I don't understand.. nothing is working :0(

I was thrilled the other week when I got down to 11st 10 but then my monthlies arrived and 6 lbs went on, they ended this week but the 6 lbs hasnt gone off and when I got on scales this morning I was still 12 stone (only lost 2lbs)

Why hasn't the other 4lbs of water come back off?

Also, I have some suit trousers which are a size 16 from some years ago but they are my favourites.. when I was 11st 10 I could get them up but not quite fasten them and my 18's were too tight.

yesterday my 20's were so baggy I can get them up and down without unfastening them, the 18's I can just get over butt and abdomen without unfastening.. and the 16's I could get in and fasten.. I felt sure I must have gone down to about 11st 7 as I couldn't fasten the 16's at 11st 10.

I was in tears this morning to find I had only gone down to 12 but how come I can get in the size 16 trousers when I couldn't at 11st 10 i don't understand?


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    It's not about the scale it's about the measurements....you may get smaller because you are building some muscle, which means the scale won't go anywhere because muscle is denser than fat.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    you could be losing inches. try not to stress over the number on the scale. stick with it!
  • The scale shows a number, but your clothes are telling you the true story. Enjoy the fact that you are smaller, no matter what the scale says.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    It's not about the scale it's about the measurements....you may get smaller because you are building some muscle, which means the scale won't go anywhere because muscle is denser than fat.

    Finally. Someone that does not say, "Muscle is heavier than fat.
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    What everyone is saying if right. Wouldn't you rather your clothes are loose= you LOOK like yo have lost weight i.e your size/shape has changed as opposed to the scale says you have lost weight but your clothes feel the same no inches lost= you LOOK NO DIFFERENT.
    TOTM seems to affect most women in the same way. Every month the scales say i put on 7lb!! and a week after im finished im back down to what i was before.
    Don't worry-honestly you seem to be doing the right thing as your inches are coming off

  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    you could be losing inches. try not to stress over the number on the scale. stick with it!

    I agree!
    I lost 18lbs in the first 3 months then for the last 2 months the scales have gone up and down and I've lost 5 more very slowly. But even when the scales don't show a loss my clothes do fit better, I can get into old stuff that wouldn't fasten, it is happening!
    Be patient, keep on doing what you are doing and it will happen for you too :smile:
  • I agree don't worry about the scales. Easier said than done though. I did a rigorous training excercise last winter as i was preparing to run the london marathon. I put on 6lb bit my trousers kept falling down. To this day i still cant shift the weight so someone suggested i start measuring my waist, bum and thigh. I have lost 8 inches over the past 6 weeks. But again put on 4lb.

    I absolutley understand how you feel, your working so hard and to not see the numbers on the scales change is absolutley devastating. Try measuring see how you get on. :)
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I'd rather see inches go than pounds to be honest. The fact you can now get into a pair of trousers you couldn't a few weeks ago means you've lost inches no matter what the scale says. That's why I take measurements and don't just weigh.
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    scales shmales ... inches are what matters! I can be having a 'skinny' day and can be really happy with myself, step on the scales and the whole world comes to an end! NSV's should never be ruined by scale failures! :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    NSV's should never be ruined by scale failures! :)

    That's an awesome quote!!
  • Robyn4444
    Robyn4444 Posts: 8 Member
    Forget the scales (especially once a month, just stay away from them!). Stick to your plan, track your food on MFP and let the fact that you are eating within a healthy calorie range give you the buzz you need to carry on.

    Good luck.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks... what are NSV's?

    I just didn't understand how 6lbs water went on but only 2 came off and I was taking water pills too. And as I seemed to have shrunk measurement wise I thought I must be lighter than I was just before my monthlies. so was a real disappointment.

    On body fat scales was a stone difference they said I was 11st 2 not 12st 2 and according to those body fat is going down and lean muscle and water is increasing from my first weigh on those (only had them since June).

    I know the numbers go up and down more on those but when I first got them I was getting weights between 12st and 12st 5 and now I'm getting weights between 10st 11 and 11st 4 on those, but the old scales still have me at around 12-12st 5.

    I tried light activity here too but its still giving 1200 calories and another site gave me 1690 at sedentary, which I have struggled to get up to.. think highest I've managed was 1,550 or there abouts. so still none the wiser as to how many I should be aiming for just at sedentary.
  • karebear32505
    karebear32505 Posts: 47 Member
    Non Scale Victories!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    oh rite! . lol!

    Well I have definitely lost inches I have been trying the size 16 trousers on everyday to make sure I can still get in them and I didn't dream that bit! .. the 20's are definitely really baggy in fact I now need belt so gone to the size 18's as I was getting fed up of having to constantly pull the others backup! I like my jeans baggy but it was getting ridiculous.. lol! :laugh:

    My weight was 12stone this morning. I had got some colon cleanse tablets yesterday and took one but seemed to get a mild allergic reaction this morning after they made me go to bathroom (just a rash and sensation of 'prickly heat' but was only on neck, it went after I took extra anti-histamines)

    But I daren't exercise in case pushing my heart rate up and sweating made the reaction worse so had to abandon the workout I had planned. As I have had severe anaphylactic shock before in the past.. although had no swelling I was still a bit wary!

    My lean muscle mass and waters numbers have gone up so maybe that's why weight hasn't changed much despite the inches lost. I've gone back to trying to lose from diet alone so don't put weight on from muscle. I'd really like to see the numbers go down to under 11 stone. I should be between 8 and half and 10 and half stone for my height, but have so many medical issues going on.. its been a real struggle trying to lose weight and keep it off! :sad:
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    You have muscle, bone, fat and water. Each one of these can increase and your fat can decress. I personally gained 1.2 lbs on the scale and found that my fat decreased while my muscle, bone and water increased because of my physical activities. I am very posative that you are experiencing the same thing. The next thing you need to do is clean up your eating. Get rid of the sugars and carbs. Eat most of your daily carbs ONLY when you are going to be moderately to very active. This will give you sustainable energy without fat storage.