what was your "moment of clarity?"



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    At 278 pounds, and times 280, I realized that I was much closer to 300 pounds than 200.

    With a mother who basically can't walk anymore due to shot knees and back due to a lifetime of poor fitness, I needed to change.
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    Ive always been slightly heavy to now obese. Never have i been thin or skinny. I had my daughter in Oct 2010 and when this summer rolled around i realized i was heavy again, like always, like every summer! Such a yo-yo lifestyle for years going from 140-190! I realized i could not pass that on to her i could not lead her to a couch potato lifestyle. So here at 31 for the first time in my life i have incorporated exercise into my daily routine. I started VERY slowly back in march and really didnt get serious until July. ive lost 17 lbs since just after 4th of july and i even miss exercise the days i dont do it :) I have my first 5k next week! oh i cant wait to run marathons with my girl!
  • At 278 pounds, and times 280, I realized that I was much closer to 300 pounds than 200.

    With a mother who basically can't walk anymore due to shot knees and back due to a lifetime of poor fitness, I needed to change.

    Oh, yes. I hate to say it...I love my mother, but I don't want to be like her. She has the same problem, obese, shot knees (with knee replacement surgery), bad back, diabetes, high blood pressure and although she tries to keep a smile on her face, I can tell she's miserable.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I love all the responses so far! It's interesting to hear what (or who) influenced people to change for good. Your stories are so motivating!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I've been overweight all my life and never really tried to lose it. When I did try I gave up quickly. Now that I am older and I want to have kids within the next 5 years, I decided now was the time and I am mentally and physically ready for a change. I had started to try and lose by using portion control but I was doing it so wrong. Then one day my husband and I went to Arbys and I completely ate too much and felt sick and disgusted. On the way home we went to Walmart and bought a scale. That was my motivation to start. Seeing my weight. Ever since I have been on the right track and learning how to eat better and how much. I've lost almost 50 pounds in 4 months. Basically realizing that over eating made me feel sick and something has to change was my moment. =)
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    When I just generally started feeling like crap, acid reflux all the time, not being able to go up a flight of stairs without gasping for air, being a size 20 but still in denial trying to squeeze into size 18 clothes. The tipping point came in the winter of 2010 (a year before I joined MFP) when I realized that I was just one year younger than my Aunt was when she dropped dead of a heart attack. I have hypertension and high cholesterol, so being that heavy definitely wasn't helping my cause. At that point I decided to take charge of my life and health. A year later I had lost 12 pounds, was eating better and walking 2 miles a day but I felt like I was stuck in a rut and couldn't figure out where to go from there. It was during this time that I saw a link to MFP on a message board and decided to check it out.

    I joined in March and since then I've lost 26 more pounds and have dropped down to a Misses size 14. I've stepped up my exercise routine and joined a gym. I still have a ways to go (my initial goal is 145, but I will probably shoot for 135-140), but I feel better than I have in a long time and my confidence is through the roof.
  • I really like reading these stories. :)

    Mine came after I had my son, he is 4 years old now. I am 5'1" and I weighed 265lbs when I delivered him. When he was 6 weeks old I was the maid of honor in a wedding and I hated every second of it. I was big and uncomfortable. I hate the pictures. I should have been having the best time ever, but I didn't. I joined WW and breastfed and lost 100lbs. Then I quite nursing and the pounds came right back. I was giong to school and working 3 jobs and had 2 kids and my husband was just as stressed. I know, excuses, but that's the reality of it. After I graduated from college and got hired in a my new job I joined a medical weightloss program and lost 40lbs. That was last summer. Then in the fall of last year my house burned down and I just gave up again. I was so stressed and just didn't care again. I was really mad at myself and was beating myself up for it big time when I got on the scale and gained back 30lbs. Then I forgave myself and started to get really serious in July of this year. No more excuses and no more feeling sorry for myself. I feel like a light has flicked on and I am happier and feel so much better. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel better and I know it will come off. It has to. :)
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I really like reading these stories. :)

    Mine came after I had my son, he is 4 years old now. I am 5'1" and I weighed 265lbs when I delivered him. When he was 6 weeks old I was the maid of honor in a wedding and I hated every second of it. I was big and uncomfortable. I hate the pictures. I should have been having the best time ever, but I didn't. I joined WW and breastfed and lost 100lbs. Then I quite nursing and the pounds came right back. I was giong to school and working 3 jobs and had 2 kids and my husband was just as stressed. I know, excuses, but that's the reality of it. After I graduated from college and got hired in a my new job I joined a medical weightloss program and lost 40lbs. That was last summer. Then in the fall of last year my house burned down and I just gave up again. I was so stressed and just didn't care again. I was really mad at myself and was beating myself up for it big time when I got on the scale and gained back 30lbs. Then I forgave myself and started to get really serious in July of this year. No more excuses and no more feeling sorry for myself. I feel like a light has flicked on and I am happier and feel so much better. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel better and I know it will come off. It has to. :)

    what an amazing story! your dedication after so much adversity is incredible :flowerforyou:
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I really like reading these stories. :)

    Mine came after I had my son, he is 4 years old now. I am 5'1" and I weighed 265lbs when I delivered him. When he was 6 weeks old I was the maid of honor in a wedding and I hated every second of it. I was big and uncomfortable. I hate the pictures. I should have been having the best time ever, but I didn't. I joined WW and breastfed and lost 100lbs. Then I quite nursing and the pounds came right back. I was giong to school and working 3 jobs and had 2 kids and my husband was just as stressed. I know, excuses, but that's the reality of it. After I graduated from college and got hired in a my new job I joined a medical weightloss program and lost 40lbs. That was last summer. Then in the fall of last year my house burned down and I just gave up again. I was so stressed and just didn't care again. I was really mad at myself and was beating myself up for it big time when I got on the scale and gained back 30lbs. Then I forgave myself and started to get really serious in July of this year. No more excuses and no more feeling sorry for myself. I feel like a light has flicked on and I am happier and feel so much better. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel better and I know it will come off. It has to. :)

    whoops, double post!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    My "moment of clarity" was when I left my ex husband who was terribly emotionally and mentally abusive. I had endured so much pain in my heart, that I gave up on myself. The day he hit me was the last straw.

    I had always been thin my whole life, but the years I spent with him I turned to food and whiskey. Once I left the relationship, I was still turning to food and whiskey. I went from 120 lbs to 150 lbs in what seems like a blink of an eye.

    I went on a roller coaster diets for awhile, then a few years later I met a wonderful man who is now my husband. I also gained four more children, (now we have 5 total), who all love unconditionally. I went from eating out of depression to making huge wonderful meals for a family of 7.

    Three years ago, we were expecting a child, but that went horribly wrong and we lost the baby. Back to depression eating. We had been trying again to have a baby, and I again was with child just last month. Come to find out it was a tubal, and I was rushed in to emergency surgery. No chance of ever having a baby again.

    Due to my wonderful family however, we all pulled together and are getting back on track. My step daughter who just turned 8, has been a huge help. She tells me, "your butt isn't as big as it used to be", or "those clothes really make you look pretty". Last year it was, "your butt is way too big, how do you go potty?" Ah, out of the mouths of babes.

    So now it is time for me to be me again, be a strong confident woman that I used to be, and not saying things like, "I have curves now", or " I finally got out of that A cup bra". No more excuses. I am raising a ton of kids including 5 year old twin boys that I need to keep up with and be around for. (Their bio mom totally abandoned all 4 of them several years ago)

    As they say....it's off to the races, and I intend to be in the best shape of my life by the time the big 4-0 hits me in March. I intend on being a great example to my husband and my children.

    I hope that my story will help just one person. Mostly, you can do it, and don't allow anyone to knock you down. Always stay strong and be positive, the rewards will come in time. If anyone who is reading this is dealing with domestic violence, or being abused in any way, please reach out to your community. There is so much help out there, you are not alone, and it does not have to be that way. Take care and God Bless
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    clothes not fitting

    being short, i am too small a frame to wear "big girl clothes" and was too big to fit into normal clothes. so all my clothes looked terrible, too long, poorly fitting and just wrong.

    when i could no longer fit into 18's, i had to do something, i couldn't hate everything i wore for the rest of my life.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    To keep a long story short: I turned 45 this past March and my pants were getting too small. I had more of them in the "I'll fit in to these again some day" pile than I had hanging in my closet. I stepped on the scale and discovered I weighed 140, which is really close to being at my highest weight ever (except pregnancy, which doesn't count!). I realized that it only gets harder from here. If I didn't start to eat better and exercise, this is the smallest and fittest I will ever be. No way! I started eating right and cutting out some carbs, found MFP, started C25K in April and the rest is history.
  • I never thought of myself as "overweight" at all. I had two children working at the same place. After my second child, I worked out like a fiend - but never ate healthy to make the right lifestyle change. Once I cancelled my gym membership, I went right back up to where I was. I heard "pregnancy" rumors at work (most of the weight you could see in my gut) and thought that they stunk but didn't realize my shape until I was looking at a website and for my height and weight I was considered "overweight".. now that was a shock. I have always been sensitive about my weight but that crushed me. That's when I decided to start on this journey.
  • I had been overweight for most of my life but the death of my husband in 2002 is what really started me in the direction of getting healthy. Both of my parents died young of heart disease and with my husband gone my kids especially my youngest (she was a huge surprise) I feel that I need to take care of myself. It hasnt been easy and I continue to struggle and I;m glad I have found this site for support. I have had a steady decline in weight through the years but it is slow. Sorry for the rambling on. :flowerforyou: Mary
  • I really like reading these stories. :)

    Mine came after I had my son, he is 4 years old now. I am 5'1" and I weighed 265lbs when I delivered him. When he was 6 weeks old I was the maid of honor in a wedding and I hated every second of it. I was big and uncomfortable. I hate the pictures. I should have been having the best time ever, but I didn't. I joined WW and breastfed and lost 100lbs. Then I quite nursing and the pounds came right back. I was giong to school and working 3 jobs and had 2 kids and my husband was just as stressed. I know, excuses, but that's the reality of it. After I graduated from college and got hired in a my new job I joined a medical weightloss program and lost 40lbs. That was last summer. Then in the fall of last year my house burned down and I just gave up again. I was so stressed and just didn't care again. I was really mad at myself and was beating myself up for it big time when I got on the scale and gained back 30lbs. Then I forgave myself and started to get really serious in July of this year. No more excuses and no more feeling sorry for myself. I feel like a light has flicked on and I am happier and feel so much better. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel better and I know it will come off. It has to. :)

    what an amazing story! your dedication after so much adversity is incredible :flowerforyou:

    Thanks :)
  • my moment was when i came home from the hospital with my daughter and i couldn't even look at pictures of myself with her because i just looked terrible.
    i also devolped gallstones while pregnant and every time i ate something bad i would end up in the hosptial .. made me realize what i shouldnt be eating to begin with !!
    not sure if that makes sense but that was my moment !!
  • Mine was moving out of my old home and into my new one. I didn't realise how down i was and just how much comfort food i was taking on. After my brother and my dad were both hospitalised in 2 years and both needed operations i started comfort eating.

    Once my mood lifted i saw clearly and knew what i wanted, its made a massive difference to my life. Im happier and finding getting out there to run much easier.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    I couldnt stand to look at pictures of myself or even in a mirror. When I delivered my 2nd child in March 2009, I weighed 235 lbs. I remember with my first child, when I hit the 200s at one of my OBGYN appts and almost cried. I am 5'10, but was always very athletic and never over 175 before I got pregnant the first time. (I was once at 165 with 15% bodyfat but looked sickly).

    My turning point was when my son was born with Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension & we were rushed to another hospital that specialized in infants with heart problems. We lived in a Ronald McDonald House for two weeks and when I came home (with a healthy son) and actually got on a scale, I weighed 230 lbs. I had delivered a 9 lb baby (plus we all know how much all that OTHER stuff weighs that you lose when you give birth) and I only weighed 5 lbs less than when I was 9 months pregnant!
    I couldnt get off the couch by myself while I was holding him...I was SO embarrased to have to hand off my newborn to my husband to be able to stand up!

    My husband is an avid runner and in 2009, ran his first mini marathon in honor of my mom who had passed away in 2007 from skin cancer. I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, I wish I could do something so cool to honor her. I probably couldnt WALK a mini marathon right now." That got me thinking about my kids. I was 27 when my mom died. I already have all the genetic issues that triple my likelihood to die young from skin cancer, and even if that didnt take me from my babies, being fat would. How would I keep up with them in the yard? How would I climb to the top of the sand dune and roll down with them? It was that moment that I decided if I was going to do it for anyone, it was my kids. They deserve a healthy, happy mom.

    I am happy to say, I have lost 51 lbs and am 9 lbs away from my mark of 20% body fat at 170 lbs. I know a lot of people say this, but I have NEVER felt so good...even when I was a gymanst, strutting my 15% bodyfat in a leotard! I was skin and bone and now I have muscles and definition Ive never dreamed of! I thank God everyday for my wake up call. I remember the pic we took at my sons second birthday party...013-1.jpg and I thought...wow. Theres the pretty, happy, healthy person I remember being inside of me..and Ive lost 20 more pounds since then!
  • One night I was having dinner with my daughter and had made the comment that I was "so full" and then she looked at me and said "Mom, if you're so full why do you keep eating?" Good question I didn't have an answer to. That did it for me. I knew at that point that I needed to be a better model for my children and, more than that, I needed to be around for them.
  • One night I was having dinner with my daughter and had made the comment that I was "so full" and then she looked at me and said "Mom, if you're so full why do you keep eating?" Good question I didn't have an answer to. That did it for me. I knew at that point that I needed to be a better model for my children and, more than that, I needed to be around for them.

    Uplifiting story, keep it up. A great reason to be losing!