin to your desired weight. Slightly more complicated in the set I have as it has more weight ranges and I may or may not need to put in or remove the adder weights also, BUT fantastic if you lack space and not so convoluted to change that I wish for a set of dumbbells daily.

    I have the space for dumbbells, I just want a urethane commercial set of them with contoured handles and I haven’t found them for the price I’m willing to pay yet. So until then, my powerblocks (purchased used with the stand pre covid19) are my go to. 😊
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,989 Member
    Home 4me.

    Have all the time & equipment that I need to do whatever I beed 2do there
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    I am not ready to go back to the gym and I may eventually drop my membership. For cardio I find that I work harder trying to keep up with exercise videos than I worked at the gym. I tended to slack at the gym. I do need to get better with strength training at home.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I don't do well with home workouts. We have the equipment but my focus isn't the same and I don't maintain the same intensity. I can move weight the same, but my heart rate doesn't stay as high. I don't get as good of a metabolic workout, the kids, the bugs (our setup is in an open carport, no garage door), the humidity, it's distracting. Having my comfortable home right there just doesn't do it for me.

    I love the gym. It's my happy place. I go there to work out, I get warmed up and stay warmed up. I'm in the zone. I do so much better.
  • rltolle2015
    rltolle2015 Posts: 7 Member
    I love working out at home. It’s easier to fit into my day.
  • JintheSouth
    JintheSouth Posts: 44 Member
    edited September 2020
    I had found a nice mix of at home and gym training before Covid. I’d workout at home during the week and at the gym on the weekends.
    I’ve worked out at home for 30 years so I have a lot of equipment. I use resistance bands and kettlebells at home, but I use the weight machines at the gym. I do jump rope for cardio at home, but at the gym I use the treadmill and rowing machine. I’m not interested in buying a treadmill for my home so I use the one at the gym. I did buy a very cheap rower from Walmart but, you know, after 5 months of use you get what you paid for. If I’m not back at the gym soon, I may splurge and buy a nicer rower.
    I don’t think it would hurt to mix gym and at home training, depending on your needs and especially if the gym is affordable. On those days when you can’t make it to the gym, you can workout at home. It shouldn’t be an end-all be-all type of thing with fitness options, I think.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    For me it is both.

    I love the gym environment. There is just something energizing about being around a lot of other people with fitness goals even if they are different from mine. I wouldn't mind having a complete gym at home but even if I could find enough room it would not replace that gym experience.

    With that said I also like the convenience of doing some of my exercise at home. If I tried to do it all at a gym it would take more time and be a less ideal life balance. I also like the peace and the solitude of getting up early and it just being me for a time.

  • Carp614
    Carp614 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm currently focused on burning excess fat and improving my cardiovascular health. I don't believe I need a gym to do that. It might be nice, but I don't think it's required.

    I see a possible future wherein I shift focus to building some muscle. That would be my switchover point I think. Taking it one day at a time till then.
  • brianstramel
    brianstramel Posts: 2 Member
    The one you are more likely to do. I've never had a gym membership and always been exceptionally fit, often with minimal equipment. I'm way more likely to workout if I just have to toss on some shorts and go downstairs.

    However, I'm an intrinsically motivated introvert. For others, a gym membership can be better because so long as they can find the motivation to get there, once at the gym the sense of community takes care of the rest.

    As far as "effective" in terms of performance; a person could forge a world-class body in terms of raw strength, power and anaerobic/aerobic capacity with the only equipment needed being a bar to pull up on.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 159 Member
    Other than a pool, I have no use for a gym. I'm short and the equipment doesn't really adjust to fit my proportions, exercises classes I avoid because I don't like people, spin is all the misery of riding a bike with none of the joy, and other things I have to modify (like I can't lay my hands flat). I'm better off keeping myself at home. And if I get Covid the outcome would probably not be good.
    There's always exceptions: yoga class because I'm not very good and could use some more instruction and if I could find the perfect personal trainer for me.....I know enough to know that if I am not doing something correctly I am more likely to hurt than help myself so I'll just keep it simple.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,863 Member
    For years I had a gym membership. I needed the routine of stopping there on my way home from work every day. I also enjoyed using the pool at the facility on Saturday mornings. Now that exercise is just part of my every day life and an ingrained habit, I dropped my gym membership a couple of years ago. Depending on the season, my cardio is running, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, or paddling. I also did a spin class at a small studio during the shoulder season (too miserable to run but snow not good enough to ski or snowshoe), however that won't be opening any time soon due to COVID. I do yoga at home, have an ancient elliptical machine, and some weights. I also have two large dogs that need exercise every day.

    One thing that I really appreciate is that my gym also has a punch card type system, as well as the full on memberships. I purchase a 10 pass card and if I feel like going to the pool, or the weather is really bad, I can use the card. Its a really nice option to have and over the course of the year I probably go through two cards, which is still way cheaper than an annual membership. I love the flexibility of being able to go the gym if I want to, without a significant financial commitment.

    So my thought is that different times in your life may require different approaches. Regular gym workouts were a must for me during one period of my life, but not so anymore. I've learned that there isn't only one road to fitness.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    For me, as a competitive powerlifter, the gym is more effective.

    Lol, I was just thinking of you - that it would be neither cost effective nor practical for you to try to set up a home gym.

    For someone like me who uses way less weights, a home gym plus cardio outdoors is fine.

    And yet, I'm still trying. Gotta be ready for the next lockdown. :p I've got a power rack and a barbell, now I need to find some weight plates.

    Try TAG fitness. I bought all of my Olympic plates from them.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I'm just waiting on my barbell, and I'm done going to the gym. Sure, I will not have the equipment selection, but that's where creativity comes into play. Not to mention, I can play my music, and don't have to wear earbuds. I already have been doing conditioning workouts at home. We bought a tractor tire, kettlebell, slam ball, and am picking up a battle rope today.
  • gymoclock1
    gymoclock1 Posts: 7 Member
    Gyms having varied equipment provides a complete body workout compared to restricted equipment at home, but then depends how well-equipped is the home gym. Gyms for a social butterfly like me enables to be socially active as well. Although home gyms are also good option if you are self disciplined. But then i am a gym fanatic.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    For me, the gym hands down. No kids to interrupt my flow and it gets me out of the house. My mental health needs it.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I like aspects of both. There are people at my gym that it was nice to see each week, but since COVID, I've really appreciated just doing my workouts at home. I'm probably going to cancel my membership. The group exercise options were nice, though, and the track when its cold outside.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    both! its all about being consistent and regularly working out.