Someone please help!

ambie1098 Posts: 16
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi! My name is Amber Mills and I am having a total weight loss crisis, and I need help, ANY advise will be much appreciated.

This is the problem:

I am 5' tall I weight 170 pounds, I would love to lose some weight, my goal would be to be around 120 pounds, which I don't think is totally impossible. The problem is my work hours.

I work from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. I try to eat a big breakfast everyday (usually a healthy cereal, like cheerios or quaker oatmeal squares) and then for work I usually eat a handful of nuts, or a serving of prunes or dates and sometimes a high fiber granola bar. So I don't really eat that unhealthy...

But I usually do not get to eat my dinner until 8:30, 9:00 at night, and then I go to bed around 11:00 and start all over. And I can not seem to lose any weight, I wonder is there is a better way to schedule out my food? By the way, my wonderful employers only allow 3 10 min breaks and a 15 minute lunch.....

And suggestions would be welcome!
thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • ambie1098
    ambie1098 Posts: 16
    Hi! My name is Amber Mills and I am having a total weight loss crisis, and I need help, ANY advise will be much appreciated.

    This is the problem:

    I am 5' tall I weight 170 pounds, I would love to lose some weight, my goal would be to be around 120 pounds, which I don't think is totally impossible. The problem is my work hours.

    I work from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. I try to eat a big breakfast everyday (usually a healthy cereal, like cheerios or quaker oatmeal squares) and then for work I usually eat a handful of nuts, or a serving of prunes or dates and sometimes a high fiber granola bar. So I don't really eat that unhealthy...

    But I usually do not get to eat my dinner until 8:30, 9:00 at night, and then I go to bed around 11:00 and start all over. And I can not seem to lose any weight, I wonder is there is a better way to schedule out my food? By the way, my wonderful employers only allow 3 10 min breaks and a 15 minute lunch.....

    And suggestions would be welcome!
    thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    It sounds like you need to eat more calories. How many are you consuming each day?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hi Amber...welcome:flowerforyou:
    Well those breaks might give you the perfect opportunity to switch over to 5-6 mini meals a day. Whatever cals MFP gives you daily you would simply break them up into 5-6 min meals. Doing a carb/protein combo really help keep you satisfied then a couple hours later you do another mini meal.

    You can eat them according to your workday scedule. examples could be an apple with cheese chunks, PB sandwich with milk, banana & PB, a serving of nuts and add in some raisins ...would something like this work for you Hon?:flowerforyou:

    Let us know if we can help you in any other way and we can always come up with ideas that might work for you:drinker:

  • expressbug
    expressbug Posts: 100
    Its sounds like to me your body is in starvation mode. You need to eat your daily allotted calories throughout the whole day.

    If you are eating a big breakfast and then not eating anything or very little throughout the day your body is most likely storing your breakfast because it knows that it will be starved for many hours. If you have 10 mins try

    apples, Banana, Pears, Grapes
    granola bars
    celery and peanut butter
    Quaker Morning Mini's
    Fiber Plus Bars

    Easy 15 Minute Lunch
    Lean Cuisene
    Canned Soup
    Left over dinner from night before

    Hope this helps
  • mickie
    mickie Posts: 183
    Add some eggs or whole grain toast with peanut butter to your breakfast. You then need to squeeze in a healthy lunch and another snack plus lots of water all before you go home to dinner. Make your dinner your lightest meal (besides your two snacks). Maybe have some broccoli and a chicken breast ready to heat up in the mircrowave (fresh, not boxed). If possible work-out before work. WOW, sounds like a lot, but you need to eat more!:happy:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Do you work out? Since you don't go to work until 10 then you could work out in the morning and you definitely don't sound like you are eating enough, I don't know what your having for dinner though. Try eating 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day, so eat on every break! WELCOME!

  • chooch12
    chooch12 Posts: 1
    Like most people are saying, eat more. Nuts are a great source of good fats and protein but remember if you are eating infrequently, your body decides to store it rather than burn it. In most situations, people often look to change what they eat and leave it there. What is your exercise program like? Do you train? What would be more convenient morning or night? Remember that your diet is the first step but one of a few. You have to add a balanced exercise routine into your life. Not just to lose weight but to build bones, increase energy, stamina, improve nervous, cardio-vascular and immunity system, Strengthen muscles (the same one's you will rely on when you're 80 years old) and most importantly in your case to increase your metabolism.
    Don't rely on diet alone to be the save all. Resistance training should be performed at least 3 times a week and no exceptions. Did you know that your lean muscle mass also dictates at what rate your metabolism burns calories? It really is a win/win. I personally work 10 hour days and that is why I choose to work out in the morning as much as it is a pain to wake up at 5:00 A.M I promise you will feel better through out the day physically and mentally (your body releases endorphines during and post exercise) meaning you feel great through out the day.
    There are other things people can do aside from diet and exercise. Have you ever taken a supplement or even tried a protein shake to supplement a meal? There are many brands out there that taste much better than what I started drinking 15 years ago when I started. There are natural diuretics on the market as well that will allow for blockage of fats as well as stimulate metabolic rate. If you look into it I'm sure you can come up with plenty of information. If you need more detailed information, feel free to pm me. Good Luck and most importantly work out, eat more and read as much as you can.
    Knowledge is power
  • ambie1098
    ambie1098 Posts: 16
    Thank you for all the helpful info!!! Things have been going better, not losing weight like the biggest loser contestants, LOL!!! But I've started the Jillian Michaels treadmill weight loss IFIT cards and have been making sure I get my required calories.. so far so good!!!!

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