I'm not even sure If I am going to be able to do this

But I'm on the app. I'm creating a meal plan. I want to do Keto and I want to lose a SHIIIT load of weight (256lbs). I know. I'm big, and I am ashamed of what I have become. I just want to get healthy and live a better quality of life. Perhaps I'll fail, but I want to be able to have the stamina to get right back to it after each failure. Hello Everyone. I'm Adrian. I want to start a change today.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    edited September 2020
    You'll find that there are others needing to lose as much as you and have the same goals. You'll be fine just get started and do what you can. For starters check out the thread "Morbidly obese and taking no prisoners". This guy will inspire you.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Hello Adrian! Is there a reason why you picked Keto? Can you picture yourself doing it forever? Reason I ask is because losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle isn't simply a temporary fix. You'll find most people here firmly believe in the CICO concept. Counting calories has been what's helped me the most over the long haul and MFP makes it easier for me. Enter your stats and goals, think about all the healthy foods you love and can include, and also indulgences because you don't want to feel resentful about going without foods you like.
    I've tried SO many different ways to lose weight all my life, looking for that magic answer while it was sitting right in front of me the whole time. :)
    Yes, you have a journey in front of you but you'll travel it with others who can help, support, and advise you the whole way. Get your mindset into the can-do place and take it one step at a time. BTW, people were forever telling me losing 1# a week was the way to go for better long term results. Me? I wanted it all gone NOW. It's taken me 45+ years to lose those 80# for good. Just think how much less time it would've taken me if I'd just listened to them back then. :blush:
    Good luck!! You CAN and WILL do this. :)
  • alyang1
    alyang1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Adrian! Don't doubt yourself, don't put yourself down. Believe in yourself, you can do it :smiley:
  • missjck2
    missjck2 Posts: 146 Member
    Hey Adrian! Your mere presence here and determination is a great start, take it one day at a time - you got this!