Recommended calories/macros for sedentary?

Hello everyone. I have been doing MyFitnessPal for a while and I was wondering what are the recommended macros and calories for weight management for a 18 year old male. I am around 145lbs and my height is 5’11. It would be appreciated to know the right calories and macros to maintain to make sure I properly manage my health.



  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    You can set your activity level in mfp, and let that help calculate your calories.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,997 Member
    You're a healthy weight and still growing. Why overcomplicate it?

    Get some protein with your meals and snacks, and a variety of vegetables and fruits every day. Try to get some at least moderately intense exercise most days (but also have one or two rest days a week, especially if you're including one or more days of high-intensity workouts).
  • kdplazed123
    kdplazed123 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the comments, but am a little skeptical of MyFitnessPal calories tracker, it would be a appreciated if someone could recommend the right amounts of macros and calories that I need.
  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited September 2020
    Thank you for the comments, but am a little skeptical of MyFitnessPal calories tracker, it would be a appreciated if someone could recommend the right amounts of macros and calories that I need.

    If you are skeptical Google another calculator, or use mfp and adjust if you are not maintaining how you'd like. Some trial and error is sometimes required.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Thank you for the comments, but am a little skeptical of MyFitnessPal calories tracker, it would be a appreciated if someone could recommend the right amounts of macros and calories that I need.

    If you are skeptical of MFP for some reason, then maybe seek another forum to ask this question on. The vast majority of us use MFP to calculate it else we wouldn’t also be on the forum. 😊
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,623 Member
    Thank you for the comments, but am a little skeptical of MyFitnessPal calories tracker, it would be a appreciated if someone could recommend the right amounts of macros and calories that I need.

    MFP's or another calculator's estimate is just a starting point. They spit out an average amount for people who are similar to you with respect to a small number of data points like age, weight, height, etc.

    The calculator estimate will be close for most people, off a bit for some (high or low), and quite a way off for a few rare people . . . because that's the nature of statistical estimates.

    There is no way any random person on the internet will give you a better starting point than that. They will either give a rough rule of thumb with less science behind it than the calculators, or they'll give you a personal anecdote about themselves. Those are worse guides.

    Believe MFP to start, stick with it for a month to 6 weeks, then adjust based on what happens with your scale weight, using the assumption that 3500 calories = about one pound

    That will work. It worked for me, even though I'm one of the rare people for whom the estimates were quite wrong (too low).

    MFP's default macros aren't terrible for most people, either - a reasonable starting point. They're based on info from national/international nutrition authorities. If you like, you can fine tune from the defaults based on experience (what makes you personally feel full, energetic) or based on needs of your workout practices.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,997 Member
    Thank you for the comments, but am a little skeptical of MyFitnessPal calories tracker, it would be a appreciated if someone could recommend the right amounts of macros and calories that I need.

    You haven't told us what your goals are. Different amount of calories will be needed to gain, maintain, or lose. Since you're a healthy weight, there's no way for us to guess what it is you hope to accomplish.

    Have you had problems in the past maintaining a healthy weight? Do you have a reason for thinking you need to use a calorie tracker to maintain a healthy weight going forward?
  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    edited September 2020
    Recommended calories for what goal exactly? In order for specific macros to be that important you'd have to have very specific fitness goals, generally, at a fairly elite level. As your general schmoe on the street, as long as you are eating a varied and relatively "healthy" diet (so more real food, say, than processed stuff), then for general health, it doesn't matter overly much. If you are trying to gain weight, use the MFP recommendations to start, and adjust based on experience. If you are trying to maintain.....then do the same. Although you are awfully young, and a totally healthy/normal size, so really, I'm inclined to say just live you life and don't obsess over macros and calories unless you need to for some reason?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,046 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been doing MyFitnessPal for a while and I was wondering what are the recommended macros and calories for weight management for a 18 year old male. I am around 145lbs and my height is 5’11. It would be appreciated to know the right calories and macros to maintain to make sure I properly manage my health.


    What do you mean by ' a while' ??

    If you have been using MFP for,say, a month, what has your weight done in that time on the amount of calories you have been consuming?

    Use that as your guide for how many to continue on with.