Relationship help.



  • Broken_
    Broken_ Posts: 172 Member
    You're 18 so I'm going to give you a life lesson I didn't learn until much later and I regret all that I missed because I didn't "man up" earlier in life.

    NEVER hesitate!

    If you want to ask a girl to dance, apply for a new job, or take a weekend outta town... do it! Life is going to throw some curve-balls your way nothing is worse than living with REGRET.

    Best of luck to ya man!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    If you put forth the effort to take time out of your schedule to fit in asking her out in person, you will be telling her that she means that much to you.
  • RichGebs
    Okay...too confusing here.

    Have you already met her in person?(seems so by your post)
    How far away from each other are you?
    Have you suggested what the date will be?
    Did you make the mistake of entering the hellish death of the "friend zone" ?

    Just ask her and yes as a guy it sucks to be the one rejected but such is life.

    1- I have known her and met her in person before
    2- we are 5-10 minutes away (same town)
    3- I haven't suggested what the date will be
    4- I haven't she said she would like to go out with me already.
  • CheetoBandoto
    I say be patient man and do it in person. I know its exciting and you can't wait to do it but its that moment of you asking her face to face that she's gonna remember :). Just don't let it go on too long though. If you have to just steal a quick moment from her, you do it.
  • RichGebs
    If you put forth the effort to take time out of your schedule to fit in asking her out in person, you will be telling her that she means that much to you.

    My schedule is clear it's her's that is conflicting. What would really be cool if I just went to her house pulled her outside and asked her out right then and there. But I'm too chicken for that lol.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    do not text her.. lol. I know you may be anxious about making it official, but it will mean SOOOOO much more being done in person. Texting someone something like this is just wrong in my opinion. It should be done face to face.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    In person, no text. My niece just said the other day the guy she liked redress to ask her out and she responded not via text, only if you ask me in person.
  • RichGebs
    Ugh I hate the suspense haha!
  • RichGebs
    Mail her a letter.

    So old school! Fun idea
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Does she have a track meet this week? You could go to her meet (surprise her even?), cheer her on and then ask her out then?
  • RichGebs
    Does she have a track meet this week? You could go to her meet (surprise her even?), cheer her on and then ask her out then?

    She does have a track meet Saturday. I was going to go but I have to go to my cousin's birthday party which is an hour away..
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Although "face to face" is my preferred method, a "HAND WRITTEN letter in INK" also does the trick. It says that you put an honest effort to actually think about what you wanted to say, cause if you made a mistake there's no erasing pen. Plus, not to many people HAND WRITE a letter, so it makes you stand out as being unique.
  • routerguy666
    Turn the computer off, go ask the girl out. What's the problem? If she says 'no', repeat the process with the next one that catches your eye. You can do this about 3.5 billion times before running out of possible dates...
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    My schedule is clear it's her's that is conflicting. What would really be cool if I just went to her house pulled her outside and asked her out right then and there. But I'm too chicken for that lol.
    OK, here is what you do. First girlfriend/you want to make this work. You know where her house is. Wrap yourself completely in Saran Wrap... Oops! Never mind, wrong advice.

    Why don't you buy her flowers and either have them delivered with a note asking for a date, or ring the doorbell and be standing there with said flowers and note?

    Is this her home? Would you be ringing the doorbell of her parent's house?

    I had a similar situation many years ago at community college. I asked this girl to have lunch with me the following day at the school. It sounded casual - we would just eat at one of the tables in the large cafeteria area or one of the concrete tables outside. No big deal, right?

    Well, I went home and cooked an entire meal, bought candles and candle holders and some kind of fancy water or something and a tablecloth. Brought all that crap up to school the next day - with plates, silverware, serving utensils and glasses - in a big cardboard box that I hid near the cafeteria.

    At lunchtime, we met and I told her "I brought us lunch" - then took her to an outside table where I had just moved the box and proceeded to set the table, light the candles and serve her a home-cooked meal. I think the school paper ran a picture of it.

    It was an awesome first date that I was proud of.

    The relationship ended in gut-wrenching pain, but that's beside the point.... ;)

    Take action. Do something. Leave a note with a single flower in her mailbox/locker/car windshield wiper.

    If I were you, I'd go to her meet Saturday and sit in the stands with a giant cardboard sign that asks her out on a date. Just sit there holding it up until she says yes or security escorts you out, whichever comes first.

    If you ask her out via text, every single person on MFP (even the ones that don't know anything about this thread) will be disappointed and sad and probably stuff those feelings by overeating. You don't want that, do you?
  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member
    Agreed!! If you can't do it in person shoot a text! Do not let to much time go by, trust me, I am a girl. She will start over analyzing about the fact that it has taken 3 days! A guy asked me out with a handwritten letter which was cool, if you know a way to get it to her it would be so cute!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    My schedule is clear it's her's that is conflicting. What would really be cool if I just went to her house pulled her outside and asked her out right then and there. But I'm too chicken for that lol.
    OK, here is what you do. First girlfriend/you want to make this work. You know where her house is. Wrap yourself completely in Saran Wrap... Oops! Never mind, wrong advice.

    Why don't you buy her flowers and either have them delivered with a note asking for a date, or ring the doorbell and be standing there with said flowers and note?

    Is this her home? Would you be ringing the doorbell of her parent's house?

    I had a similar situation many years ago at community college. I asked this girl to have lunch with me the following day at the school. It sounded casual - we would just eat at one of the tables in the large cafeteria area or one of the concrete tables outside. No big deal, right?

    Well, I went home and cooked an entire meal, bought candles and candle holders and some kind of fancy water or something and a tablecloth. Brought all that crap up to school the next day - with plates, silverware, serving utensils and glasses - in a big cardboard box that I hid near the cafeteria.

    At lunchtime, we met and I told her "I brought us lunch" - then took her to an outside table where I had just moved the box and proceeded to set the table, light the candles and serve her a home-cooked meal. I think the school paper ran a picture of it.

    It was an awesome first date that I was proud of.

    The relationship ended in gut-wrenching pain, but that's beside the point.... ;)

    Take action. Do something. Leave a note with a single flower in her mailbox/locker/car windshield wiper.

    If I were you, I'd go to her meet Saturday and sit in the stands with a giant cardboard sign that asks her out on a date. Just sit there holding it up until she says yes or security escorts you out, whichever comes first.

    If you ask her out via text, every single person on MFP (even the ones that don't know anything about this thread) will be disappointed and sad and probably stuff those feelings by overeating. You don't want that, do you?

    ^^ this guy, second time today i've said it, I always agree with this guy^^
  • RichGebs
    Wow I absolutely love what you said! That's such beautiful story about what you did for that girl. I think holding up the sign at the track event would bring the humor to it lol and it'd be cute. I was also messages today saying that I should dress up like a giant present and attack a note asking her to go out with me lol. She is 16 I am 17 going on 18 in 23 days. So she lives with her parents yet. But the texting thing Is sounding worse as the night goes on loll
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    It doesn't have to be a huge ordeal, just a gesture :) And I'm glad you're seeing that texting isn't the way to go!
  • RichGebs
    It doesn't have to be a huge ordeal, just a gesture :) And I'm glad you're seeing that texting isn't the way to go!

    Yeah I do see that. If I don't see her by a certain date, I may send her a hand written letter explaining "since we find trouble to meet up, this is how I'm asking you.". That sound ok? It's my first time ever doing this so cut me some slack lol.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Oh no, I don't mean that you're making a huge ordeal out of it...I just meant you don't have to go all out and do something extravagant to ask her out. I think it's sweet, I think that if you don't see her by this weekend, send her the letter...or you could even ask her if you could swing by her house some night this week? Just say it's for a few minutes and then just ask her out then. But yeah, send the letter if you haven't seen her by the end of the weekend! Good luck!