Back after a bicycle accident

I'm back! After reaching my goals about a year ago, I got lazy about tracking my eating and exercising. Kept my goal weight until sometime in the first part of July. I had a horrible bicycle accident on Father's Day, was hospitalize for 5 days, and mostly bedridden for a month. The doctors attribute my recovery to the shape I was in before the accident. Doctors thought I wouldn't be walking until the end of October. Finally back to somewhat normal and got on a bike again for the first time today - a short easy 3 miler

Started tracking today and hope to be back at my target weight of 138 at 5ft 4in and 70 years old


  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,240 Member
    Welcome back ....Sorry about your accident ...glad you are back to somewhat normal :)
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    Welcome back and good luck on your continued recovery 😊
  • october_surprise
    october_surprise Posts: 6 Member
    I’m also coming back after an injury. So far, it’s been tough learning when to push and when to listen to the pain, but I’m trying to be smart and not reinjure while still making progress physically. Good luck to you in your journey!