20 pounds by 2012 New Year's Challenge!!



  • NAME:Marie
    GOAL WEIGHT: 152
    FAVORITE EXERCISE: rowing, spinning, bootcamp but I hate burpees :)
    Trouble spot: stomach
    About myself: Well I'm on day 2 of MFP and so far so good. A chance to meet friends, get support, and a challenge I'm game!! My goal is 30 by 30 which will be in Feb, so this mini challenge will be perfect!!
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
  • NAME: Adri
    GOAL WEIGHT: 185
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: Riding my bike
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: I am an English teacher in South Korea and finding healthy good food can be hard sometimes.
  • This is my first challenge group. I'm excited to reach our goals together :-). Thanks for starting the group, Lauren!

    NAME: Lisa
    GOAL WEIGHT: 145
    FAVORITE EXERCISE: haven't found one yet...
    TROUBLE SPOT: my "flanks" and thighs
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Hi! I am originally from California but am living in NY now, working in the dental field (floss anyone?) I am hoping to break free from yo-yo dieting after all these years of fad dieting and/or starving myself only to gain back the weight plus a few. Time to take care of myself instead of damaging my body! Good luck to all!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    NAME: Amanda
    GOAL WEIGHT: 175
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: walking...
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    GOAL WEIGHT: 165
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: bicycle crunches
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach/waist
    Hi, I'm a mom to a very active 3 year old girl. I've been married twelve years. I decided I needed to loose weight to have more energy to keep up with my little girl..,I also want to be able to shop in what ever store I want and look good In most everything... I want to be happya and enjoy shopping again.. I'm over all healthy and want to stay that way...
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Oops I did a typo
    CW 195
    Goal weight 175
    Sorry thanks!!
  • I'm in!! I need all the support I can get.

    NAME: Johanna
    STARTING WEIGHT:188 (mfp starting weight: 195)
    1stGOAL WEIGHT: 170
    FAVORITE EXERICSE: honestly I haven't been , BUT I'm starting the 30 DS Monday
    TROUBLE SPOT: stomach
    TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: Im a cosmetologist living
    In Louisiana , which as most people know is the food state. We have weekend long festivals celebrating different foods, every thing good or bad that happens we get together cook
    And drink . So needless to say my culture is partially to blame in my weight. I'm looking forward to getting these extra pounds off so I can be more active.