What I eat now compared to then....

I'm getting so upset...I used to eat a whole stuffed crust pizza, and then top it off with 1/2 a gallon of milk and a box of cookies. I now eat very healthy, (check out my diary for proof)...how could I gain a million pounds a week, but now I'm only losing not even 2lbs. I am under what MFP tells me...I def burn way more then 7000 extra calories a week...do I need to lower my calories even more? I'm to the point where I just don't want to eat. I'm too overweight for me not to be losing more. I should be down at least 50 with the work I'm putting in, and just hit the 40lbs mark this week. When I started MFP I thought I wouldn't actually go through with it so I rounded down for my weight...that is why there is a 2 lbs difference on my ticker. I'm getting to the point where it is almost better for me to give money back to Pizza hut...at least some people can be successful at what they do!!! Biggest loser turns me down for 10 seasons, and now I'll be kicked out of the MFP Biggest loser because I didn't lose but 2 lbs. UGH :sad:


  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    You are starving yourself. You need to eat to lose.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    40 lbs is great! Don't give in, you have worked really hard and it's clearly been working!

    Maybe change you goals, so you eat a bit more and lose maybe 1 lb a week. It's not a race, you'll get there! :)
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't see the problem....you have lost 40 lbs. You are losing weight. you are losing 2 lbs per week. I don't care where you've started ... this isn't The Biggest Loser. This is losing weight in real life, and your numbers are going DOWN.

    Take a deep breath and refocus yourself. There is nothing wrong with what you're doing. Slow weight loss is healthy loss because it is easier to maintain. And it's not just a matter of weighing less ... but passing up all of that bad "food" for good stuff, you are getting so much healthier.

    Be proud of yourself. You are doing a great job, and you need to focus on your actual success instead of what you think you "should" be doing.


    Whoa. I just looked at your diary. Dear, you NEED to eat more. Your deficits are not healthy and your body is probably terrified.
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    Eat more! I promise you it will help you lose weight!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You lost 40 lbs? Awesome! Way to go! Do you realize how much that is? You lost my 5 year old! Please don't give up. Sometimes it will happen quickly, sometimes it goes a bit more slowly. Our bodies aren't mathematical machines and there is a bit more than strictly calories in vs. calories out. That is just the easiest for us to calculate. Keep up the awesome work.
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    IMO, you are leaving A LOT of calories left over. You may be putting your body in starvation mode and it's holding onto all the fat. Try hitting your calorie goal within a 100 or 200 for a week and see what happens.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I glanced at your diary and my suggestion would be to eat more calories and ditch all the processed foods, especially chips. You need to fuel your body with calories and nutrients, especially if you are exercising that much.

    Eat more fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, whole grains, fresh lean meats (not pkg deli meats), fish, etc.
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    Eat more. I'm not kidding. You need to eat all of your calories including most of your excercise calories. Nuts and things are good for extra cals. Make sure the extra things you are eating are healthy, but you need to eat. You are putting your body into starvation mode and it is holding onto everything you eat for dear life. Whenever I'm stuck in a rut, I don't eat less, I eat more, and it charges my body up for more weight loss. I know you probably think I'm crazy, but you may be new to this?? Eating is the key. Check through this website for tips and such...the most common is to eat more. It works! 40 lbs is amazing though and dont give up on yourself. And you'll probably be a lot happier once you realize you can eat more and lose more at the same time. It feels good to feel full and lose weight. I promise it works. Keep up the awesome hard work! Congrats!

    Hey-I just checked your diary. You are eating wayyyyyyy too little to even expect to lose anything. You have to eat. The weight that you lose how you have been losing is going to come back on instantly if you even step out of line. Lets do this for the long haul! Grab some more veggies, fruits, lean meats, and nuts. You will feel so much better!!!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Try to eat all your calories!!!! There's a reason they are there, also don'
    t get down it's not easy but we belive in you!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I glanced at your diary and my suggestion would be to eat more calories and ditch all the processed foods, especially chips. You need to fuel your body with calories and nutrients, especially if you are exercising that much.

    Eat more fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, whole grains, fresh lean meats (not pkg deli meats), fish, etc.

    Ditto this ... you need to eat more--just make sure it's healthy, real food and not packaged quick bites.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Deleting duplicate post.
  • macylane4
    IMO, you are leaving A LOT of calories left over. You may be putting your body in starvation mode and it's holding onto all the fat. Try hitting your calorie goal within a 100 or 200 for a week and see what happens.

    Maybe I'll increase to 1600 a day! I work out a lot, and sometimes forget to log that! I'm starting a bootcamp 2 times a week that burns 800 calories...I'll try and see if that makes a difference in my weight loss. I just don't want to fall off the wagon,,,I've been doing this now for too long to just stop...I would just like some results!!
  • martinh78
    You skip lunch a lot. I'd start by eating that and seeing if upping your calories a bit in that way kick starts things.

    Also, if you are burning 7000cals a week, I personally don't think that your diet looks like it's fuelling those workouts.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Oh I totally understand this!!! I do the exact same thing. I think about what I used to eat, and what I eat now, and I think either I can't believe I wasn't bigger, or HOW am I not losing more weight? It can be very discouraging.

    For me though, it's not ALL about the scale. It's about just being healthier and feeling better about myself. I'm only down 7 pounds, and I think I should be down at least 15 the way I've been eating and exercising. But I do FEEL better. And I think my body looks better.

    It takes 3,500 calories to burn one pound. You have to consume 3,500 calories to gain one pound. That's PAST what you've burned just from regular daily activity. I actually sat down and did the math for how many calories I consume now/burn now, and how many I consumed/burned in the past, and the weight gain/loss is actually accurate.

    Try not to focus too much on the scale, and focus on how you are healthier, more fit, and more active now. In two weeks, think about your exercise - is it a little easier? Do you get winded less quickly now? How do your pants feel? I make those my goals, and ignore the scale when I'm not happy with what it is telling me.
  • mpbl282
    My advice after looking at your diary would be to lower your carb intake and raise your protein intake, it really helps! Good Luck! :)
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    You are starving yourself. You need to eat to lose.

    i found when i started eating all my alloted base calories AND at least 1/2 of my exercise calories, consistently, my weight started dropping off faster.

    Edited to add:
    Speaking for my own personal experience (and i know this may be different for everyone):
    For sure i would suggest more vegetables. The more vegetables i have the better i feel, and the better my losses, When i find myself getting hungry more often i add more protein. The one last thing i could suggest would be watching your water intake. If i drink less than 12 glasses a day my loss slows down to a crawl.
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    Increasing your calories to 1600 sounds like a great idea, but its not about the number. You need to eat all of the calories that MFP suggests and most of your exercise calories as well. So if that means 2500 one day and 1600 the next, thats what that means. Dont restrict yourself to a certain number. Eat the calories that you are supposed to and then whatever you've burned as well. I know how hard it is to wrap your head around eating more when you're trying to lose weight, but you're doing exactly what I did when I started and I didnt understand why I wasnt losing weight. Then I got the same advice you're getting today and bam! 3 months = 30 lbs. It was amazing. I know you can do this! We all believe in you!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Your post said you joined in June 2011. And you've lost 40 lbs already??? That is NOTHING to complain about. Wish I could lose 40 lbs in three months, but I haven't, so I just have to keep plugging away at getting healthy bit by bit. It sounds like you're letting a TV show mess with you a little too much. For that show, as I understand it, they do nothing but exercise and follow a restricted diet for the time they're on the show. Is that what your life is like? Do you just work out all day long? I didn't think so. We are real people on this site in real situations and we have to learn how to manage our weight and lifestyles in the real world. Even if you never lost another pound... you are still better off than you were--in terms of weight, in terms of cardiovascular health, in terms of pretty much anything you want to compare. Going back to Pizza Hut and eating yourself into a heart attack isn't a legitimate option, so I would just put that out of your mind right now and start focusing more on your general health and less on a number or a TV show.
  • emj1978
    Forty pounds is nothing to sneeze at, that is actually a substantial amount of weight loss! That being said, I looked through your food diary and although mine is not something to model yourself by at this point, lol, it looks like you eat next to nothing and it's not very healthy what you're eating. Try replacing the salty chips with some type of nuts. There are alot of healthy trail mixes that have nuts and dried fruits that would satisfy the salt craving but pack more nutrients and up your calories. When I went on Weight Watchers before having my last 2 children, I ate more than I have ever eaten in my life as far as quantity of food but it was quality food so the calories were less than before and I lose a ton of weight almost effortlessly. Try to make your calories count and up them and I bet you'll see your weight loss increase again, although once you get closer to your goal the weight loss will slow down most likely...at least that's the way it has worked for me in the past. Good Luck and keep your head up, you are still losing and there's something to be said for that!
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    It looks like you started MFP in late June (I couldn't find any earlier entries)... If you have lost almost 40 pounds in less than 3 months that is a LOT! :bigsmile:

    It appears you eat WAY under your calories, and eat several processed foods that are easily replaced with healthy, yummy alternatives... although it seems counter intuitive, eating a bit more does help to lose weight, especially once you start losing and being able to exercise regularly... Think of a Porsche on a road trip from Florida to NY, but you only put in 10 gallons of gas... and low octane at that!!! You are gonna end up at the side of the road, hitching!!!

    Good Luck hon! This is a long row to hoe, but it is well worth it, especially at your age! Take it from someone "almost" old enough to be your parent!!! :wink: :laugh: I wish I had committed then, the way I have committed now, it would have been nice to do all the cool stuff with my kids when they were little but momma was too fat to fit on rides, to fat to run along while they learned to ride a bike, too fat to play a pickup game of football with 5 year old! Make the commitment to yourself... not just lose weight, but be healthy, exercise, enjoy this process... It is transformative and if you are not paying attention along the way, you may find yourself sliding back into old unhealthy habits later! (listen to the voice of experience here!)

    With Friendship and Warmth from Missouri!

    ~ Sonia