Flat Tummy after C-Section?

Just wondering if anyone has had a C-section and was able to lose "The Pouch".. My stomach is not in horrible shape, but I have this tiny pouch that is stubborn!!! After 2 C-Sections- Please tell me I don't have to get a Tummy Tuck! Please post pics If you can!


  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I am wondering the same thing. I've had one c section and am currently working on losing a lot of weight. I'm a little concerned that the pouch may be here to stay as it is not shrinking nearly as fast as the rest of me despite concentrated effort to work on that area...
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    Girl, i'm wondering the same thing. I have had 1 c-section and that pouch is going to be the death of me. Once i reach my goal weight and after 2years if it's still there i am so having a mini tuck (maybe). I hate going under the knife. Actually maybe i won't LOL.

    Good Luck.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    Ladies, I've had 3 c-sections and definitally have the pouch...however I've noticed since my running started that it is going down slowly... very slowly but slowly... I am thinking that if I just have patience it will go away but I have to keep on working the cardio and abs... Keep up the faith and work your abs off :) Hugs
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    That's a good question I would like to know the answer too! I also had a kind of strange question does anyone who has had a c-section jump rope because it really hurts my incision area when I do. I had mine 5 months ago...
  • CatRodger
    I had 2 sections aswell, know idea how to lose the tum but thought id come say hey x
  • krstnmuir
    I've also had 2 c-sections. I'm not there anymore, but at one time I got down to my goal weight with 19% body fat. Even at that, although my tummy looked flat in clothes. naked I still had a little skin pouch that kind of stuck out over my scar :( and if I'm in a push up position the skin gathers and hangs a bit (gross I know). But what do you do, it's the price we pay for our kids, I had two natural and two c-sections, I'm scarred, stretch marked and stretched skin... but I wouldn't change a thing.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I've had a csection and a vbac 18 months after. The pouch is slowly going away and almost all gone now. I've been doing Insanity workout.
  • JYacoub_00
    JYacoub_00 Posts: 5 Member
    Ugh...I'm a 3 c-section person as well. And I noticed as I gained the weight, my pouch started to sag over the c. Very embarrassing, and bad for keeping the undies up. The problem with c-sections is there's sometimes muscle damage, at least that's what I heard. When I do my crunches as the gym, I also do bottom crunches, to where I lie my legs straight and lift them up with my bottom ab muscles. I did feel and see a bit of a difference with that.
  • npostma
    I had 3 c sections. After my first 2, I did weight watchers, lost 35 pounds and was a size 6! Where my tummy didn't look bad, there was some "layover" at my incision. It never went away. After my 3rd baby, it was really bad, of course, I had gained all my weight back. Never would I say this under normal circumstances, but I got lucky, I ended up with a hernia after the 3rd c-section and had to have surgery. The dr gave me a mini tummy tuck with that surgery (all for free :) ...I don't think it really goes away on it's own...
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have to keep changing my goal weight as it becomes apparent I will have to lose a hell of a lot of weight to make a difference to my stomach.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Thank god there are others with this problem.
    I've had 2 c sections (big babies) in the 80's and have never really lost the "mummy pouch" as my doctor calls it (bless him) :ohwell:
    As I've been loosing weight the "pouch" is still there along with the stretch marks. I was complaining to my doctor the other day and he told me it never really goes away but it will improve over time and then he told me he was proud of me for the weight I had already lost :bigsmile:
    I can tell you I walked out of there ten feet taller than I walked in :wink:
    All I can say is I'm not giving up, I am hesitant to think of a tummy tuck as I've heard some scary stories and seen the scars that never really go away either. So which is worse, the mummy pouch or the tuck scar?
    Until I decide I'll just keep doing exercises and see how I go.
  • ivansmomma
    Never had a c-section (should have, but that's another story), but had emergency surgery at age 18, then kidney transplant four years ago. Don't think my poor tummy will ever be flat, but I am thankful for the scars I have. As one of my t-shirts says "Scars are like tattoos, only with better stories".
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Keep going. Just keep working as hard as you can.

    I had 4 sections in 6 years. It's taken a LOT of work to do it, but I've gotten to the point where I just have a bumpy kind of area from the scar, but the pouch is all but gone. I had before/after pictures up in my profile for a while, but I can't post it here because I'm in my underwear LOL
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I have had two c-sections...I working on it!
  • npostma
    just to add, even if it never completely goes away, when you are thin and in a bikini, it still won't show. It will just be you who knows about it. You can hide it.

    Does anyone else have complete numbness all around? After 3 c-sections (and 4 other abdominal surgeries) I have about a 4x4 section of numbness...
  • Waalien
    Waalien Posts: 5 Member
    just to add, even if it never completely goes away, when you are thin and in a bikini, it still won't show. It will just be you who knows about it. You can hide it.

    Does anyone else have complete numbness all around? After 3 c-sections (and 4 other abdominal surgeries) I have about a 4x4 section of numbness...

    1 c-section, and yes, the area around the scar is numb (about 1/2 inch around it). But still itches. If that makes sense.
  • KarenLipana
    I just had 1 but you cant really tell anymore coz i lost the weight slowly and it somehow turned into muscle i guess. I dont have a 6pack but the pouch is not there anymore...just the scar.
  • alorick
    alorick Posts: 194
    Mine will never completely go away. I had two c-sections, and both of my kids turned my stomach into a road map. Stretch marks from the top of my rib cage, down to my pubic bone. I have that lovely flap as well. When I had my breast reduction 4 years ago, my surgeon said my stomach would shrink, but that flap wouldn't disappear without a tummy tuck. When I get to my goal weight, I will definitely have the surgery.