The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 3



  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Congrats to everyone who lost!!! I lost NOTHING this week. Ugh!!! I'm going to see a specialist about my thyroid next week though. My doctor has been unable to get my meds regulated for over a year now and he thinks it's time for a specialist. I'm getting so frustrated with this. I did so well last year, then my thyroid kick it and now I struggle no matter what I do. Some weeks I'm down three pounds but then I'll spend three more weeks with no loss at all. It's nuts. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!:smile:

    I see an Endocrinologist and it took me two and a half years to get my medication worked out. I get my blood tested every few weeks and still have bad days where it's hard to function because walking three steps can wear me out but for the most part I'm balanced. I can tell when my meds aren't working like they should and it's only day or two before my body regulates. I think it's impossible to entirely regulate a broken thyroid. There's always going to be ups and downs because I think we experience hormone fluctuations a little more deeply than the average person. BUT, my doctor says weight loss is still about calories in vs out.

    My doctor says the same thing. I'm so frustrated. All I do is cry lately. The week before last I had a 3lb loss and I was so excited. I finally felt hopeful. Then last week I lost nothing. So far this week, I've gained it back and I haven't done anything different. I still measure and weigh my food, watch what goes into my mouth, and I'm always right within my calorie limits. I only eat back half of my exercise calories per my doctors orders, so I don't understand this roller coaster that I'm on. I'm doing everything I'm told. My doctor even has access to my food diary, but I also work in his office so he see's what I'm doing at all times. I exercise all but two days a week because my doctor says my body needs a chance to rest, I've even seen a personal trainer that finally got to a point where he said I need to see a specialist. I really hope the specialist can help. I'll never give up, but I'm so down and honestly I've begun crying about this daily. I don't want to slip into a depression but it feels like that's what I'm fighting against now too.
  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    My doctor says the same thing. I'm so frustrated. All I do is cry lately. The week before last I had a 3lb loss and I was so excited. I finally felt hopeful. Then last week I lost nothing. So far this week, I've gained it back and I haven't done anything different. I still measure and weigh my food, watch what goes into my mouth, and I'm always right within my calorie limits. I only eat back half of my exercise calories per my doctors orders, so I don't understand this roller coaster that I'm on. I'm doing everything I'm told. My doctor even has access to my food diary, but I also work in his office so he see's what I'm doing at all times. I exercise all but two days a week because my doctor says my body needs a chance to rest, I've even seen a personal trainer that finally got to a point where he said I need to see a specialist. I really hope the specialist can help. I'll never give up, but I'm so down and honestly I've begun crying about this daily. I don't want to slip into a depression but it feels like that's what I'm fighting against now too.

    So sorry to hear about your troubles? Has your doctor mentioned cutting back on your carb intake to shake things up? I've heard that can help. But I'm not talking going crazy Atkins on it with high fat foods, just cut back on your carb intake by half. Try it for a few weeks and see if it helps.
  • I have the question of the day today. I know this has been discussed quite a bit on this site, but wondering what works for you.
    Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?


    I'm having a very hard time with feeling hungry all the time so I eat as much as I'm allowed. lol
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    QOTD Tuesday : Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    By my next birthday I want to be down to 165 and maintaining - that is about 65 pounds and I have just over 11 months to go so I have no doubt that that is where I will be.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Morning Diamonds

    I have the question of the day today. I know this has been discussed quite a bit on this site, but wondering what works for you.
    Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?

    Personally, I need the extra food. I have a hard time sticking to 1200 calories a day. I try VERY hard to stay around 1200 calories throughout the day, then when I go workout in the evening, I need a snack afterwards. I typically go over my limit a little then need the workout calories to get back in the green. I usually eat back half if not all my calories.

    I eat back my exercise calories 1 or 2 days a week but am unable to do that daily unless I eat a lot of things like sweets which I try to stay away from because I do not stop after a bite or a piece; I stop when it is gone whether it be a candy bar or a pan of brownines ... I have no will power when it comes to that :sad:
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?

    I only eat back half because my doctor said that's all I need. He said it's the fuel your body needs to keep its metabolism going because it's when your workout and day is done that your metabolism is working. It's trying to re-fuel your body at this time.
  • QOTD Tuesday : Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday

    Happy Birthday!!!! :drinker:

    I would love to have my food choices and my eating habits under a little control. :laugh:
  • Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?

    I do for the most part. I will leave a 100 calories on the table if it's late in the evening. I feel really exhauted if I don't have enough fuel for my body and then I won't workout.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD: Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?

    I'm still experimenting with how many calories I should eat back. I find that when I eat back all of my calories, I gain. Some days I eat half and some days I don't eat any back. That's when I lose. Ideally, I'd like to train my body so that I can eat all my exercise calories and still lose. Is this even possible?
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    I have the question of the day today. I know this has been discussed quite a bit on this site, but wondering what works for you.
    Do you eat back your workout calories? Why or why not?

    If I ate my allowed 1210 per day and didn't eat my exercise calories I would give up. Saying that, I think the estimates aren't really accurate, so I try to underestimate calories burned and leave a little leeway, seems to be working so far. I actually try to aim for around 1500 per day, exercise or no. (If anyone looks at my food diary they'll see I rarely hit this!) I read a good blog post from stroutman81 and have felt a bit less guilty about going over on days I don't exercise and being under the days I do.
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    QOTD: Do you eat back your work out calories? Why or why not?

    I don't usually eat them back, but only because I work out later in the day (5 - 6 pm) and am not hungry enough to eat them back. I don't "pre-eat" them either, but again, only because I find I can't always eat all my regular calories. I have noticed though that when my weight is "stalling" if I eat my full calories I seem to lose again.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Sorry I'm late with answering, work is crazy!

    QOTD What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?
    Anything upbeat! usually Britney or Katy Perry

    QOTD - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask your all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!
    I'm going for my birthday next year since my birthday this year is 2 months ago. I want to be at goal weight by my birthday in 2012

    QOTD: Do you eat back your work out calories? Why or why not?
    Depends on the day and how hungry I am. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
  • QOTD: Do you eat back your work out calories? Why or why not?

    Difficult one - I don't purposely eat back my calories, but some days I'm really hungry and I eat more and, I keep not putting it in my diary because I feel guilty for eating more even when I'm not over cals, which is silly. Sometimes I'm just frightened to see the number. I think I try too hard to keep my calories low which is not good.

    As my exercise and fitness has increased I've noticed I've cheated a lot more because I simply need more food and I'm going to have to let go of the fear of eating and make healthy choices and let myself eat. I think its more important for me to keep away from sugar/dairy/grains than worry about the calorie number as I've seen weight gains from less calories while eating these foods. But I've been told so many times that its calories in, calories out and I feel bad if I eat more.
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    QOTD What is your all time favorite song or artist/group to work out to?

    Any song with a kick *kitten* beat..

    QOTD - Since its my birthday I wanted to ask you all where you see yourself (in terms of fitness/weight loss goals) on your next birthday!

    Since my bday isn't until next July, I see myself at my goal weight, much happier, and much healthier. I see myself living the life I always dreamed I could.

    QOTD: Do you eat back your work out calories? Why or why not?

    I usually try to eat most of my exercise cals back, because if I don't my energy levels drop dramatically.
  • I love working out to old school rap and anything by Beyonce.
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    QOTD 09/09: My first turn to ask a question, and I've been in a bit of a negative mood this week, so want to open this up as a chance to vent. What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    My current annoyances are the constant laundry from sweaty smelly gym clothes and being tired from exercising. :grumble:
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    QOTD 09/09: My first turn to ask a question, and I've been in a bit of a negative mood this week, so want to open this up as a chance to vent. What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    My current annoyances are the constant laundry from sweaty smelly gym clothes and being tired from exercising. :grumble:

    Great question Amanda!

    My current dislkes inlcude:

    -- that now I view anything outside my diet as how many minutes in the gym or doing cardio it will take to burn it off
    -- people who do the whole "you don't need to lose anymore weight" and "how much weight do you think you need to lose" -- aggravating and not supportive, especialy when you're not my scale or my doctor.

  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    QOTD 09/09: My first turn to ask a question, and I've been in a bit of a negative mood this week, so want to open this up as a chance to vent. What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    My current annoyances are the constant laundry from sweaty smelly gym clothes and being tired from exercising. :grumble:

    I absolutely detest the fact that it takes FOREVER to lose anything, yet if I slip up just a tad I gain like 3 pounds overnight. I know, I know, it's mostly water weight, but it still irritates me. I didn't gain it over night the first time, why am I now?

    Great question Amanda. Hope your negative mood cheers up soon. My mood almost always revolves around that dang scale. My mood today is a little down. Yesterday's Pantry Party cost me 1 pound. I am still down 0.4 so far this week, BUT it still stinks knowing it could be more.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    QOTD 09/09: My first turn to ask a question, and I've been in a bit of a negative mood this week, so want to open this up as a chance to vent. What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    My current annoyances are the constant laundry from sweaty smelly gym clothes and being tired from exercising. :grumble:

    Great question!!!
    I hate constantly thinking about food. What food can I eat, what can't I eat, what should I omit if I go ahead and eat something not planned on my menu for the day, just to name a few. I hate the fact that when I'm working out I'm watching my HRM to make sure I work out until I hit at least 500 calories burned. Ugh.....but most of all I hate the fact that I'm busting my butt everyday in hopes that MAYBE I will see some results. Can you tell I'm just frustrated this week?
  • QOTD: What do you dislike about trying to lose weight and get fitter?

    You really want them all?

    1. It takes so damn long! You sweat buckets and the next day you get up and you look the same.
    2. Same as above only its a week/month/year later
    3. People who don't tell me I've lost weight. I can't see it, I need comformation - I need support!
    4. I hate being hungry and not being able to eat whatever I want. I hate it, really hate it - but thankfully I don't hate it as much as being fat
    5. I hate smelling sweaty all the time and not having enough time or money to have clean fitness gear I can change into every 5 seconds
    6. I don't like the fact I have to rely on only myself to make sure I eat correctly. I know I shouldn't beef about men but seriously - they lose faster, don't have periods, and have someone that cooks and does their laundry for them at home (ok not all but many do) - I have to rely on only me - if hubby cooks my meal forget it - its going to be 1000cal upwards, eating out same deal although I have a bit more control
    7. People who rain on your parade all the time - weight loss is hard work it should be celebrated not rained on.
    8. I hate not having enough time to make myself look presentable, I exercise, cook, clean, work, look after my kids but my hair? Forget it
    9. Its too hard to lose weight - if we could lose weight at double the speed so many people would be much happier including me.