Sexy in Six **Closed Group!** Week 3 Chit-Chat



  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Here is Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    It's a toss-up between turbo jam and Biking. I am getting into running tho. Running is definately new for me as is most exercise since I was totally sedentary before I started. I don't have a routine other than I am doing a challenge now and my C25K on the off days for that I do whatever. :)
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    You bet your butt. People are nicer, it was easier to get a job, everyone is more talkative... It's a sad sad thing that our society is still so focused on outer appearances. I have lost friends tho as well simply because they aren't interested in being friends with a "skinny B!tch". Sad sad sad.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Sorry Im behind on the questions...been out of town

    Monday’s QoTD: Name your top pantry staples that you've added to your repertoire since starting your journey and how you most often use them. Please be specific.

    Breakfast - Eggs with Walmart premade Pico de gallo.
    Lunch - Veggies and a fish filet
    Dinner - LOTS of chicken

    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I have been using the challenges here on MFP and they have really pushed me. I have done all sorts of exercises I had never done before. I have been pushing myself to go further than ive ever been. I usually work out while my baby is napping

    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I havent experienced any difference yet
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I haven't really noticed much difference. There is a lot of support. With the exception of my one friend who told me I need to stop dieting and eat healthier. WTH did she think I was doing. Besides I think she is the last person I know to give anyone healthy eating advice. So anything that comes out her mouth in regards to healthy living I take with a grain of salt. Unless big macs and 12 hours of tv watching per day is healthy if and on that day I will take her advice. Most people I know though are very supportive, are motivating and very nice. I was never treated anyway by society but always carried my weight well. I do think society in general finds overweight/obese people lazy but I have never seen someone be treated like crap for it. It's not healthy to be overwr deight, it's not healthy to be under weight. At the end of the day the size we are thin or not is a direct reflection of how we live and what we do or do not do to remain that way. People make the conscious decision everyday to be the size they are (even if they are unhappy) so I really think no one is in the position to make someone else feel bad about themselves. After all it's not they're body, people need to just focus themselves. My mother always told me if people go out of their way to make someone else feel bad the problem isn't the other person but solely the one who is speaking. After growing and maturing she couldn't be more right. Now when I find myself getting a little catty I give myself a reality check and focus on me. I'm the only one I can change.
  • Magic_Girl
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I love working out on the arc trainers and elliptical trainers at the gym. I also like doing strength training with my boyfriend. I always ask him what kind of exercises I should do and if I'm doing them right (even when I already know how to do them:wink:). LOL! I just like having him teach me :blushing:

    Also, I want to start the Insanity DVDs because my brother has them and he already lost 18 pounds. He wants to lose 10 more pounds then focus on just strength training to maintain his weight and get stronger. I've been kind of a wuss and have been putting them off. SO I'm going to take it seriously and hopefully get great results like my brother! :bigsmile:
  • Magic_Girl
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    YES! When I was 30 pounds heavier no one really noticed me that much, I was pretty much invisible.:grumble: Growing up as a chubby kid I had a neighborhood "friend" that was really just a bully to me and made fun of the way I looked all the time and told me how me and my family were all fat, lazy people! :explode: Hehehe well guess who's the fatty now! :devil: (I'm sorry I shouldn't feel happy that my childhood bully is now fatter than me...) ANYWAY! 30 pounds lighter I had more attention (it was my senior year of high school) and more guys were noticing me..**correction**..more CREEPERS were noticing me!!! :sad: Two guys followed me home from the bus stop (one asked if he could come INSIDE the house when my parents weren't even home!), one guy I never met before followed me to class :noway: was just not the attention I was looking for UNTIL I met Santiago and we've been together for 2 years now! :love:

    As society goes I will just quote Fat *kitten* from Austin Powers: Goldmember..... "When you're an overweight child, in a society that demands perfection, your sense of right and wrong, fair and unfair will always be tragically skewed..."

    I think what he is saying is true and relates to what everyone is saying about this topic. Society continues to focus on the importance of appearances rather than health! It doesn't matter if she has to be put on medication for the rest of her life, look at her arm jiggle! Yes it's not good to be overweight, but it's also not good to punish people for being overweight by being mean and making fun of how they LOOK. And it is WRONG to not give someone a job because of their appearance and NOT because they lack experience! Society does not try to help overweight children become healthy adults, they teach them to hate themselves and hate the way they look, giving them a low self-esteem and low confidence in themselves. I read somewhere that overweight girls in high school were less likely to go to college because they feared they would be judged by their appearance. That just makes me sad.
    This was a great question to ask everyone.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    Because I'm tall, people have always commented on that, and then they just seem to see tall/big - so I haven't really noticed any difference. I'm celebrating losing one whole British stone right now, but only one person has actually noticed - oh my word, how massive must I be that a whole stone lighter, and it doesn't even seem to make a visible difference!

    With the way society values looks and appearance , it is definitely very hard to know what normal is anymore. I saw a woman carrying a bag with the following written on it:

    "There are 3 billion women who don't look like supermodels. And only 8 who do"

    We need to remember this - and focus on being healthy!!!!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I got more attention from guys when I was 130 than at 165. Since I've started losing weight, the only people who seem to have noticed are the hubby and my mom. The hubby doesn't treat me differently at all. My mom refers to my "skinny *kitten*" and gets annoyed when I talk about anything weight loss related. She lost 100 pounds and gained it back and hasn't been supportive of me at all. But people definitely treat overweight people as fat lazy slobs when that's not always the case......
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I experience dislike since I started running so much more so than losing weight.
    I think society is very cruel and unmature to obesity. It can be very difficult for some people and put downs is not the way to go. I hear rude comments to over weight people all the time :(
  • Soon2BMrsRamos
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I am seriously a zumba addict!!! I go to at least 3 1 hr classes a week.

    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    As I gained the weight my future in laws would constanly discuss it. I.E. are you exercising yet, you need to watch out your blood pressure is going to go up and then you'll end up with diabetes and a heart attack. Those kinda things. I have been steadily losing inches and not necessarily lbs and on Monday they saw me and for the first time ever they said wow you're looking good, losing some weight there. It was kind of bittersweet in the fact that they made rude comments previously.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    So far, most people don't notice my weight loss. That kinda bums me out. I mean, you'd think 20lbs would be noticeable. One of my colleagues knows I am losing weight, and since she's kinda doing it too, she talks to me a lot about it and that's kinda nice. One coworker saw me logging my calories and said "What are you doing?!" in that shocked, disbelief tone. Then I told her and she laughed and told somebody "look at her!". It obviously amused her. Kinda rude. I am generally quiet about my weight loss unless somebody asks.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I have lost about 70 lbs over the course of the past few years, starting at a size 18-20 now I am pushing a size 8 - HUGE difference in perception. But I try not to focus on it, because again it was previously noted that the biggest difference was how you treated yourself, and that is the biggest key right there. It started with a much different level of attention from the opposite sex which I have to admit was really pretty fun, but after that wears off, its just great to feel good about yourself and how you look.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I think people took me less serious when I was heavier. I noticed a marked difference and I do get noticed more in all areas of life. As a healthcare professional, I don't think our patients take us seriously when we talk about diet and exercise benefits if we ourselves are overweight. I think it sends a mixed message.

    I firmly believe that society treats "overweight" people as jokes. If you look at the mass media, who are the poster models for success . . . . . not obese persons. Especially in the corporate world.

    I also see a big difference in the way society responds to those who have lost weight from diet and exercise as opposed to those who have had a medical procedure to lose weight. I hear the difference in the vocal tones and see the change in facial expressions. Its truly amazing.
  • Honey1990
    well yeah people are treated differently when they are overweight. i myself find it very concerning to walk in to a nutritionist office and see the nutritioinist and their workers all larger. Something they are doing isnt right and i sure dont want to do it if thats what im going to look like.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I'm a little behind with questions!

    Tues (fave workout): before I got pregnant I used to love trail running, random hills on the elliptical, and weights/TRX. Now I'm totally out of shape but still haven't gotten back into an exercise routine. Lifting two 20lb babies, walking, and doing constant squats, deadlifts, etc. with them has been my functional workout lately! Right now my basement is being renovated, and we're putting a great gym in there--can't wait to use it again!

    Wed (people treating you differently): I think one of the reasons that I've stayed overweight much of my life has been that I feel like it makes me invisible. I don't like to attract attention, and I never know what to do with it. In the past when I've lost weight and gotten compliments, I've felt like a total fraud, like I'm still a fat girl in a thin girl's body. I have to reorganize some of my internal thoughts, obviously!

    I'm trekking around NYC with DH and my twin babies this week, which is why I'm a little quiet on MFP! Doing a lot of walking and a lot of guesstimating on the log. :)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Thursday QOTD: What are some roadblocks you face in your journey and how do you counteract those roadblocks?? for example: long shifts, over time, illness, weather, money, people, anything that steers you off your intended path.

    I have faced some really crazy roadblocks to my health and fitness journey, but no more so than the horrible feeling of NO TIME. I feel torn between my kids/studying/gym almost daily. I usually try and counteract this by jogging w/the kids in the jogger or taking them to the gym w/me (they love the child watch area) to lessen my guilt, but some days it just becomes overwhelming. I usually need someone else to verbally encourage me at that point. Of everything I have encountered, the no time dilemma is the worst one for me.

    Can't wait to read some of your responses!!!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Sakus32 posted her qotd, but for some reason it's not showing up. Not sure why. Sakus32, I didn't get a chance to copy the examples you gave or an answer if you listed one. Your profile only really showed the following:
    Thursday QOTD: What are some roadblocks you face in your journey and how do you counteract those roadblocks??

    One big road block for me is not having support. I have great women on here that encourage me, but not so much in my "real" life. My hubby is a little overweight too. He will eat a meal, then 30 minutes later is looking for more food. It's hard to watch him eat the foods (and portions) that I miss. I just have to begrudgingly turn my attention to something else. Usually I think about my weigh in, which is never more than a few days away.

    Other than that, there isn't much that stands in my way. I don't work long hours or have a stressful life, I have time to work out and the ability to eat under my calories. It's just DOING it. I guess that also makes my mind a roadblock sometimes. How to counteract that, well I guess that's something I work on daily...

    *****PS***** Don't forget, tomorrow is weigh in! You have all day to get them in. PLEASE get them in before Saturday! (I'll post the link on my page.) Thanks ladies!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Thursday? I'm off to bed now!!!! And I know our Singapore friend is already fast asleep...... Well , Good luck everyone for the weigh in - especially Team Purple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I thought this was a daily thing?? At least Monday-Friday. How are we a team exactly and here to motivate each other if people are checking in every 3-4 days. It nearing the end of Thursday EST and still no QOTD. I'll be off for the rest of the night. So perhaps it will be here in the morning.
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?
    I think my favorite exercise is weightlifting. I love seeing the progression of increasing weight and seeing the muscle definition. I have tried plenty of new things on this journey. For instance I got a HRM and now I am a lot happier to do things like run or Insanity or P90X because now I don't have to guesstimate my calories. I definitely follow a routine. I try to do cardio on Tuesday and Saturday and Sunday. I ride horses on Thursday. I lift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?
    I think people treat me differently. I'm not sure if that is really because I look that different or if it is because I see myself differently. I guess in some ways I still feel like the fat friend. But I'm coming around to the thought that guys might come over to the table to talk to me as well as my friends. This thought is easy to conquer because I have awesome and supportive friends.
    I think in general society thinks of overweight people as lazy and slobs. If someone has never been overweight than they do not know how hard it is to get back in shape. It's hard for people to find time once they have jobs and families and such. However I think that if you want something bad enough you will do whatever it is to get there. Therefore if you want to get skinny bad enough you will do what you have to to cut calories and lose weight.