STOP! (night time eating support)



  • kiiibbb112253
    kiiibbb112253 Posts: 67 Member
    ewestberg wrote: »
    I'm doing the same thing. I'm really good at tracking all day but by night time I'm snacking all night and can't stop!

    Whenever a craving comes, drink a full glass of water. It will reduce the cravings. Also think to yourself of how proud you will be when you go to sleep
  • lmw6796
    lmw6796 Posts: 11 Member
    I crave sweets at night..habit...I'm not hungry. ..tomorrow is my first attempt at this challenge...
  • mcc_lea
    mcc_lea Posts: 7 Member
    I am the same way!! What has been working for me lately is eating fewer calories throughout the day, and eating the majority of my calories for dinner. I also try to wake up earlier so that I won't be awake and bored late at night. Hope you're doing better with this!!
  • db58johnson
    db58johnson Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone. Keep up the support!!! That's why we r all here!!!! I notice that I push back really hard (read pout and feel majorly deprived like big baby) if I'm too strict re my eating. My story is long and boring but it's made food a bigger deal than it should be. If I'm too strict I just don't succeed, period. But that has nothing to do with making healthy choices and watching my calories. I'm still figuring it out. How can I be 46 and STILL be figuring this out?! Ugh!!!!! Regardless, i have had a really great three days and that's a lot better than having three really bad ones.
  • jbeth30
    jbeth30 Posts: 42 Member
    I have the same issue. I have had it for many years. Sometimes I can skip breakfast and managed to eat my calories at lunch and dinner and have those nice extra calories after dinner. Sometimes this doesn't work because I actually wake up and want breakfast. Sometimes I will just go to my room early. I have a television in there and I will watch TV or read a book in my room. It gets me away from the kitchen. My room is upstairs and away from the rest of the house. Sometimes it helps for me to actually ask myself if I am truly hungry. Sometimes I am and sometimes I am not. When I am not I just tried to white knuckle it through the cravings and it will go away eventually. It's really difficult however. Many times when I do my night eating I don't count the calories and then I get frustrated because I can't lose weight because of it. If I could figure this one thing out of the puzzle then I think I could have consistent WeightLoss instead of just a little bit here in a little bit there. With those things listed above I have found a few tools that work for me. I think everyone is different and what works for them. I think I'm going to start adding to eat lots of veggies at night to the list. Leaving that extra one to 200 cal at night to snack on a big bowl of carrots and cucumbers or something. I have heard people say this before and usually when I want to eat at night it's not veggies! I usually just want a big pizza or something sweet. Going against what we normally do however I think is key to actually changing the bad habit. It's never easy to change a bad habit but with time and patience it can be done.
  • bshrom11
    bshrom11 Posts: 25 Member
    I was a horrible night time eater and the only thing that stopped it was going to bed early.
  • Michie112g
    Michie112g Posts: 49 Member
    This is me !!! I stick to my meal plan, I get in all my steps and 30mins exercise then comes night time it all goes to crap !! Night time is really the only time I really get for me 9 to 10pm. All day I am surrounded by students, then come house to my 6 grader, 3rd grader, 18 month grandson and well let's say I have a big child for a husband. I attend to them and cook dinner get them showered and ready for bed. Then finally a little me time right before bed. By this time I am really not hungry it is just a habit of having something sweet or something warm.
  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    edited March 2017
    All points well made. I too have a jeckle and Hyde personality. All day I do great stashing away my calories and awaiting the sun
    to go down so I can gobble up my left over calories. T.V. goes on, and the snacks flow. Granted, I stay within the daily limits and have continued to lose weight according to my plan. But here is the problem as I see it and being that I have been thru this before I know it's true least for me.

    The habit of snacking non stop has not been broken, so when goal weight is achieved and I'm no longer counting the calories, the snacking becomes very dangerous as the calories are massively consumed and not accounted for.
    In my case I need to simply find a way to break the habit, or never go back to snacking other than a predetermined list of
    allowable snacks. I'm making my list, but I'm sorry I have a hard time saying yes to carrots and no to carrot cake.
  • EauRouge1
    EauRouge1 Posts: 265 Member
    I had a habit of snacking at night too. I took up knitting and that has helped a lot, I've got something keeping my hands busy while I watch TV (took me a while but I can knit without looking now!).
  • KatrinaJ8520
    KatrinaJ8520 Posts: 215 Member
    I have an addiction to cereal at night. Gotta stop.
  • sexyjacky
    sexyjacky Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I'm Jacky I have the same problem most of the day I eat well but I usually screw up at night because after I put my kid to bed I snack and eat sweets and crap :/ I'm also trying to stop eating late at night and need support and motivation as you said so add me if u like and we can help e/o out :-)
  • Jellybeanz44
    Jellybeanz44 Posts: 31 Member
    I do this as well and am meeting with a nutritionist to figure out a plan. My thinking is that it is not only an emotional compulsion but a nutrient deficiency as well. I feel good about this lady and look forward to having professional support.
  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    I do this as well and am meeting with a nutritionist to figure out a plan. My thinking is that it is not only an emotional compulsion but a nutrient deficiency as well. I feel good about this lady and look forward to having professional support.

    Keep us posted on what she has to say M
  • MamaMbbwait
    MamaMbbwait Posts: 3 Member
    Currently struggling with this problem. I am good all day and then night time comes around and im eating crackers, sandwhichs, chips, cottage cheese. I am not strong enough yet to stop, but instead am looking into lower calorie foods to snack on. Ive tried ritz with pickles and mustard, but the ritz are 100 calories for 6. I am going to look into calories per gram for pretzels and nuts and hopefully i can find bulky satisfying foods that will curb the cravings. I used to do pickle sandwhichs, they were alright. anyways, hang in there guys. this is a tough problem.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,626 Member
    I used to get the after dinner “hungries”. I made myself a nice cup of tea with a little honey, and that satisfied the need to snack after dinner. May work for you. Good luck.
  • gracegettingittogether
    I am good about not snacking at night, when I drink a cup of decaf tea, with milk and sugar, 60 calories for 11oz. It keeps my mouth occupied and is a little sweet but not too much. I can make it last pretty long while reading or watching something. Plus, I think the small amount of caffeine curbs my appetite. I’ve also been going on after supper walks, which then gives me more calories to use for snacks, if I want to.