Triathlon training: Tips, Advice, Routines Needed!

Hey all,

Just setting out to tackle my first Triathlon early in 2021 in Europe and wanted to see if anyone on here has some advice, tips, tricks, and even training routines to share that worked for them.

I’ve done marathons and OCR races for years, but this will be my first time venturing into the tri arena.

Any advice and support is much appreciated!


  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome to triathlon. I've only done a few sprint races and I'm signed up for my first half Ironman, so I don't have a lot of expertise. My race was supposed to be June 2020, but Covid has postponed it until Sep 2021. I'm still new and am not sure I have a lot of tips to offer.

    While training, also work on your transitions as well and open water swim. Google Science of Triathlons; there's a website with lots of information. Before signing up for the half, I "tested the waters" by getting into a routine and seeing if I could commit, especially with getting to the pool early. If your goal is to do a half or full, start slowly building up the gear; no matter how many times people tell you it's expensive, it still ends up being a sticker shock.

    I'm always willing to talk Triathlon, but beware I still struggle with speed and heart rate, so some days you may hear my negativity wi TY myself.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    There is do much that could be said, I’m not sure what to include in a tiny post on my phone. I guess briefly it would be to get involved with a local tri group If possible. Check out local bike shops for group rides. You can check out Triathlon magazine online for tips. I think they have training plans. Check out USA Triathlon organization for helpful info. There are also some good Facebook groups. Above all, Work on you swim technique and definitely get some open water experience before your event. Good luck and have fun!
  • SwtHedgehog
    SwtHedgehog Posts: 175 Member
    Everything lorrpb said. If you're in a place with winter weather (I'm in WI), get an indoor trainer. I was lucky enough to find mine on Craigs list. My long bike days in winter turned into "me time" where I could also watch TV without getting the channel turned on me.

    If swimming is still relatively new, I highly recommend getting a swim analysis done.

    Find what works for you and be consistent.