Anyone have issues with Fitbit and steps? (Taking AWAY calories?)

I've been having issues with Fitbit syncing automatically, finally found a work around. Then yesterday it was showing 8k steps, which gave me ZERO for my exercise?! So I added it as cardio like I've seen people have to do before, and it took away 104 calories.

There have been days where I have only managed 6k steps and still got over 100 for exercise.

I'm confused. 🤷


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    For your MFP settings:

    1. Are you set to sedentary?
    2. Do you allow negative adjustments?
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 443 Member
    Fitbit works out how many calories you have burned in the day, it shares this with MFP and then MFP adjusts based on the activity level you set in your profile.

    Steps doesn't always equal exercise. If you went swimming or biking you wouldn't necessarily have a high step count that day but you might have burned a lot more calories than if you'd done no specific exercise and just moved around the house/the office for 8k steps.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Are you logging exercise into MFP directly? Say you log that you walked 75 minutes and MFP awards calories for that, when Fitbit syncs it would result in a negative adjustment. Because Fitbit is also giving you calories for the walking, and you can't get counted twice for the same thing.